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Fifth lecture
Chromosomes and their variation
in structure and number How do Scientists Read Chromosomes? To "read" a set of chromosomes, scientists use three key features to identify their similarities and differences: 1.Size. This is the easiest way to tell chromosomes apart. 2. Banding pattern. The size and location of Giemsa bands make each chromosome unique. 3.Centromere position. Centromeres appear as a constriction. They have a role in the separation of chromosomes into daughter cells during cell division (mitosis and meiosis) Telomers and centromere A chromosome consists primarily of DNA and proteins with a small amount of RNA. Chromosomes are duplicated and transmitted, via cell division (mitosis or meiosis), to the next cell generation. The different chromosome types have long been described and distinguished by size and shape, using stains and dyes to contrast dark heterochromatin with the lighter euchromatin. Heterochromatin consists mostly of highly repetitive DNA sequences, whereas euchromatin has many protein-encoding sequences.). The essential parts of a chromosome are: ■ Telomeres. ■ Origin of replication sites, where replication forks begin to form; and ■ The centromere. Centromere positions Telomers and centromere Telomeres are chromosome tips. In humans, each telomere repeats the sequence TTAGGG. In most cell types, telomeres shorten with each mitotic cell division. The centromere is where spindle fibers attach when the cell divides. A chromosome without a centromere is no longer a chromosome. Centromeres, like chromosomes, consist mostly of DNA and protein. Many of the hundreds of thousands of DNA bases that form the centromere are copies of a specific 171-base DNA sequence. The size and number of repeats are similar in many species, although the sequence differs. The similarity among species suggests that these repeats have a structural role in maintaining chromosomes rather than an informational one from their sequence. Certain centromere-associated proteins are synthesized only when mitosis is about to start, forming a structure called a kinetochore that contacts the spindle fibers, enabling the cell to divide. Telomer features in cell types • White blood cells and other cell types with the capacity to divide very frequently have a special enzyme that prevents their chromosomes from losing their telomeres. Because they retain their telomeres, such cells generally live longer than other cells. • Telomeres also play a role in cancer. The chromosomes of malignant cells usually do not lose their telomeres, helping to fuel the uncontrolled growth that makes cancer so devastating. • In many types of cells, telomeres lose a bit of their DNA every time a cell divides. Eventually, when all of the telomere DNA is gone, the cell cannot replicate and dies. Karyotypes Chart Chromosomes A karyotype displays chromosomes in pairs by size and by physical landmarks that appear during mitotic metaphase. Figure in slide below shows a karyotype with one extra chromosome, which is called a trisomy. The 24 human chromosome types are numbered from largest to smallest- 1 to 22. The other two chromosomes are the X and the Y. Early attempts to size-order chromosomes resulted in generalized groupings because many of the chromosomes are of similar size. Use of dyes and stains made it easier to distinguish chromosomes by creating patterns of bands. A chromosome is metacentric if the centromere divides it into two arms of approximately equal length. It is submetacentric if the centromere establishes one long arm and one short arm, and acrocentric if it pinches off only a small amount of material toward one end. Some species have telocentric chromosomes that have only one arm, but humans do not. Karyotyping Features of normal chromosomes karyotyping usage Karyotypes are useful at several levels. When a baby is born with the distinctive facial features of Down syndrome, a karyotype confirms the clinical diagnosis. Within families, karyotypes are used to identify relatives with a particular chromosome aberration that can affect health. In one family, several adults died from a rare form of kidney cancer. Karyotypes revealed that the affected individuals all had an exchange of genetic material between chromosomes 3 and 8. When karyotypes showed that two healthy young family members had the unusual chromosomes, physicians examined and monitored their kidneys. Cancer was found very early and successfully treated. Karyotypes of individuals from different populations can reveal the effects of environmental toxins, if abnormalities appear only in a group exposed to a contaminant. Because chemicals and radiation that can cause cancer and birth defects often Detecting Chromosomes Laboratory tests to detect or analyze chromosomes can be done on cells sampled at any stage of prenatal development or at any age. Many such tests are conducted on cells from a fetus or the structures that support it. Direct methods of prenatal testing collect cells and separate the chromosomes, then add a stain or a DNA probe (a labeled piece of DNA that binds its complement) to distinguish the different chromosomes, or collect small pieces of DNA from the maternal bloodstream that are from the placenta and sequence it. Indirect methods detect changes in levels of biochemicals or rely on clinical findings (such as symptoms or ultrasound scans) associated with a particular chromosomal condition. Causes of chromosomal variations and detecting 1)Some medicines 2)Street drugs 3)Alcohol 4)Tobacco 5)Toxic chemicals 6)Some viruses and bacteria 7)Some kinds of radiation 8)Certain health conditions, such as uncontrolled diabetes Chromosomal abnormality may occur accidentally during: 1- The formation of the egg or the sperm. 2- The early developmental stages of the fetus. 3- Certain environmental factors may play a role in the occurrence of genetic errors. How do we can predict chromosomal disorders? 1- There are unexpected phenotypes. 2- Low percentage of fertility and increase abortion 3- Change in linkage relationships. Numerical chromosome aberrations
