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Experiment No: 5


5.PWM Modulation and Demodulation.
Aim: To study the Principles and operation of Pulse
Width Modulation and Demodulation System.


• ‘FUTURE TECH Pulse Width modulation &

Demodulation Trainer Kit.
• Built in DC power supply: +/-5V/350mA.
• Set of Patch chords Stackable 4mm – 8 Nos.
• 20 MHz CRO & probes.
Pulse Width Modulation(PWM)
In PWM, the width of pulses of carrier
pulse train is varied in proportion with
amplitude of modulating signal.
• Connect the AC Adaptor to the mains and the other side to the
Experimental Trainer.
• Observe & note the Synchronous clock generator output and AF
signal outputs using CRO.
• Connect Synchronous clock generator output to the Synchronous
clock input point of PWM modulator and observe the same clock on
one channel of a dual trace CRO.
• Trigger the CRO with respect to CH 1
• Observe & note the PWM output on CH 2. If we observe the PWM
output, its width varies according to the modulating voltage.
• Vary the amplitude of AF signal & observe how the PWM signals are
varying for AC modulating voltages. In this case we have to trigger
the CRO w.r.t modulating voltage.
• During the demodulation, apply PWM signal to
the input of demodulator and observe & note its
• Determine the amplitude, frequency, and phase
distortions between the modulating signal and
the corresponding output of the Demodulator, if
any (almost coincides with the but having some
phase difference due to RC networks and
amplifiers, which are in the demodulator

Observed and noted the waveforms of Pulse

Width Modulation & Demodulation.
Experiment No: 06


6.PPM Modulation and Demodulation.
Modulation technique in which position
of pulses of carrier pulse train is
varied in accordance with amplitude of
modulating signal.
1. Note that the pulse width duration modulation is a trailing edge
2. This makes the leading edge fixed, which is turn makes the
positive part of the differentiated wave unchanged by the
modulating signal, and the positive part is therefore clipped.
3. The negative part of the differentiated wave contains original
information in terms of relative position.
4. The monostable multivibrator causes the pulse of equal
duration to appear as the output. The position of the output pulse
carries the original information.
• To study the generation of PPM signal and its
• To study the effect of Amplitude & Frequency of the
modulating signal on its output.
• To study the effect of the frequency of sampling signal
on the output of Modulated- signal.

– ‘FUTURE TECH’ Pulse Position Modulation and Demodulation Trainer Kit
– 20MHz Dual Trace Oscilloscope & probes.
Patch chords
• Connect the AC Adapter to the mains and the other side to the
Experimental Trainer.
• Observe & note the AF signal generator output. It is a sine wave of
frequency varying from 20 Hz to 20 KHz with 0-5Vp-p Amplitude
• Observe & note the output of the sampling Pulse generator. Its
frequency is varying from 2 KHz to 30 KHz and the pulse width also
• Connect the output of the AF signal generator to the AF signal input of
the PPM Modulator.
• Sampling pulse is internally connected to the multiplexer; make sure
that the frequencies adjust pot in its maximum and the pulse width
pot in its minimum positions.
• The sample and hold output of the multiplexer at pin 6 of CA 3130 is
given to one input of the comparator.
• The second input of the comparator is coming from 8038, which gives
a saw tooth waveform. So the output of the comparator is PWM
• Observe & note the AF signal generator output on
Channel 1 of a dual trace CRO.
• Observe & note the PPM output on the second
channel of the CRO by changing.
• AF signal frequency
• AF signal Amplitude
• Frequency of the saw tooth wave
• During demodulation, PPM output is given to PPM -
PWM connected and also give sampling pulse input
from the modulator as a synchronizing clock from the
• Output of the low pass filter is the replica of the AF
signal given to the PPM modulator.
• Repeat the step-9, when observing the demodulated
output also.
• Observed & noted the waveforms of PPM signal
and its Demodulation.
• Observed & noted the effect of Amplitude &
Frequency of the modulating signal on its output.
• Observed & noted the effect of the frequency of
sampling signal on the output of Modulated-

• Thus, the PPM modulated & demodulated

waveforms were observed and plotted the graph.

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