Spread of The Oral Infection
Spread of The Oral Infection
Spread of The Oral Infection
If the abscess is not able to drain in the oral cavity or through the skin
surface it may spread through facial planes of the soft tissue.
Cellulitis is a diffuse inflammation of soft tissues which is not
circumscribed or confined to one area, tends to spread through tissue
spaces and along facial planes.
Cellulitis of face and neck most commonly results from dental infection ---
periapical abscess --- osteomyelitis ---- periodontal infection ----
Clinical Features:
• Large, diffuse, painful swelling of soft tissues,
tissues become firm and brawny
Overlying skin is inflamed and shows purplish
Infection arising in maxillary area perforate
the outer cortical layer of bone and cause
swelling in the upper half of the face.
Infection in the mandibular area results in
swelling on the lower half of the face, which
the spreads to cervical tissues to cause
respiratory discomfort.
Chronic infection may become localized to
form a facial abscess, in such cases the
supportive material discharge to the surface.
Fever, chill, leukocytosis are often seen.
• Surgical drainage with elimination of the
primary source of infection.
• Antibiotics
• Good diet
Mandibular 1st molar ------- pus above the buccinator attachment -----
vestibular abscess ------- below buccinator attachment ----- buccal space
abscess ---- pus penetrates through lingual side ----- sublingual abscess
Mandibular second molars ----- vestibular abscess ------ sublingual or
submandibular abscess
Normal Pathology
• Introduced by LANDMAN in 1986
• Non-invasive
• Safe
• Quick
• Ultrasound waves are generated by probe.
• Allows direct visualization in inaccessible
areas, such as maxillary moral roots that are
behind distobuccal root of maxillary 1st molar.
Maxillary sinusitis
1. Removal of the cause of the disease.
2. Nasal decongestant.
3. Antibiotics.
4. Analgesic
Focal infection
• It can be localised or generalised infection,
caused by the dissemination of microorganism
or their toxic products.