A critically endangered bird, native to
By krishna
Intro to the Great Indian Bird
The Majestic Bustard Great Indian Bustard's range.Great Indian Bustard's diet
The Great Indian Bustard is a This splendid bird lives in The Great Indian Bustard mainly
tall, elegant bird, vital to grasslands in India, especially eats insects, reptiles, and plants,
India's biodiversity. Rajasthan and Gujarat. Habitat helping maintain ecological
loss threatens its survival. balance in its habitat.
Bustard Nesting Details Saving the Bustard Great Indian Bustard's role
The Great Indian Bustard Efforts to save the Great Indian The Great Indian Bustard
breeds from June to September Bustard include habitat symbolizes strength in culture
with males courting females. restoration, awareness and highlights India's
campaigns, and protective biodiversity, urging preservation
laws. for ecology.
Ecosystems and Distribution
Unique Traits of Human HealthGenetics and appearance BMI and Health Risks
Human traits like height, weight, Genetics shapes traits like hair BMI helps categorize weight
and skin color shape identity and eye color. Variations across classes and assess health risks,
and health. populations highlight diversity, but it should be paired with
impacting healthcare and other metrics for accuracy.
utrition and exercise shape us. Body Image Views Aging affects body shape.
Nutrition and exercise shape Cultural backgrounds greatly Aging causes changes like
fitness, muscle tone, and health influence body image ideals, reduced skin elasticity,
strategies effectively. affecting self-esteem and thinning hair, and shifts in body
mental health. Promoting body composition, impacting health
positivity is essential. and mobility.
Eating Habits and Diet