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CSE 634

Data Mining Techniques

Presentation on Neural

Jalal Mahmud ( 105241140)

Hyung-Yeon, Gu(104985928)

Course Teacher : Prof. Anita Wasilewska

State University of New York at Stony Brook

 Data Mining Concept and Techniques (Chapter 7.5)

[Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber/Morgan Kaufman
 Professor Anita Wasilewska’s lecture note
 Xin Yao Evolving Artificial Neural Networks
 Basics of Neural Network

 Advanced Features of Neural Network

 Applications I-II

 Summary
Basics of Neural Network
 What is a Neural Network
 Neural Network Classifier
 Data Normalization
 Neuron and bias of a neuron
 Single Layer Feed Forward
 Limitation
 Multi Layer Feed Forward
 Back propagation
Neural Networks
What is a Neural Network?
•Biologically motivated approach to
machine learning

Similarity with biological network

Fundamental processing elements of a neural network
is a neuron
1.Receives inputs from other source
2.Combines them in someway
3.Performs a generally nonlinear operation on the
4.Outputs the final result
Similarity with Biological Network

• Fundamental processing element of a

neural network is a neuron
• A human brain has 100 billion neurons
• An ant brain has 250,000 neurons
the basis of learning and memory
Neural Network

 Neural Network is a set of connected

connection has a WEIGHT associated with it.

 Neural Network learning is also called

CONNECTIONIST learning due to the connections
between units.

 It is a case of SUPERVISED, INDUCTIVE or

Neural Network
 Neural Network learns by adjusting the
weights so as to be able to correctly classify
the training data and hence, after testing
phase, to classify unknown data.

 Neural Network needs long time for training.

 Neural Network has a high tolerance to noisy

and incomplete data
Neural Network Classifier
 Input: Classification data
It contains classification attribute
 Data is divided, as in any classification problem.
[Training data and Testing data]

 All data must be normalized.

(i.e. all values of attributes in the database are changed to
contain values in the internal [0,1] or[-1,1])
Neural Network can work with data in the range of (0,1) or (-1,1)

 Two basic normalization techniques

[1] Max-Min normalization
[2] Decimal Scaling normalization
Data Normalization
[1] Max- Min normalization formula is as follows:

v  min A
v'  ( new _ max A  new _ min A)  new _ min A
max A  min A

[minA, maxA , the minimun and maximum values of the attribute A

max-min normalization maps a value v of A to v’ in the range
{new_minA, new_maxA} ]
Example of Max-Min
Max- Min normalization formula
v  min A
v'  ( new _ max A  new _ min A)  new _ min A
max A  min A
Example: We want to normalize data to range of the interval [0,1].
We put: new_max A= 1, new_minA =0.

Say, max A was 100 and min A was 20 ( That means maximum and
minimum values for the attribute ).

Now, if v = 40 ( If for this particular pattern , attribute value is 40 ), v’

will be calculated as , v’ = (40-20) x (1-0) / (100-20) + 0
=> v’ = 20 x 1/80
=> v’ = 0.4
Decimal Scaling Normalization
[2]Decimal Scaling Normalization

Normalization by decimal scaling normalizes by moving the decimal point of values of attribute A.

v'  j
Here j is the smallest integer such that max|v’|<1.

Example :

A – values range from -986 to 917. Max |v| = 986.

v = -986 normalize to v’ = -986/1000 = -0.986

One Neuron as a
 Here x1 and x2 are normalized attribute value of data.

 y is the output of the neuron , i.e the class label.

 x1 and x2 values multiplied by weight values w1 and w2 are input to the neuron x.

 Value of x1 is multiplied by a weight w1 and values of x2 is multiplied by a weight w2.

 Given that

• w1 = 0.5 and w2 = 0.5

• Say value of x1 is 0.3 and value of x2 is 0.8,

• So, weighted sum is :

• sum= w1 x x1 + w2 x x2 = 0.5 x 0.3 + 0.5 x 0.8 = 0.55

One Neuron as a Network

• The neuron receives the weighted sum as input and calculates the
output as a function of input as follows :

• y = f(x) , where f(x) is defined as

• f(x) = 0 { when x< 0.5 }

• f(x) = 1 { when x >= 0.5 }

• For our example, x ( weighted sum ) is 0.55, so y = 1 ,

• That means corresponding input attribute values are classified in class 1.

• If for another input values , x = 0.45 , then f(x) = 0,

• so we could conclude that input values are classified to class 0.

Bias of a Neuron

 We need the bias value to be added to the weighted

sum ∑wixi so that we can transform it from the origin.
v = ∑wixi + b, here b is the bias

x1-x2= -1
x2 x1-x2=0

x1-x2= 1

Bias as extra input
x0 = +1
x1 W1
  ( )
Attributex2 w2 Output
values   Summing function
xm wm
v w x
j 0
j j

w0 b
Neuron with Activation
 The neuron is the basic information processing unit of a
NN. It consists of:

1 A set of links, describing the neuron inputs, with

weights W1, W2, …, Wm

2. An adder function (linear combiner) for computing the

weighted sum ofmthe inputs (real numbers):
u  wjxj
j 1

3 Activation function : for limiting the amplitude of the

neuron output.
y  (u  b)
Why We Need Multi Layer ?