A gain or loss of one or more whole chromosome(s) (whether an
autosome or a sex chromosome) or a whole set of chromosomes. The normal chromosome count is 46 (i.e. 2n = 46) as it is arranged in two sets of chromosomes. The numerical abnormalities, when one or more chromosomes are in excess or missing, ultimately modify the entire genome size, so they can be considered genome mutations as well. Nondisjunction- Mistake in cell division where chromosomes do not separate properly in anaphase. Usually in meiosis, although in mitosis occasionally. In meiosis, can occur in anaphase I or II. Variation in chromosomes number 1. Aneuploidy: missing one copy or have an extra copy of a single chromosome. a. Hyperploidy: Down's syndrome, also known as trisomy 21, is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21. Although the non-disjunction of chromosome 21 is not the only cause of Down syndrome -a smaller proportion of the cases is due to either centric fusion or translocation - it is the most common type. Despite the fact that trisomy 21 fetuses die in utero the average population frequency of Down syndrome is 1:650, but this value increases dramatically with maternal age, at 45 years of age it is more than 1:100. Most trisomies and monosomies are lethal before birth in humans. Also, there are: Patau syndrome(trisomy 13) , Edward syndrome(trisomy 18) b. Hypoploidy: Turner syndrome also known as 45,X, or 45,X0, is a genetic condition in which a female is partially or completely missing an X chromosome. 2. Polyploidy Triploid syndrome: is a chromosomal disorder in which a fetus has three copies of every chromosome Variations in chromosomal number Names of chromosomal variations in number . . .• Types of variation in chromosomal structure Genetic diseases due to Chromosomal abnormalities
A chromosome disorder results from a change in the number or structure of
chromosomes. Any deviation from the normal karyotype is known as a chromosome abnormality. While some chromosome abnormalities are harmless, some are associated with clinical disorders. The majority of human chromosomal abnormalities occur in autosomes. There are three trisomies that results in baby which can survive for time after birth; the other are too devastating and baby usually dies in utero. A. Structural abnormalities This is when large sections of DNA are missing from or are added to a chromosome. Deletion The Loss of Genetic Material in a Deletion Tends to Be Detrimental to an Organism. Loss of chromosome segment, together with genes contained in it. A chromosomal deletion occurs when a chromosome breaks in one or more places and a fragment of the chromosome is lost. In Figure 8.3a , a normal chromosome has broken into two separate pieces. The piece without the centromere is lost and degraded. This event produces a chromosome with a terminal deletion. In Figure 8.3b, a chromosome has broken in two places to produce three chromosomal fragments. The central fragment is lost, and the two outer pieces reattach to each other. This process has created a chromosome with an interstitial deletion. Deletions can also be created when recombination takes place at incorrect locations between two homologous chromosomes. The products of this type of aberrant recombination event are one chromosome with a deletion and another chromosome with a duplication. Deletion The phenotypic consequences of a chromosomal deletion depend on the size of the deletion and whether it includes genes or portions of genes that are vital to the development of the organism. When deletions have a phenotypic effect, they are usually detrimental. Larger deletions tend to be more harmful because more genes are missing. Many examples are known in which deletions have significant phenotypic influences. For example, 1- A human genetic disease known as cri-du-chat, or Lejeune, syndrome is caused by a deletion in a segment of the short arm of human chromosome 5, which is written 5p-. 2- Prader-Willi syndrome( feel of hungry) /Angelman syndrome Microdeletion from short arm of chromosome 15 3- Granulocytic leukemia –deletion of long arm of chromosome 21. Deletions in human chromosome 1 2- Duplication Duplications result in extra genetic material or doubling chromosome segment. The extra set of genes is generally called “repeat”. They are usually caused by abnormal events during recombination. Under normal circumstances, crossing over occurs at properly aligned sites between homologous chromosomes. On rare occasions, a crossover may occur at misaligned sites on the homologs. Duplications are more likely to have phenotypic effects if they involve a large piece of the chromosome. In general, small duplications are less likely to have harmful effects than are deletions of comparable size. This observation suggests that having only one copy of a gene is more harmful than having three copies. 