Lung Cancer Detection

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Submitted to :- Submitted by:-
Gagnesh kumar Harit Yadav (17MI418)
(Assistant professor) Divyanshu Bhaik (17MI446)
This project has seen contributions from various individuals. It has been an honor to work under our guide, Dr Aman Kumar,
Assistant Professor,Department of Electronics and Communication,NIT Hamirpur. We are extremely thankful to him for his
support and mentorship throughout the project. This project would not have had better supervisors than him.

We would also like to thank Dr. Aman Kumar for giving us an opportunity to work under their guidance and blessing.

Lastly, we would like to thank my family and friends for their kind support. I feel grateful to Lord Almighty who has
showered His graces upon me during this period.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Visualization of Dataset
3. Watershed Algorithm
4. Proposed Model
5. Transfer Learning : VGG16-Net
6. Conclusion and Results
7. Future work
8. Reference
Lung cancer is one of the deadliest cancers worldwide. However, the early detection of lung cancer significantly improves
survival rate. Cancerous (malignant) and noncancerous (benign) pulmonary nodules are the small growths of cells inside the
lung. Detection of malignant lung nodules at an early stage is necessary for the crucial prognosis.
Early-stage cancerous lung nodules are very much similar to non-cancerous nodules and need a differential diagnosis on the
basis of slight morphological changes, locations, and clinical biomarkers. The challenging task is to measure the probability of
malignancy for the early cancerous lung nodules. Various diagnostic procedures are used by physicians, in connection, for the
early diagnosis of malignant lung nodules, such as clinical settings, computed tomography (CT) scan analysis (morphological
assessment), positron emission tomography (PET) (metabolic assessments), and needle prick biopsy analysis

For the input layer, lung nodule CT images are used and are collected for various steps of the project. The source of the
dataset is the LUNA16 dataset .

The LUNA16 dataset is a subset of LIDC-IDRI dataset, in which the heterogeneous scans are filtered by different criteria.
Since pulmonary nodules can be very small, a thin slice should be chosen. Therefore scans with a slice thickness greater than
2.5 mm were discarded.

Visualization of dataset is an important part of training , it gives better understanding of dataset. But CT scan images are hard
to visualize for a normal pc or any window browser. Therefore we use the pydicom library to solve this problem. The
Pydicom library gives an image array and metadata information stored in CT images like patient’s name,patient’s id, patient’s
birth date,image position , image number , doctor’s name , doctor’s birth date etc.
(fig 3.Small sample of Metadata contain in a single dicom

The watershed is a classical algorithm used for segmentation, that is, for separating different objects in an image.

Starting from user-defined markers, the watershed algorithm treats pixels values as a local topography (elevation). The
algorithm floods basins from the markers until basins attributed to different markers meet on watershed lines. In many cases,
markers are chosen as local minima of the image, from which basins are flooded.

First , we extract internal and external markers from CT scan images with the help of binary dilations and add them with a
complete dark image using watershed methods. And it removes external noise from the image and gives a watershed marker
of lungs and cancer cells. As we can see in the below figure watershed marker removes external noise and applies a binary
mask on the image , black pixels in lungs represent cancer cells.
(fig 4 . different markers extracted from CT scan image using watershed algorithm and fig 5. Image segmentation process visualization)
In fig 4 we have shown the segmented image using watershed algorithm.
For better segmentation we integrate sobel filter with watershed algorithms .It removes the external layer of lungs. After
removing the outer layer we use the internal marker and the Outline that was just created to generate the lung-filter using
bitwise_or operations of numpy. It also removes the heart from CT scan images. Next step is to close off the lung filter with
morphological operations and morphological gradients. It provides better segmented lungs than the previous process. We
can see this process in the figure above in fig 5.
The proposed model is a convolutional neural network approach based on lung segmentation on CT scan images. At first we
preprocess the dataset of luna16. After preprocessing, the next step is to make lung segmentation with a watershed algorithm.
Watershed algorithm highlights the lung part and makes binary masks for lungs using semantic segmentation approach.
We tried three different models of Convolutional Neural Networks, which are based on the comparative study of performance
of each type model in different dataset and for different classification problems.
Our first model “Sequential_1” is the basic simple approach of using the convolution layers, flatten fully connected layers,
max pooling and dropout in the middle layers, which performs significantly well on the number classification problem.
Summary of model is given below:
Our second model “Sequential_2” is the Deep Convolutional Neural Network with Max Pooling and Fully connected layers in
the end. This model with specified number of elements and layers performed best in many research papers with different
Summary of model is given below:
Our third and the last model approach was to use transfer learning on VGG-16 with some changes in the last three layers
which are fully connected. This model gives appreciable results in object classification.
Summary of model is given below:
Important Information regarding the training model:
After making successful binary lung segmented masks, we train models on segmented lungs with a batch size of 32 for image
data generator and using 100 images in each epoch for 30 epochs with exception of 500 images in each epoch for VGG-16.
We are training images with the shape of (512,512,1) for the first two models and the shape of (512,512,3) for VGG-16. For a
better result data augmentation is used to train models on different augmentation like shear range , zoom range , horizontal
flip , rotation range , centre shift etc. For the end layer we used a single node for binary classification as we want to classify
between cancer and non- cancer lungs.
Also we used the callbacks from tensorflow keras to save the best accuracy model so that we can run a complete 50 epoch
training session to plot the comparison graphs.

