Stonefish Simulation

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Distributed MCM Simulation

with MOOS-IvP
David Battle

10th Aug 2022

What is
S4? of autonomous mine countermeasures.
S4 is a simulation system tailored to the

MINTACS user interface
Constructs a synthetic environment within UE4

The MINTACS mine warfare

tactical planning suite has been
interfaced to the UE4 game
engine to create a high-
performance simulation and
visualisation system. We call this S4.
S4 Simulator architecture
Full prototype
S4 Simulator architecture
Fast-data generation subset

UE4 only required to

initialise the environment
and can run headless or
be shutdown thereafter.
REMUS 100 running near the
Bluefin 9 in
AQS-24 towbody during a
Tow platform in sea
state 2
Use cases
1. Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) Training
2. Operational Mission Planning
3. Operational Mission Analytics
4. Mine Warfare Personnel Training
S4 These have now been broken down into four distinct modes of
• Mission-Mode (previously time-warp), in which platform dynamics are
Prototype: applied in an accelerated manner along a specific mission-track in a
selected region of interest.
Modes and use • REA-Mode experimental mode in which region of interest is evaluated
cases for the detectability of specific mine threats using a specific sonar.
• RMA-Mode Another experimental mode in which a particular vehicle
track is evaluated for the detectability of specific mine threats in a
specific environment.
• FastDataGen-Mode (previously ludicrous-mode), in which a
disembodied sonar teleports around without vehicle dynamics
to generate synthetic data for ATR training
Headline use case:
Data generation for synthetic ATR training
Target simulation
S4 can produce infinite amounts of synthetic sonar data!

Manta Rockan IHO Stonefish Buoyant

mine mine cube mine mine
Target simulation cont’d
Mine burial and accretion simulation
Target simulation cont’d
Real vs synthesized data
Synthetic sonar data
(Marine Sonics 900 kHz – one side)
Synthetic sonar data
(Sonardyne SOLSTICE 750 kHz – one side)
Fast data generation
The ATR training workhorse
Achieveme ●
Place any mine type on any


Add any clutter from the real
ATR Training world

Create any approach vector
Pipeline desired

Generate 10,000+ mine images
night (on a single 3090 GPU)

Operates independently of
ATR Training
Adding synthetic clutter to reduce false alarms
• The central thesis of this project was that
optimal ATR detection performance requires
training in virtual environments with statistics
as similar to reality as possible.
• As a corollary, the addition of clutter objects to
the training data which are rejected as targets
should then reduce the false alarm rate.
• In trials to date, we have seen false alarms
drop from over 300 in real mission data to
under 100 simply by adding schools of fish into
the simulated training data!
ATR Training Pipeline
cont’dexample with data augmentation (YoloV5s)
Synthetic data: 8221 Images:
4654 stonefish, 3034
2609 rockan, 1786
Synthetic + real data:
8221 Images + 654 with
154 MLOs
ATR Training Pipeline cont’d
ATR Challenge ROC Curves (Marine Sonics 900 kHz)

YoloV5 trained by S4 with ATR Challenge + Haar Cascade Detector trained with ATR Challenge
synthetic data 86.9% TPR with 4751 False Alarms data
70% with 3500 False alarms and 14,000 False alarms for 80% TPR
MOOS-IvP feature wish list
Things that might make life easier*

• Runtime warp control

• Better shutdown control
• Configurable message queue depth
• Services
• Name spaces
• Encryption and access control
• Config syntax highlighting
• MOOSDB reset

* Some of these suggestions were the result of a survey of our

programmers, some of whom have not been using MOOS for very
long. Some, however come from experienced MOOS practitioners.

• We have demonstrated a functioning prototype
of thesimulation
Conclusio system
• S4 is based on MOOS-IvP because of its small
codebase and limited dependencies, which
ns: simplified its integration into MINTACS
• In the course of demonstrating S4, we have
MOOS-IvP to the limit and it didn’t break!
• We have demonstrated that synthetic sonar data
can be used to train ML-based ATR systems
• The next version of S4 will be demonstrated at
later this year.

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