Anatomi Sistem Reproduksi
Anatomi Sistem Reproduksi
Anatomi Sistem Reproduksi
The reproductive
systems in both the
male and female
consist of primary
and secondary sex
organs and sex
The primary function of the reproductive systems
is to perpetuate the species through sexual or
germ cell fertilization and reproduction.
The uterus is a hollow,
muscular, pear-shaped
organ about the size of a
woman’s clenched fist.
The top is tipped forward
in a normal ‘anteflexion’
position. It can be divided
into the body or corpus,
and the bottom cervix.
The rounded top portion,
above the fallopian tubes,
is called the fundus.
The uterus is supported and held
in position by a number of
ligaments. Trauma, disease, or
multiple pregnancies can
weaken these ligaments and
result in abnormal positioning.
The uterus wall
has 3 layers: the
outside layer
Outer layer
called the (Perimetrium)
perimetrium, the
Thick layer of muscle
muscular inside (Myometrium)
the mucous
membrane lining
the uterus called
The cervical opening is about
the endometrium.
the diameter of a pencil.
The uterus has 3
1.The endometrium
sheds the lining of the
uterus every 21 to 40
days by menstruation
2.It provides a place for
the protection and
nourishment of the fetus
during pregnancy