2- Duplication In humans, relatively few well-defined syndromes are caused by small chromosomal duplications. An example is Charcot-Marie- Tooth disease (type 1A), a peripheral neuropathy characterized by numbness in the hands and feet that is caused by a small duplication on the short arm of chromosome 17. Why is it advantageous to have a family of globin genes? Although all globin polypeptides are subunits of proteins that play a role in oxygen binding, the accumulation of different mutations in the various family members has produced globins that are more specialized in their function. 2- Duplication For example, myoglobin is better at binding and storing oxygen in muscle cells, and the hemoglobins are better at binding and transporting oxygen via the red blood cells. Also, different globin genes are expressed during different stages of human development. The ε- and ζ-globin genes are expressed very early in embryonic life, whereas the α-globin and γ-globin genes are expressed during the second and third trimesters of gestation. Following birth, the α-globin gene remains turned on, but the γ-globin genes are turned off and the β-globin gene is turned on. These differences in the expression of the globin genes reflect the differences in the oxygen transport needs of humans during the embryonic, fetal, and postpartum stages of life. Pallister-Killian syndrome Due to part of the 12 chromosome is duplicated. . . 3-Inversion A chromosome with an inversion contains a segment that has been flipped to the opposite direction. Geneticists classify inversions according to the location of the centromere. If the centromere lies within the inverted region of the chromosome, the inverted region is known as a pericentric inversion. Alternatively, if the centromere is found outside the inverted region, the inverted region is called a paracentric inversion. When a chromosome contains an inversion, the total amount of genetic material remains the same as in a normal chromosome. Therefore, the great majority of inversions do not have any phenotypic consequences. In rare cases, however, an inversion can alter the phenotype of an individual. When an inversion occurs, the chromosome is broken in two places, and the center piece flips around to produce the inversion. If either breakpoint occurs within a vital gene, the function of the gene is expected to be disrupted, possibly producing a phenotypic effect. For example, some people with hemophilia (type A) have inherited an X-linked inversion in which a breakpoint has inactivated the gene for factor VIII, a blood-clotting protein. 3-Inversion and rings
Inv(9)(p12q13): This the most common inversion on chromosome 9 is
generally considered to have no harmful effects, but there is some evidence it leads to an increased risk for miscarriage for about 30% of affected couples. Rings: Ring chromosome 14 syndrome: Is a condition characterized by seizures and intellectual disability. Recurrent seizures (epilepsy) develop in infancy or early childhood. In many cases, the seizures are resistant to treatment with anti-epileptic drugs. Most people with ring chromosome 14 syndrome also have some degree of intellectual disability or learning problems. Development may be delayed, particularly the development of speech and of motor skills such as sitting, standing, and walking. Ring chromosome 14 4-Translocation There are two main types of translocations: i. Reciprocal : Caused by exchange of material between non-homologous chromosomes. Two detached fragments of two different chromosomes are switched. Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (chronic granulocytic leukemia (CGL)): Characterized by the increased and unregulated growth of predominantly myeloid cells in the bone marrow and the accumulation of these cells in the blood. ii. Nonreciprocal : Occurs when two non-homologous chromosomes get attached, meaning that given two healthy pairs of chromosomes, one of each pair "sticks" and blends together homogeneously. Translocation in Down’s syndrome: The extra chromosome 21 or part of it may be attached to chromosome 14, sometimes to 13, 15, or 22. In some cases, two chromosomes 21 can be attached to each other. 4-Translocation The globin genes encode polypeptides that are subunits of proteins that function in oxygen binding. For example, hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells; its function is to carry oxygen throughout the body. The globin gene family is composed of 14 paralogs that were originally derived from a single ancestral globin gene. According to an evolutionary analysis, the ancestral globin gene first duplicated about 500 million years ago and became separate genes encoding myoglobin and the hemoglobin group of genes. The primordial hemoglobin gene duplicated into an α-chain gene and a β-chain gene, which subsequently duplicated to produce several genes located on chromosomes 16 and 11, respectively. Currently, 14 globin genes are found on three different human chromosomes. Chromosome disorders of sex chromosome • Turner syndrome: previously explained • XXY male (Klinefelter syndrome) Klinefelter syndrome (KS) is a genetic condition where there’s an extra X chromosome present in a male’s genetic code. Instead of having a total of 46 chromosomes, they have 47 — with two copies of the X chromosome and one copy of the Y chromosome (47,XXY). • XYY male (XYY syndrome) "superman" or Jacobs syndrome In this case normal, slightly taller than the average males have 47,XYY karyotype. The birth rate is 1:1000. They derived only from paternal second meiotic non-disjunction. In contrast to all meiotic non-disjunctions, the formation is not affected by age. • XXX female (triple X syndrome) Triple X syndrome can also be referred to as trisomy X syndrome or 47,XXX. Triple X syndrome happens when a female is born with an extra X chromosome, and therefore has a total of 47 chromosomes.