Cement Technology - New Avenues

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Upcoming Developments & Opportunities

Building Material Segments

- Strategic approach with Growth Mind Set

...Pranav Desai

The New Psychology of Success….. By CAROL DWECK

• Liquid Additives for Cement & Concrete – Carbon Blockers , Alkali
Activators (Niche Products)

• Powder Products – Dry plasters, Dry Concrete , Micro Concrete ,

High Value Products
Patents – Filed 8 , Received 2

Water Resistant Cement : NUVOCO VISTAS CORP. LTD., an Indian Organization, having its
address at Equinox Business Park, Tower-3, East Wing, 4th floor, Off
Bandra-Kurla Complex, LBS Marg, Kurla (West), Mumbai 400070,
Maharashtra, India


DESAI PRANAV, having its address at Nuvoco Vistas Corp. Ltd.,

Fiber Cement Composite : Construction Development & Innovation Center ,Unit No. 13,
Compartment No. 42, Marol Co-operative Industrial Estate, Marol,
Andheri (East), Mumbai-400059, Maharashtra;
Carbon Blockers
Activating or increasing use of Coarse Ash/ Pond Ash usage in Concrete/Cement


Higher LOI for fly ash is an indicator of large quantity of unburnt carbon in it.
Unburnt carbon has an affinity towards the entrained air in concrete. The unburnt carbon
absorbs the entrained air which in turn compromises workability and leads to cracking.

Solution Mechanism
Surfactant should be introduced within concrete which will preferentially interact with the
unburnt carbon.
These surfactants will form a film over the unburnt carbon and prevent the absorption of
entrained air in concrete.
Thus this helps in offering consistent / required degree of entrained air, improved
workability, retention and reduced cracking. Can be dosed at 0.2-0.5 % by weight of fly ash.

Fly Ash

Unburned Carbon

Unburned carbon, impurity in fly ash, is a very porous

particle which sucks air-entraining agent.
What is Carbon Blocker ?
• Carbon Blocker is surfactant which can preferentially interact with unburned
carbon in fly ash and prevents AE agent from being consumed by unburned
AE agent Carbon Blocker

• (a) UB: Unburned Carbon (b)

• Carbon Blocker enables AE-agent to deliver consistent entrained air with fly
• Carbon Blocker is in liquid, which can be used as a stand-alone additive or
can be pre-mixed with PCE polymer as well as non PCE polymers such as
NFS, ligno. The recommended dosage of Carbon Blocker is FA×0.06% ~

6 0.12
• Need high concentration
5 5.5
0.10 of air-entraining agent
4.7 0.08 for poor quality FA.
3 0.06

2 0.04

1 0.02
• Difficult to deliver
0.001 0.014
No FA High Quality FA Low Quality FA
0.00 consistent air
concentration and
requires laborious
air control.
6 0.12 6 0.12
5 5.5 0.10 5

4 4.7 0.08 4
4.2 4.2 4.2 4.3 0.06
3 0.06 3
2 0.04 2
0.001 0.003 0.003
1 0.02 1
0.001 0.014 0.00
0 0.00 0 -0.02
No FA High Quality FA Low Quality FA No FA High Quality FA Low Quality FA

(a) without carbon blocker (b) with carbon blocker

Air concentration, %

Without Carbon Blocker

With Carbon Blocker

Δ6 Δ3

Poorer FA quality (Methylenee Blue Absorption, mg/g) →

Admixture dosage AE agent dosage Carbon Blocker dosage

Without CB B X 0.8 % B X 0.016% 0

With CB B X 0.8 % B X 0.008% FA X 0.3%
Unit weight (kg/m3)
Total cost
Admix- AE Carbon
ture agent Blocker
165 359 0 797 982 3.59 0.65 0 Std
No FA & Carbon Blocker
165 251 108 783 964 3.59 0.22 0.32 - 15.2%
FA & Carbon Blocker

Total cost
Admix- AE Carbon
ture agent Blocker
Carbon Blocker
Concrete Mix Cost - 15.5 % + 0.3 % - 15.2 %
Vs Reference

Cost increase from Carbon Blocker can be offset with Fly Ash.
Alkali Activators for Green Constructions
Construction Industry in India : Market Overview & Demand Drivers
The Indian construction industry contributes to ~ 8% to the GDP and is expected grow at a CAGR of ~16 % . Cement production
in India ended apox. 380 MnT / Yr , but emitting highest man made CO2 apox. 0.8-0.9 tn of CO2 /tonn of Cement , one of the highest polluting
construction material on earth, also cement grade Lime Stone reserve is depleting YoY (@ 22 yrs ) in India.