 Linear Separable:

x y x y
 Linear inseparable:

 Solution?
x y
A Multilayer Feed-Forward Neural
Output Class
Output nodes
w jk
Hidden nodes

wij - weights

Input nodes
Network is fully connected
Input Record : xi
Neural Network Learning

 The inputs are fed simultaneously into the

input layer.

 The weighted outputs of these units are fed

into hidden layer.

 The weighted outputs of the last hidden layer

are inputs to units making up the output layer.
A Multilayer Feed Forward Network

 The units in the hidden layers and output layer are

sometimes referred to as neurodes, due to their
symbolic biological basis, or as output units.

 A network containing two hidden layers is called a

three-layer neural network, and so on.

 The network is feed-forward in that none of the

weights cycles back to an input unit or to an output
unit of a previous layer.
A Multilayered Feed – Forward Network
 INPUT: records without class attribute with
normalized attributes values.

 INPUT VECTOR: X = { x1, x2, …. xn}

where n is the number of (non class) attributes.

 INPUT LAYER – there are as many nodes as non-

class attributes i.e. as the length of the input vector.

 HIDDEN LAYER – the number of nodes in the

hidden layer and the number of hidden layers
depends on implementation.
A Multilayered Feed–Forward
 OUTPUT LAYER – corresponds to the class attribute.
 There are as many nodes as classes (values of the
class attribute).

Ok k= 1, 2,.. #classes
• Network is fully connected, i.e. each unit provides input
to each unit in the next forward layer.
Classification by Back propagation

 Back Propagation learns by iteratively

processing a set of training data (samples).

 For each sample, weights are modified to

minimize the error between network’s
classification and actual classification.
Steps in Back propagation
 STEP ONE: initialize the weights and biases.

 The weights in the network are initialized to

random numbers from the interval [-1,1].

 Each unit has a BIAS associated with it

 The biases are similarly initialized to random

numbers from the interval [-1,1].

 STEP TWO: feed the training sample.

Steps in Back propagation Algorithm
( cont..)
 STEP THREE: Propagate the inputs forward;
we compute the net input and output of each
unit in the hidden and output layers.

 STEP FOUR: back propagate the error.

 STEP FIVE: update weights and biases to

reflect the propagated errors.

 STEP SIX: terminating conditions.

Propagation through Hidden
Layer ( One Node )
- Bias j
x0 w0j
x1 w1j
 f
output y
xn wnj

Input weight weighted Activation

vector x vector sum function
 The inputs to unit j are outputs from the previous layer. These are
multiplied by their corresponding weights in order to form a
weighted sum, which is added to the bias associated with unit j.
 A nonlinear activation function f is applied to the net input .
Propagate the inputs forward
 For unit j in the input layer, its output is equal to its
input, that is,
O j I j
for input unit j.
• The net input to each unit in the hidden and output
layers is computed as follows.
•Given a unit j in a hidden or output layer, the net input is
I j  wij Oi   j

where wij is the weight of the connection from unit i in the previous layer to
unit j; Oi is the output of unit I from the previous layer;

j is the bias of the unit

Propagate the inputs forward

 Each unit in the hidden and output layers takes its net input
and then applies an activation function. The function
symbolizes the activation of the neuron represented by the
unit. It is also called a logistic, sigmoid, or squashing
 Given a net input Ij to unit j, then
Oj = f(Ij),
the output of unit j, is computed as
Oj  I
1 e j
Back propagate the error
 When reaching the Output layer, the error is
computed and propagated backwards.
 For a unit k in the output layer the error is
• computed by a formula:
Errk Ok (1  Ok )(Tk  Ok )
Where O k – actual output of unit k ( computed by activation
function. 1
Ok 
1  e Ik

Tk – True output based of known class label; classification of

training sample

Ok(1-Ok) – is a Derivative ( rate of change ) of activation function.

Back propagate the error
 The error is propagated backwards by updating weights
and biases to reflect the error of the network classification .
 For a unit j in the hidden layer the error is computed by a

Err j O j (1  O j ) Errk w jk
• k

where wjk is the weight of the connection from unit j to unit

k in the next higher layer, and Errk is the error of unit k.
Update weights and biases
 Weights are updated by the following equations, where l is a constant between 0.0
and 1.0 reflecting the learning rate, this learning rate is fixed for implementation.

wij (l ) ErrjOi

wij wij  wij

• Biases are updated by the following equations

 j ( l ) Errj

 j  j   j
Update weights and biases
 We are updating weights and biases after the
presentation of each sample.
 This is called case updating.

 Epoch --- One iteration through the training set is called an


 Epoch updating ------------

 Alternatively, the weight and bias increments could be
accumulated in variables and the weights and biases
updated after all of the samples of the training set have
been presented.

