3D Transformations

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3-D Rotation

• Three-dimensional rotation definition

– Assume looking in the negative direction along the
– Positive angle rotation produce
counterclockwise rotations about a coordinate
3-D Rotation….

• Three-dimensional coordinate-axis rotation

– Z-axis rotation equations
 sin
x'  x cos   y  x' cos  0 x 
  
0 y 
sin y'  x sin  0 
 z'   0 0   z 
y cos  z'  z
y' sin0 cos  0
 1    1  1
– Transformation equations for rotation about the other two
coordinate axes can be obtained by a cyclic 0 permutation
x  y  z  x 0 0
– x-axis rotation equations
y'  y cos  
z sin z'  y sin
 z cos  x'  x
3-D Rotation….

• Three-dimensional coordinate-axis rotation

– Y-axis rotation equations
z'  z cos   x
sin x'  z sin 
x cos  y'  y

– General Three-
• Translate object so that the rotation axis coincides with the parallel
coordinate axis
• Perform the specified rotation about that axis
• Translate object back to the original position
P'  T  R x ( ) 
T  P R( )  T  R x
( )  T
General 3-D Rotation….

• Three-dimensional coordinate-axis rotation

Three-dimensional rotation along
arbitrary axis

• Graphical expression of the 5 steps

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