VGG Net is the name of a pre-trained convolutional neural network (CNN) invented by Simonyan and Zisserman from Visual
Geometry Group (VGG) at University of Oxford in 2014 and it was able to be the 1st runner-up of the ILSVRC (ImageNet
Large Scale Visual Recognition Competition) 2014 in the classification task. VGG Net has been trained on ImageNet
ILSVRC dataset which includes images of 1000 classes split into three sets of 1.3 million training images, 100,000 testing
images and 50,000 validation images. The model obtained 92.7% test accuracy in ImageNet. VGG Net has been successful in
many real world applications such as estimating the heart rate based on the body motion, and pavement distress detection
VGG Net has learned to extract the features (feature extractor) that can distinguish the objects and is used to classify unseen
objects. VGG was invented with the purpose of enhancing classification accuracy by increasing the depth of the CNNs. VGG
16 and VGG 19, having 16 and 19 weight layers, respectively, have been used for object recognition. VGG Net takes input of
224×224 RGB images and passes them through a stack of convolutional layers with the fixed filter size of 3×3 and the stride
of 1. There are five max pooling filters embedded between convolutional layers in order to down-sample the input
representation (image, hidden-layer output matrix, etc.). The stack of convolutional layers are followed by 3 fully connected
layers, having 4096, 4096 and 1000 channels, respectively. The last layer is a soft-max layer . Below figure shows VGG
network structure.
But in our approach we have images with the shape of (512,512) . so we build our own model using vgg16-net architecture.
And compile the model with a powerful adam optimizer , learning rate is 0.0001 , entropy is binary_crossentropy and
accuracy metrics. The below figure shows model summary , convolution layers, max-pooling layers and params.
After training Lung cancer dataset on proposed models, we make a graph of accuracy and loss with respect to
epochs. And a tabular comparison between proposed models on basis of accuracy and loss.

Index Models Training Training Validation Validation

accuracy loss accuracy loss

1. Sequential-1 90.77% 0.2242 81.19% 712.0875

2. Sequential_2 98.53% 0.0442 93.07% 74.5244

3. VGG_16 99.84% 0.0046 88.00% 28.2614

(Table 1, Tabular Comparison of proposed models)

1. Sequential_1

( Fig 11, accuracy and loss graph of model sequential_1)

2. Sequential_2

( Fig 12, accuracy and loss graph of model sequential_2)

3. VGG_16

( Fig 13, accuracy and loss graph of model VGG_16)

From the Results shown adobe in graphs and the comparison table we can conclude the following things:
1. The Sequential_1 model is performing the worst overall and even getting over trained without reaching the satisfactory
amount of validation accuracy though the validation loss is least but this is a classification problem so it focuses more
on accuracy.
2. Sequential_2 and VGG_16 are performing good when training the model and reaching appreciable levels of test
accuracy and test loss but in validation Sequential is performing better in terms of accuracy as compared to VGG_16
but loss is less in VGG_16.
3. The poor performance of transfer learning can be due to 2 main reasons, which are less amount of training data in one
epoch due to limited amount of resources and time and bad data input to the VGG_16. Both the topics are discussed in
the Challenges Section.
Tabular comparison of the best accuracy model with some other models from from other research papers for binary
Index Model Accuracy

1. Sequential_2 (best model from 93.07%


2. Deep Residual Network 93.25%

Link to paper

3. ACO_SVM 93.2%
Link to paper

4. ACO_ANN 98.40%
Link to paper

( Table 2. Tabular comparison of proposed model with previous models )

NOTE: Accuracy compared in table is Validation Accuracy.


From the study done above we came to the conclusions that the model is not working as accepted with the given dataset.

So, in order to increase the accuracy more efficient data-preprocessing techniques are to be implemented now after and before
the image segmentation process which will mainly focus on efficient division of data into cancerous and non-cancerous
classes and making the dataset compatible to be processed with computer vision library of python otherwise implementing
the algorithms on the dataset from self defined functions.

Also a new data processing, training and classification pipeline is to be proposed which will help the models to predict the
data more accurately.

Current Suggestions includes the use of some other transfer learning models from imagenet in keras including the one
proposed above and implementation of Feature Extraction Algorithms like BRISK and SIFT from Computer Vision Library
and also integrating the ML training methods.
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