Geopolymers are emerging as an alternative environmentally eco friendly construction material using Industrial wastes & Alkali
activators with an aim to reduce CO2 emission by apox 60-80% .
Asia-Pacific dominates the geopolymer market, in 2021 , held the largest share upto 38%, owing to construction and infrastructure projects in the
region driven by the rapid urbanization and industrialization in India.

Healthy investments on back of key policies such as Make in

India, Capital Goods,Smart City demands growth of Green Higher Invest @ 9.8 lacs Cr. In Roads &
Spaces with carbon points benefiting higher FSA / Subsidies Highway corridors by Govt. of India to
Rapid Urbanization : With drive growth of office spaces – Potential Growth demands accelerate Growth Wheel
increase in Urban population more Precast Elements & Green construction
at 36% rate expecting higher Also higher spends on Rapid Road
growth in Green Buildings repairs & maintenance is prime focus
Segments (Latest trend) Industrial / Commercial @ 2800 Cr spend / year -- can be potential
Driver for Geopolymer indutry.
• Govt thrust on 100+ Smart 5 – 7%

Cities & Multinational Real

Estate developer demands

• Ref. IBM Yr 22 policy of Govt.,
Green Construction in India

9 – 11 %
Construction abundant availability of alternate
4-5 %

• Green Building concept is Industry Growth pozzolanic materials like LD Slag

gaining importance in Yr 21-22 (19BnT), LF Slag, Pond Ash, Bed Ash ,
housing sector with (To reach 1.4 Coarse Ash , Over Burden LS powder in
sustainable & energy Trillion $ by 2025) addition to FA (230MnT/yr) & GGBFS
efficient construction using (27MnT/yr) ……Potential Growth spread
more green products. for Geopolymer binders
Geopolymer demand driver in India
- Blended Cement Mfg : FA & Slag based 50% / cement prod 340 MTPA , with 35-60% SCMs i.e.
Focused Segments FA & Slag consumption Avg 50% , 75 MTPA, as per NCCBM research Replacing 10% with Low
reactive/Alied FA/Slag (Pond Ash & LD, EAF, ACBF slag), Geoprime Potential 7.5 MTPA * 0.2-
0.5%~ 15K-40K T.P.A
Drivers : Cement Mfg Companies , Dry products in Blending

- RMC Mfg. : Top 10 RMX mfg. 10-15 MnM3/month with concrete grade M10-M80, use 25-40%
SCMs with 10-15% low grade SCMs using Geoprime solution 0.5-2% of cement ( ~ 300 Kg.m3
cement ) ~ Geoprime Potential 4-5 Kg/m3
Cement & Concrete Drivers : Ready Mix Concret Manufactureres, Large Contractors

- PQC concrete : Mkts Size ~ 30MnM3 , Replace 40-50% Cement (300-340 Kg/m3)
using SCMs incl replacement of 25% Low garde SMCs i.e. Pons ash, LgLS, LD slags etc
using Geoprime System. 15-20 % Margin potential

Drivers : Specification at Govt Org. i.e. NHAI, IRC, MoST , Road Contractors
Infra & Govt
projects Infra Projecs –Precast
Geopolymer Applications : HumePipe, Kerb Stones, Side Drains (U & Box type), Road Dividers
Segments Mkt Size ~ 100000 to 150000 m3/month
Drivers : Specifications at Govt Org i.e. State & Local Govt , Pipe manufacturer , Govt Contractors with
cost-Benefit visibility resulting to Cost reduction vs Std Grade Concrete M30-M35 and lower using
Geoprime Solution replacing Cement %.
Industry – Pre
Cast Precast Mfg.:
AAC blocks (205 bn INR by 2025)~ Industry Size ~ 12-15 MnM3, replacing cement/cementitious using
Geoprime Solution with Cost-Benefit analysis
Paver Blocks ~ 10 MnM3 M30-M60 Grade Concrete used, Geoprime Solution can replace Cement by
100%, cost saving can be 3-5% using GGBFS, FA, Allied Slags etc.
Drivers : Direct Sale to Block Manufacturers with Technical-Trials, C&B working replacing cements /
Green Initiatives

