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Introduction to Sociology
Dr. Nadiya N Ali
Sept 23 2024
About Me:
◦ Name: Dr. Nadiya Ali
◦ Previously: York University/Suffolk University
◦ Research: Race, Racism and Racialization, Identity
and inclusion/exclusion
Introduction - What is Sociology?

• Sociology -> the study of

society in a systematic way.

• Societies are large-scale

human groups sharing
common social structure
and institutions.
Introduction, cont’d
- Social Structure refers to a pattern of
stable relations that emerge from
repeated social interaction among

Consequence of repeated
- Social Structures - organize and establish limits on
people’s behavior.
- Produce - the emergence of social roles, social
norms and expectations
So….What are Social Institutions?

Social Institutions
direct patterns of
relations towards
a defined human
Let’s bring it all together!

Social Institutions
1. Social Institutions organize and direct the
2. Social Structures social structures of a
3. Society particular society in a
manner aimed to
satisfy a particular
human need.
Three Core Foci of Sociology
• Most sociological research is done within
three primary areas of focus:
1. The study of social inequality
2. The role of social institutions in society
3. The study of social change
Social Inequality - Example

• Dominant
• Countercultures
• Subcultures
Doll Test/
Clark and Clark (1947).
Three Core Goals of Sociology
• There are three main goals of sociology:
1. To define general themes in everyday life
2. To critically determine what is familiar or
common sense in human societies and why it
is that way
3. To examine how individuals are shaped by
society and how, in turn, individuals shape
their society
Secularization Hypothesis
Critiquing Eurocentrism in
Sociology - Decolonial Lens
The Sociological Imagination

Charles Wright Mills

was an American
sociologist, and a
professor of sociology
at Columbia University
from 1946 until his
death in 1962
The Sociological Imagination

❖ Personal Troubles <> Public issues

EX: High Unemployment among a certain segment of
society —
A) The issue is something innate to that group (lazy,
cultural issues, capacity issues, intelligence...etc)
B) The issue is structural inequality, issues of

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