Theories and Principles of Police Service

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A. PNP B. PNP Vision C. PNP Mission D. PNP E. PNP Core Values
Mandate Philosophy

Republic Act Imploring the aid The PNP shall Service, ● Maka-Diyos (Pro-God)
6975 entitled, of the Almighty, enforce the law, Honor and ● Makabayan (Pro-
An Act by 2030, we shall prevent and Justice Country)
Establishing be a highly control crimes, ● Makatao (Pro-People)
the Philippine capable, effective maintain peace ● Makakalikasan (Pro-
National Police and credible and order, and Environment)
F. PNP Functions Under a police service ensure public
Reorganized working in safety and internal
1. Enforce all laws and ordinances relative to the Department of partnership with security with the
protection of lives and properties. the Interior a responsive active support of
and Local community the community
2. Maintain peace and order and take all necessary Government towards the
steps to ensure public safety. and Other attainment of a
Purposes as safer place to
3. Investigate and prevent crimes, effect the arrest of amended by live, work and do
criminal offenders, bring offenders to justice and RA 8551 business.
assist in their prosecution. Philippine
National Police
4. Exercise the general powers to make arrest, search Reform and
and seizure in accordance with the Constitution and Reorganization
pertinent laws. Act of 1998
and further
5. Detain an arrested person for a period not beyond amended by
what is prescribed by law, informing the person so RA 9708.
detained of all his rights under the Constitution.

6. Issue licenses for the possession of firearms and

explosives in accordance with the law.

7. Supervise and control the training and operations

of security agencies and issue licenses to operate
security agencies, to security guards and to private
detectives, for the practice of their professions.

8. Perform such other duties and exercise all other

G. Home Rule and Continental
Theory Basic Theories About
Police Service
1. Home Rule Theory-Police are considered servants of the
2. Continental Theory-Policemen are considered servants
of a higher authority.
H. Concepts of Police
1. Old Concept- Police service is looked upon as a repressive
and suppressive machinery of the government.
2. Modern Concept- Police service is an instrument of crime
I. Four Primal Conditions of
the PNP Organization
1. Authority- This is the supreme source of government for any
particular organization.
2. Mutual Cooperation / Coordination / Consultation-An organization
exists because it serves a purpose.
3. Discipline-In any organization, discipline is necessary to promote
4. Doctrine-It is the organization's objectives. It also provides the very
source of various actions which are performed to assure organizational
Primary PNP Doctrines

a. Fundamental Doctrine- Contains rules, policies,

procedures or guidelines pertaining to the operational and
administrative functions of a particular PNP unit.
b. Ethical Doctrine -The fundamental principles governing the
rules of conduct, attitude, behavior, and ethical norms of the
J. Principles of Police
1. Principle of Unity of Objective -An organizational structure is
effective if it enables individuals to contribute to the organizations/unit
2. Principle of Organizational Effi ciency-An Organizational structure is
effective if it is structured to aid the accomplishment of the
organization's objectives with a minimum of unsought consequences or
3. The Scalar Principle-It prescribes the vertical hierarchy of
organizations. It defines an unbroken chain or scale of units from top to
bottom describing explicitly the flow of authority.
This principle demands the following conditions
to achieve effective coordination
a. Unity of Command- It defines a hierarchical system in which a subordinate is
accountable to one and only one immediate superior .
b. Span of Control-This relates to the number of subordinates a superior can
effectively supervise. A satisfactory span of control is determined by the four (4)
factors combined:
b.1. managerial ability of superior;
b.2. effectiveness of organizational communication system;
b.3. effectiveness of management control exercised over operations; and
b.4. organizational Philosophy on centralization versus decentralization of
authority and function.
c. Delegation of Authority- Scalar process refers to the growth
of the chain of command resulting in the creation of additional
levels in the organizational structure with the corresponding
position and officer to assume the delegated authority.
4. Functional Principle-Prescribes the horizontal growth of the
organization which applies to both line and staff functions in
5. Line and Staff Principle- A line organization refers to the
functions that carry the direct accomplishment of its objectives.
6. Directorial Staff Principles-Prescribes the directorial authority
of the directorate in the national and regional levels and other
equivalent units to which the functions of the line and staff
programs are aligned.
7. Principle of Balance-In every structure there is a need for
equilibrium or equality.
8. Principle of Delegation-Authority delegated to all individual
managers should be clear, adequate and unequivocal to ensure
9. Principle of Absoluteness of Responsibility-The
responsibility of the subordinates to their superiors for
performance is absolute, and the superiors are accountable for
their subordinates activities.
10. Parity of Authority and Responsibility-The responsibility
for actions cannot be greater than that expressly or impliedly
delegated authority nor should it be less.
11. Authority-Level Principle-Maintenance of intended
delegations requires that decisions within the authority of
individual commanders should be made by them and not to be
referred upward in the organizational structure.
12. Principle of Flexibility-The more provisions are made for
building flexibility in an organizational structure, the more
adequately an organization's structure can fulfill its purpose.
13. Principle of Leadership Facilitation-The organization's
structure and delegated authority enable its leaders/commanders to
design and maintain an environment for performance, thus, it will
help its leaders and organization to accomplish its purpose.
14. Completed Staff Work Principle-Actions of staff officers must
be completed.
15. Chain of Command- It is the hierarchy through which the
primary functions of the organization are performed. line or chain of
superior from top to bottom; the route taken for all communications
which may either start from or go through the top of the chain.
Command consists of different
a. Top Echelon- levels aslevel
The top most follows:
the chain where the overall
responsibility authority over subordinate commands and units.
b. Middle Echelon-The next lower echelon constitutes a
subordinate apportioned by the commander in order to
accomplish his tasks.
c. Lower Echelon- The lower echelon comprises the subordinate
units further apportioned by subordinate commanders, such as
the municipal and city police commander apportions his tasks to
his subordinates to an extent dictated primarily by the nature of
the task, availability of material and human resources.
16. Command Authority-This is the responsibility of the
commander to plan, organize, direct, coordinate, and control PNP
forces or units in order to accomplish an assigned mission or
17. Command Responsibility.-The commander is responsible
for all that his subordinates or unit does or fails to do.
18. Staff Authority- It is the commander that delegates
authority to a particular staff officer to take action on matters
within the bounds of command policies.
19. Staff Responsibility-Staff officers are those tasked with
functional areas of interest.

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