Value Added Products – High Margin Segments @ 30-40% , Size >10K-15K tn/month
-Floor Screed/ Fillers , Dry Concrete & Plaster (> 3k-5K tn/month) replacing 100 % cement
Potential : > 1MnT.P.A ~ 2000 Cr/Anum - micro concrete , tile fillers & Tile Grouts with 100% replacement
Wall Putty ( Annual Production 3.5 MnT/annum)- replacing White Cement--- low grade Dolomite
Powder Products : Dry Plaster | Dry Concrete | Micro Concrete
RMP- Market Size
Values KT/Y

Delhi potential

potential 120KT/Y

Identified 3P production partners

Name Location
Capacity (KT/M)
For Mumbai
Constrochem-Mumbai 5
Costrobond-Mumbai Sanghli 2
Mumbai & Pune Kaneria-Surat Surat 20
potential 600KT/Y Ashtech-Mumbai Vapi 21
approx.400Km from For Eastern Market
mauf. location Aqua proof Raipur 6
Hyderabad & Bangalore
Ashtech 6
Promax India Pvt Ltd Kolar 10
Bengaluru potential Delhi
180KT/Y Aquaproof Alwar TBE

Ashtech Hyderabad TBE

Need Gap Analysis: Challenges in conventional plastering system

 Contractors and builders are shifting to alternate

material e.g Gypsum for internal plastering
Availability of Plaster sand
 Premix bag mortar for external plastering

Quality control at site

Storage of sand


Skilled Labour
Sieving of sand

 Avg distributors price is 135/40Kg +Transportation Rs34-39/Bag in

Space for manual mixing
Mumbai +GST (@18% or @ 28%)
Dry Plaster : Potential 1200 KT/anum ~
Waterpro Internal
For 15 story residential building of 1.84 LSFT build-up area
R.C.C, ofing &
Sub &
super Internal Walls: 5.6 LSFT
build (Approx, 1000 CuM for 15mm thick.)
Ceiling: 1.3LSFT
(Approx, 75 CuM for 6mm thick.)

External Walls: 1.2LSFT

(Approx, 340 CuM for 20mm thick.)

Ceiling External Wall

16% 15%

Approx, time %

R.C.C, Sub & Masonry &

super Waterproofin
Structure g
Metros (Mumbai, Delhi etc..)
46% 32% internal plastering converting
Plastering, from Cement to Gypsum
Internal, Ext& Internal Wall

Mfg Unit
-Gold plast installed production capacity is 2.5 KT/M, at Godhra
500K.M from Mumbai.

-Locally sourcing river sand having stock of more than 20KT.

-Semi automatic plant having 1 production line for “RMP”.

-In the same plant they blending the cement for local brand “Star

Sand screening at one stage <2.36mm, not using any

Sand storage mechanical drier

RMP manufacturing process-

1-Sand stock, Screening & Drying-
Weighing cells to Shifting the mix thru Mixing in
measure the qty of vertical bucket horizontal mixer,
cement & sand not adding any
Dry Cement Plaster- Cost & Market shares
Ultratech Wall Plast ACC Areocon Gold AshTech Others Total
Bangalore 50 40 40 50 180
Mumbai 60 60 80 40 30 45 80 135 530
Pune 10 20 10 10 10 10 10 80
Chennai 40 30 30 100
Delhi 30 20 25 100 175
Chatisghar 25 10 10 45

Hyderabad 40 20 20 10 30 120

Total 255 200 150 85 40 45 90 365 1230

Cost to
Cost to retailer
Cities (Including
Freight) (40Kg
Freight (40Kg
Mumbai 250-270 270-290
Bangalore 290-310 310-330
Hyderabad 300-320 320-350
Pune 330-350 350-370
Chennai 270-290 290-310
Delhi 300-310 320-330
Chatisghar 330 350
Dry Concrete
Pre mix dry bag concrete- Over view
Most of the post casting application (Raft, Beam, Column & Slab) concrete requires in small quantity at site.
IHB & Building repair also requires small quantities of concrete.