 Case updating is more accurate

Terminating Conditions
 Training stops

• All wij in the previous epoch are below some

threshold, or
•The percentage of samples misclassified in the previous
epoch is below some threshold, or

• a pre specified number of epochs has expired.

• In practice, several hundreds of thousands of epochs may

be required before the weights will converge.
Backpropagation Formulas

Output vector
Errk Ok (1  Ok )(Tk  Ok )
Output nodes
1 Err j O j (1  O j ) Errk w jk
Oj  I k
1 e j
Hidden nodes

I j  wij Oi   j wij  j  j  (l) Err j

wij wij  (l ) Err j Oi
Input nodes

Input vector: xi
Example of Back propagation
Input = 3, Hidden
Neuron = 2 Output =1

Initialize weights :

Random Numbers
from -1.0 to 1.0

Initial Input and weight

x1 x2 x3 w14 w15 w24 w25 w34 w35 w46 w56

1 0 1 0.2 -0.3 0.4 0.1 -0.5 0.2 -0.3 -0.2

Example ( cont.. )

 Bias added to Hidden

 + Output nodes
 Initialize Bias
 Random Values from
 -1.0 to 1.0

 Bias ( Random )

θ4 θ5 θ6

-0.4 0.2 0.1

Net Input and Output Calculation

Unitj Net Input Ij Output Oj

4 0.2 + 0 + 0.5 -0.4 = -0.7 1

Oj  = 0.332
1  e0.7
5 -0.3 + 0 + 0.2 + 0.2 =0.1 1
Oj  = 0.525
1  e  0.1
6 (-0.3)0.332-(0.2)
(0.525)+0.1= -0.105 1
Oj  = 0.475
1  e0.105
Calculation of Error at Each Node

Unit j Error j
6 0.475(1-0.475)(1-0.475) =0.1311
We assume T 6 = 1

5 0.525 x (1- 0.525)x 0.1311x

(-0.2) = 0.0065
4 0.332 x (1-0.332) x 0.1311 x
(-0.3) = -0.0087
Calculation of weights and Bias Updating
Learning Rate l =0.9

Weight New Values

w46 -0.3 + 0.9(0.1311)(0.332) = -
w56 -0.2 + (0.9)(0.1311)(0.525) = -
w14 0.2 + 0.9(-0.0087)(1) = 0.192

w15 -0.3 + (0.9)(-0.0065)(1) = -0.306

……..similarly ………similarly
θ6 0.1 +(0.9)(0.1311)=0.218

……..similarly ………similarly
Advanced Features of Neural Network

 Training with Subsets

 Modular Neural Network

 Evolution of Neural Network

Variants of Neural Networks Learning
 Supervised learning/Classification

• Control
• Function approximation
• Associative memory

 Unsupervised learning or Clustering

Training with Subsets
 Select subsets of data
 Build new classifier on subset

 Aggregate with previous classifiers

 Compare error after adding classifier

 Repeat as long as error decreases

Training with subsets
NN 1

NN 2
The Split the
Whole into subsets
that can fit Subset
Datas NN 3
into memory 3
et .
NN n

A Single
Modular Neural Network

 Modular Neural Network

• Made up of a combination of several neural


The idea is to reduce the load for each neural

network as opposed to trying to solve the
problem on a single neural network.
Evolving Network Architectures

 Small networks without a hidden layer can’t

solve problems such as XOR, that are not
linearly separable.

• Large networks can easily overfit a problem

to match the training data, limiting their
ability to generalize a problem set.
Constructive vs Destructive Algorithm
 Constructive algorithms take a minimal
network and build up new layers nodes and
connections during training.

 Destructivealgorithms take a maximal

network and prunes unnecessary layers
nodes and connections during training.
Training Process of the MLP

 The training will be continued until the RMS is



Local Minimum
Local Minimum
Global Minimum

W (N dimensional)
Faster Convergence

 Back prop requires many epochs to converge

 Some ideas to overcome this
• Stochastic learning

• Update weights after each training example

• Momentum

• Add fraction of previous update to current update

• Faster convergence
 Handwritten Digit Recognition
 Face recognition

 Time series prediction

 Process identification

 Process control

 Optical character recognition


 Forecasting/Market Prediction: finance and banking

 Manufacturing: quality control, fault diagnosis

 Medicine: analysis of electrocardiogram data, RNA & DNA

sequencing, drug development without animal testing

 Control: process, robotics

 We presented mainly the followings-------

 Basic building block of Artificial Neural Network.

 Construction , working and limitation of single layer neural

network (Single Layer Neural Network).

 Back propagation algorithm for multi layer feed forward NN.

 Some Advanced Features like training with subsets, Quicker

convergence, Modular Neural Network, Evolution of NN.

 Application of Neural Network.


 ANNs perform well, generally better with larger number of

hidden units

 More hidden units generally produce lower error

 Determining network topology is difficult

 Choosing single learning rate impossible

 Difficult to reduce training time by altering the network

topology or learning parameters

 NN(Subset) often produce better results

Question ???
 Questions and Comments are welcome…


 Have a great Day !

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