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The Great Indian

A critically endangered bird, native to

By krishna
Intro to the Great Indian Bird

The Majestic Bustard Great Indian Bustard's range.Great Indian Bustard's diet
The Great Indian Bustard is a This splendid bird lives in The Great Indian Bustard mainly
tall, elegant bird, vital to grasslands in India, especially eats insects, reptiles, and plants,
India's biodiversity. Rajasthan and Gujarat. Habitat helping maintain ecological
loss threatens its survival. balance in its habitat.

Bustard Nesting Details Saving the Bustard Great Indian Bustard's role
The Great Indian Bustard Efforts to save the Great Indian The Great Indian Bustard
breeds from June to September Bustard include habitat symbolizes strength in culture
with males courting females. restoration, awareness and highlights India's
campaigns, and protective biodiversity, urging preservation
laws. for ecology.
Ecosystems and Distribution

1 Ecosystems support life. 2 Animal and Plant Traits

Diverse habitats sustain various species and aid Species adapt globally,
conservation efforts. affecting behavior and
survival traits.

3 Climate's habitat shift 4 Habbitat Preservation

Climate change shifts habitats, Conservation aims to protect
forcing species to migrate. habitats through legislation and

5 Humans harm ecosystems 6 Protected Areas for Biodiversity

Human actions threaten Protected areas conserve
ecosystems; we must adopt biodiversity and support wildlife
sustainability. safety.
Traits of the body and form

Unique Traits of Human HealthGenetics and appearance BMI and Health Risks
Human traits like height, weight, Genetics shapes traits like hair BMI helps categorize weight
and skin color shape identity and eye color. Variations across classes and assess health risks,
and health. populations highlight diversity, but it should be paired with
impacting healthcare and other metrics for accuracy.
utrition and exercise shape us. Body Image Views Aging affects body shape.
Nutrition and exercise shape Cultural backgrounds greatly Aging causes changes like
fitness, muscle tone, and health influence body image ideals, reduced skin elasticity,
strategies effectively. affecting self-esteem and thinning hair, and shifts in body
mental health. Promoting body composition, impacting health
positivity is essential. and mobility.
Eating Habits and Diet

Nutrition's role in animal behavior Herbivore Feeding Tactics

Nutrition impacts animal 1 2 Herbivores have unique
behavior, health, and social feeding strategies to
interactions. process plants.

Hunting and social eats Flexible Eating Habits

Carnivores use varied hunting 3 4 Omnivores adapt by eating varied
strategies based on their prey. foods, thriving in diverse habitats.

Diet Changes by Season How Humans Affect Feeding

Seasonal changes shape animal
diets, migration, and foraging.
5 6 Human actions harm animal diets
and survival, threatening
Reproduction and Breeding

Animal Breeding Basics Genetics in Animal Breeding

Animal breeding selects
1 2 Genetics guides breeding for
mates for desired traits, desirable traits and healthy
emphasizing ethics. offspring.

Farm Animal Breeding Value of AI methods

Farm animal breeding success
depends on nutrition, health, and 3. 4 AI enhances breeding by
improving genetics without
care. moving animals.

Gestation & Breeding Care Sustainable Animal Breeding

Knowing gestation periods aids in
better breeding management. 5. 6 Sustainable breeding boosts
efficiency and reduces ecological
Status of Conservation Efforts

Conservation Status Insights Assessing Species Status Biodiversity and Conservation

Conservation status Habitat loss, climate change, Biodiversity shows life forms in
indicators assess species pollution, and over-exploitation habitats. Monitoring its
health, guiding actions to threaten species. changes is vital for ecosystem
protect ecosystems. Understanding these helps in health and sustainable
conservation efforts. conservation.
Conservation's role in policyConservation boosts species.Awareness in Conservation
Conservation status shapes Habitat restoration and legal Raising public awareness is vital
policies, funding, habitat protections boost species for conservation, engaging
protection, and restoration recovery. communities in protecting
efforts. Monitoring aids in endangered species and wildlife.
assessing success and
guides future strategies.
Challenges to Existence

Climate Change Hurts Nature Pollution harms habitats.

Climate change threatens 1 2 Plastic and chemical pollution
ecosystems, species, and harms wildlife and ecosystems.

Oceans' Fish Are Dwindling Forest Destruction

Overfishing harms fish populations 3. 4 Deforestation harms wildlife
and marine ecosystems, risking and worsens climate change
lives. effects.

Invasive Species Harm Urban Spread Impact

Invasive species threaten natives, 5. 6 Human activity harms
disrupt ecosystems, and need ecosystems; we must protect
control. wildlife habitats.
Conservation Initiatives

Biodiversity keeps ecosystems thriving. Local Projects for Nature

Biodiversity is key for 1. 2 Community engagement boosts
ecosystem balance and conservation success and
future resilience. sustainability.

Tech aids wildlife care. Global conservation issues

Tech aids wildlife conservation 3. 4 Conservation efforts struggle
with tracking and analytics. with habitat loss and climate

Educating for conservation Conservation Success Tales

Education fosters 5. 6 Conservation success stories
conservation awareness inspire hope and showcase
and inspires action. progress.
Importance of Culture

Culture shapes values. Heritage shapes identity. Global Cultures Unite

Traditions, art, and storytelling Cultural heritage shapes In a globalized world,
shape societal values and community identity, preserving intercultural engagement
identity, uniting communities. history, fostering belonging, and fosters understanding, empathy,
boosting pride and resilience. and cooperation, enriching
human experiences.
Cultural Identity in Art Cultural Bonds: Rituals Immigration shapes culture
Art and literature reflect Rituals unite communities, Immigration reshapes cultures
cultural values and strengthen cultural bonds, and with new languages and
struggles, enriching diverse create lasting memories while traditions, enriching society but
identities. passing down important also posing challenges to
traditions. harmony.
The Great Indian Bustard's fate

Population Decline Restoring habitats and land Conservation's Recovery Impact

The Great Indian Bustard's Restoring grassland habitats is Conservation programs for the
numbers have plummeted to vital for the Great Indian Great Indian Bustard focus on
under 150 due to habitat loss. Bustard. Key strategies include breeding, habitat care, and
managing land, reducing community support to boost its
encroachment, and restoring population.
Tech in Bustard Care Community in ConservationConservation Support Plans
Technology like GPS and Involving local communities in Strong policies and government
drones improves monitoring conservation is crucial for the actions are vital to protect the
and conservation of Great Great Indian Bustard, ensuring Great Indian Bustard's habitat
Indian Bustards. sustainable practices for all. and ensure its conservation.
Thanks For
By Krishna

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