Building Constr.
-W.C fitting IHB/Repairing
-Gap filling in shear walls. -Counter casting.
Counter casting. -Beam & column repair
Etc….. Etc….

Arranging raw material e.g Sand, Aggregates are

always a challenge
Conventional Site Mixing Vs Dry premix bag concrete
-Residential & Commercial, Industrial & Infrastructure
Member Material Cost (Rs/m³) Dry mix concrete cost
(Min supply 1 brass)

Column Starter Cement- Rs, 325/Bag Sand - Rs3200 Aggregate Concrete cost= Rs, 270/Bag Cost=
Size-1MX0.75MX0.1M RS 1700 + transportation (Approx.15%) Rs 563/Col No. of bags required 4No. Rs1080/Col
=0.075m³ Mix Cost ; 7500

Cement- Rs, 325/Bag Sand - Rs3200 Aggregate Rs, 270/Bag

RS 1700 + transportation (Approx.15%) No. of bags required 10 No.
RCC Loft/ Platforms Size 0.9 x 2.0 Mix Cost ; 7500 Concrete cost= Cost=
x 0.1 = 0.18 m³ Rs 1350/- Rs2700

Parapet wall Size - 1.0 x 1.0 x Cement- Rs, 325/Bag Sand - Rs3200 Aggregate Concrete cost= Rs, 270/Bag Cost=
0.075M = 0.75 m³ RS 1700 + transportation (Approx.15%) RS 5625/- No. of bags required 41 No. Rs 11070/-
Mix Cost ; 7500

Machine foundation Size - 1.0 x 1.0 x Cement- Rs, 325/Bag Sand - Rs3200 Aggregate Concrete cost= Rs, 270/Bag Cost=
0.2M = 0.2 m³ RS 1700 + transportation (Approx.15%) RS 1500/- No. of bags required 11 No. Rs 2970/-
Mix Cost ; 7500

Flooring Size - 1.0 x 1.0 x 0.15M = Cement- Rs, 325/Bag Sand - Rs3200 Aggregate Concrete cost= Rs, 270/Bag Cost=
0.15 m³ RS 1700 + transportation (Approx.15%) RS 1125/- No. of bags required 08 No. Rs 2160/-
Mix Cost ; 7500
Dry mix bag concrete- Over view
• Sand, Aggregates Solution
• Site batching.
Dry Premix
• Material shifting
• Pre Concrete in Bag concrete
• Small qty requirement
• Workable life for RMC Dry/ Wet


Packaging 40Kg, 25Kg
Grade M25, M30, M35 & M40
Special Features P.P.Fibers, IWC
Flow 150mm
Dry mix bag concrete- Market Size &Competition
ACC “Bagcrete”
• Packaging 40Kg, Sales Price Rs.260-270/Bag
• Production facility Noida, Mumbai, Hyderabad.
• Sales- Mumbai 400-500T/M, Delhi 200-300 T/M other
areas yet to confirm.
• Sales model is through distributors
• Product launched in May-2019

Ultratech “UMIX”
• Packaging 20Kg, Specialized bag mixing inside the bag only
• Costing 370/20Kg bag.
• Product launched in Aug 2017
• Not available in retail market.

Estimating the exact market size......

