Logic 1
Logic 1
Logic 1
true or false;
it must be one or the other, and it cannot be
***We usually denote a proposition by a letter: p, q, r, s, …
• Definition: The value of a proposition is called its truth value;
denoted by
• T or 1 if it is true or T(1)
• F or 0 if it is false F(0)
• Taylor Swift is the best artist. Opinion
• When is the Midterm test? Interrogative
• Do your homework.
Exercise: Proposition or Not a Proposition
Tell whether the ff is a Proposition (P) or Not
1) Philippines is a province of China.
2) Blink three times.
3) Aaron is a medical front liner.
4) The number 4 is even and less than 12.
5. 2+2=5
6. Every integer is divisible by 12
7. Microsoft is an excellent company.
The Structure
A Sentential Operator
5 Sentential operators
Let M be Marcos is president.
D be Duterte is vice-president.
E be Erap is president.
R be Mar Roxas is vice-president.
• Convert these into symbols:
• Duterte is vice-president and Marcos is president.
• Not both Erap and Marcos are president.
• Duterte is vice-president if and only if Marcos is president.
• If Duterte is vice-president, then Marcos is president.
5 Sentential operators
Let M be Marcos is president.
D be Duterte is vice-president.
E be Erap is president.
R be Mar Roxas is vice-president.
• Convert these into symbols:
• Erap or Marcos is president.
• Erap is not the president.
• Either Erap is president and Duterte is vice-president, or Marcos is
president and Mar Roxas is vice-president.
• Mar Roxas is vice-president if and only if Marcos is president.
Recall : Logical
• Connectives are used to create a compound proposition from two
or more propositions
– Negation
– AND - logical conjunction
– OR - logical disjunction
– IF-THEN - Implication
IF AND ONLY IF – Biconditional
Truth table
Logical Connective: Conjunction AND ∧
• TRUE only when BOTH of the propositions are TRUE!
• Examples
• It is raining and it is warm
• (2+3=5) and (1<2) p q p∨q p∧q
Truth table
Logical Connective: Implication IF-THEN
• The implication p→q is the proposition that is false when p is true and q is
false and true otherwise
• p is called the hypothesis, antecedent, premise
• q is called the conclusion, consequence
p q p∨q p∧q p⇒q
Truth table
Logical Connective: Implication IF-THEN
• The implication of p→q can be also read as
• If p then q
• p implies q
• If p, q
• p only if q
• q if p
• q when p
• q whenever p
• q follows from p
• p is a sufficient condition for q (p is sufficient for q)
• q is a necessary condition for p (q is necessary for p)
Logical Connective: Biconditional IF and ONLY IF
• true when p and q have the same truth values. It is false otherwise.
• Note that it is equivalent to (p→q)∧(q→p)
• Truth table
( p ∧ q ) ∨ ¬q
Let p and q are propositions, construct a truth table for
~ p ∧ (p → q)