Gaseous Exchange and Respiration (2)1

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Respiration is the process by which

food is broken down to release energy.

Energy is released by the metabolic
breakdown of organic compounds,
mainly carbohydrates. The reactions
constitute cell, tissue or internal
respiration. Respiration occurs in all
organisms and in every living cell,
External Respiration (Gaseous Exchange)

This is the process by which atmospheric oxygen

enters the living organism and carbon dioxide

and water vapour is expelled . In some organisms

this can take place over the whole body surface

and in many others it occurs in special organs

e.g trachea, lungs, gills.

Internal (Cell or Tissue)
•The process in which sugar is broken
down by a series of enzyme
controlled reactions to release energy.
The energy released is stored in a
compound called ATP (Adenosine
triphosphate) which is the form in
which energy is used in all living cells
Structure and Function of the Mammalian
Respiratory System
Air enters a mammalian respiratory system

through nostrils (external nares), passes

through a nasal chamber, lined with mucus –

secreting epithelium, and then through internal

nares which are nasal openings connected to

the pharynx.
Here, where pathways of digestion and
respiration cross, inhaled air leaves the
pharnx by passing into a narrow opening,
the glottis. Food enters oesophagus to pass
to the stomach.
The glottis opens into the larynx or voice box

and then into the trachea, branches into two

bronchi, one to each lung. Within the lungs
each bronchus divides and subdivides into
small tubes (bronchioles) that lead via
The single layered endothelial walls of

the alveoli and alveolar ducts are thin

and moist to facilitate exchange of
gases between air and adjacent blood
Air passage ways are lined with both

mucus-secreting and ciliated epithelial

cells, which play an important role in
conditioning the air before it reaches
Partial cartilage rings in the walls of tracheae, bronchi and some

of the larger bronchioles prevent those structures from

collapsing .
In its passage to the air sacs, air undergoes three important


(a) It is filtered free from most dust and other foreign substances

(b) It is warmed to body temperature

(c) It is saturated with moisture


 The lungs consist of a great deal of

elastic connective tissue. They are
covered by a thin layer of tough
epithelium known as the visceral
pleura. Continuous with this layer is a
similar layer, the parietal pleura, that
lines the inner surface of the walls of
the chest. The two layers of the pleura
are in close contact and slide over
one another as the lungs expand and
 The space between the pleura, called the pleural cavity

maintains a partial vacuum, or negative intrapleural

pressure, which helps keep the lungs expanded to fill the

pleural cavity.
 The two pleura rub together lubricated by tissue

fluid. The chest cavity is bounded by the spine,

ribs, and breastbone, and floored by the

diaphragm, a dome shaped muscular partition

between the chest cavity and abdomen. A

muscular diaphragm is found only in mammals.

Mechanism of the Breathing
 There are two phases in the
breathing process: inspiration
(inhalation),when atmospheric air is
breathed in and expiration
(exhalation) when C02 rich air from
the lungs is breathed out.
 Inspiration occurs in the following
i. Diaphragm contracts and
i. Sternum moves forward.

ii. Volume of thoracic cavity therefore increases

and pressure in the lungs is lowered .

Air from outside rushes in through the nose and fills

the alveoli Expiration occurs in the following

Diaphragm relaxes and returns to its dome shape.
Intercoastal muscles relax and ribs are

Sternum moves backward.

Volume of thorax therefore decreases

and pressure in the lungs is increased.

Air is expelled from the lungs through

the nose.
How Breathing is Coordinated
Breathing is normally involuntary and automatic but

can come under voluntary control. Neurons in the

medulla of the brain regulate normal, quiet

breathing. They spontaneously produce movements

that stimulate contraction of the diaphragm and

external intercostal muscles during inspiration.

Respiration must adjust itself to
changing requirements of the body for
oxygen. Carbondioxide rather than
oxygen has the greatest effect on
respiratory rate because under normal
conditions arterial oxygen does not
decline enough to stimulate chemicals
receptors (chemoreceptors) in the
A small rise in carbondioxide level in the

blood has a powerful effect on

respiratory activity. The stimulatory
effects of carbon dioxide are due in part
to an increase in hydrogen ion
concentration in cerebrospinal fluid.
The Respiratory Cycle
• A person breathing normally at rest takes in and expels

approximately 0.5dm3 ( half a litre) of air during each

respiratory cycle . This is known as his tidal volume, and

it can be measured by means of a recording spirometer.