Dry mix bag concrete- Production & Distribution
Tentative raw material costing & Costing Sheet for M30 dry concrete in bag (RMX
P&L Sheet- Mumbai
Nuvoco Mix Design M-30 (RMX Plant)
Ex-Plant cost for 50Kg bag (Rs/Bag) 100
Total Total
Material Kg/m³ Rates (Per/m³) (Per/Kg)
Packaging cost (Rs/Bag) 10
Cement OPC-53 325 5 1625
Delivery Cost**( Rs/bag) 30
PFA (Fly Ash) 100 2.1 210 165.2
Purchased cost(Including 18%GST)
Dry Aggregates-20mm 492 0.8 393.6
Basic prices 237.5
Dry Aggregates-10mm 491 0.8 392.8 280
Gross Sales Price to distributor/Bag#
Dry Sand 806 1.1 886.6 Tax & Others/Bag 43
Sp. Admixture 170 Dis/Bag
(Provided by Nuvoco) 0.85 200 NODT/Bag 238
Material Cost 3678 1.66 DC/Bag 0
Wastage 2% 74 0.03 NR/Bag 238
VC/Bag 140.0
Production Cost 20% Cont /Bag 97.5
(Including sand 750 0.34
Contribution/Ton 1950
drying) % Contribution 41.1%
Weight per CuM 2215
Total 4502 2.0 Dry Concrete in bag Rs.12404/m³ (Dry bag Con.)
(Density 2200Kg/m³)
Business Scenario (44 bags/m³)

ASP Total
Sales Vol. /Qtr m³ Ton Bags
(RS/Bag) (Cr.)
** DC (Delivery Cost) is assumed to be from plant within Mumbai

Mumbai 3000 6600 3,30,000 9

Ready to use Micro Concrete for
Market Size: Overall, Relevant, Target markets
Over all market – Construction Chemicals Relevant Market – Repair & Rehabilitation

Construction Chemical market size 6K-6.5K

Cr. INR/Yr. growing @ 15% Repair market~ 700-750 Cr. Per annum


Target Market – Micro-concrete

Repair Adhesive &

and Sealants • Value Terms - 180-200 Cr. Per annum
18% • Volume Terms – 1.6 Lac tons per
12% annum or 75k cum per annum

Adobe Acrobat

* Source of Information- “FICCI” report on India construction chemical, customer discovery with industry experts, and news paper articles on
Indian construction chemical industry
Deterioration due to environmental attack

C:\Nitin Gupta\

DD/ Pg
Micro Concrete\Repair & Re
Cracks & Spalling

DD/ Pg
Strengthening & Jetty repair
Other Application Areas

Core pipe filling Pocket fillings in shear

Bridge Deck Repair
wall construction


Colum Jacketing Filling of gaps in P.T slab

Major competitors- Branded players, market share, pricing etc.

Approx, Market
# Category of
Company Brand sales(Ton/Annu Market Share Pricing
m) (Rs/Kg )
1Fosroc National brand Rendroc RG (L) 24000 15% 14-16
Master Emaco S-
BASF National brand 18000 11% 18-20
2 346
Sika National brand 12000 8% 12-14
3 4
4Fairmate Regional brand Micro Concrete 7200 5% 10-12
5Pidilite National brand Dr.Fixit-208 6000 4% 14
6Sunanda Regional brand Polycrete A 6000 4% 10-12
Thermax National brand 6000 4% 12-14
7 Maxtreat
8MYK Schomburg National brand Micro concrete 2400 2% 12-14
9Ultratech National brand Microcrete H.S-2 1200 1% 14
10Chembond Regional brand Micro concrete 1200 1% 10-12
11CICO National brand Cico micro concrete 1200 1% 10-12
Other Local
72000 46% 8-10
Total 157200 100%

- National branded players have a share of approx. 45% of market, with BASF & Fosroc
accounting for ~ 26%
Comparison with conventional m/c
Conventional Nuvoco Wet M/C
Comparison Points
M/C (M-40) M-40
Material Cost (Kg) 14 13
GST @18% 2.52 2.34
Freight (Kg) 1 0.7
Unloading 0.3 0.3
Landed at site 17.82 16.34

4 labours can
Labour cost for producing 1 mix and pour
2 labours
CuM of M/C max 78 bags
equ. to 1 CuM

Labour for mixing (No) 3 Not Required
Labour for pouring the
2 3
Total Labour 5 3
Assuming Cost of one
600 600
Total Labour cost/Day 3000 1800
Labour cost per Kg 1.25 0.75
Saving in labour cost 40%
It is better to be FIRST than it is to be BETTER…………..Ries & Trout

Thank You

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