The rate of respiration can be expressed in terms of

ventilation rate, the volume of air breathed per minute .

• Ventilation rate = Tidal volume x Frequency of

• The ventilation rate changes according to

circumstances e.g muscular exercise. If you take a

deep breath, you can take into your lungs about 3

litres of air over and above the tidal volume. This is

known as the inspiratory reserve volume .

• If at the end of a normal expiration you expel as much

air as you possibly can, the extra air expired amounts

to about 1.0 litre and is called the expiratory reserve

volume. The total amount of air that can be expired

after a maximum inspiration (i.e. the tidal volume plus

inspiratory and expiratory reserve volumes) is known

as the vital capacity. 1dm3 = 1 litre

Gas Exchange Across The Alveolar Surface
The principal site of gaseous exchange are the numerous

alveoli. The alveoli are separated from the bloodstream by a

very thin alveolar membrane consisting of only two layers of

pavement epithelial cells.

Blood reaching the alveoli has a lower pressure of oxygen,

and a higher partial pressure of carbon dioxide, than the

alveolar air.
There is thus a concentration gradient

favouring the diffusion of these two

gases in opposite directions .

As blood flows past an alveolus, oxygen

diffuses into it and Co2 out, so that by

the time the blood leaves the alveolus,

it has the same partial pressure of O2

During this equalization of partial
pressures, the percentage saturation of
the blood rises from about 70% to over
95%. The composition of alveolar air
remains unchanged because of exchanges
between it and the inspired air.
How Respiratory Gases are Transported
In all vertebrates, nearly all oxygen and a
significant amount of carbon dioxide are
transported by special coloured proteins or
respiratory pigments called haemoglobin
in the blood. These respiratory pigments
are packaged into red blood cells.
Haemoglobin is a red iron-containing

protein present in all vertebrates

and many invertebrates. Each

molecule of haemoglobin is 5%

heme, an iron containing compound

giving the red colour to blood and

95% globin, a colourless protein.

The heme portion of haemogblobin

has great affinity for oxygen. Each

gram of haemoglobin can carry a

maximum of approximately 1.3ml of

oxygen. Fully oxygenated blood

contains approximately 20ml of

oxygen per 100ml .

Haemoglobin has the ability to hold

oxygen in a loose, reversible

chemical combination so that it can
be released to tissues. The actual
amount of oxygen that combines with
haemoglobin depends on the shape.
We can express the relationship of
carrying capacity to surrounding oxygen
concentration as haemoglobin saturation
curves also called O2 dissociation curves.
The lower the surrounding oxygen partial
pressure the greater the quantity of
oxygen released. This important
characteristic of haemoglobin allows
more oxygen to be released to those
The same blood that transports O2 to

the tissues from the lungs must carry

carbondioxide back to the lungs on
its return trip. Unlike oxygen that is
transported exclusively in
combination with haemoglobin, C02 is
transported in three different forms .
A small fraction of the blood–borne

C02, only about 5% is carried as gas

physically dissolved in the plasma.

The remainder diffuses into red blood

cells. In red blood cells, most C02

approximately 70%, become carbonic

acid through action of the enzyme

Carbonic acid immediately dissociates into hydrogen-

ion and bicarbonate ion. The hydrogen ions combine

with haemoglobin to form deoxyhaemoglobin, thus

preventing a severe decrease in blood pH, and releasing

O2 simultaneously.

A fraction of the C02, about 25% combines reversibly

with haemoglobin.
• Aerobic respiration takes place in the
Mechanism of Internal Respiration

presence of O2, anaerobic respiration

takes place in the absence of oxygen.

The breakdown of glucose in the cell of

living organisms to produce energy

involves two major pathways.

i. The glycolytic pathway

Glycolytic Cycle
• In the glycolytic pathway glucose is

broken down through a series of

reactions to pyruvic acid with the

release of some energy in the form of

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the

presence of enzymes and the absence

• The anaerobic net yield of glycolysis are two molecules

of ATP for each molecule of glucose respired. This

sequence of reactions is known as glycolysis meaning

“sugar splitting” and it occurs in the cytoplasm of the

cell. In anaerobic respiration breakdown proceeds no

further and pyruvic acid is converted to ethanol in plants

and lactic acid in animals for storage or elimination.

Kreb’s Cycle

• Kreb’s cycle follows glycolysis. Pyruvic acid in the presence

of oxygen (aerobic process), under the influence of enzymes

is oxidized by Acetylcoenyme A (Acetyl-CoA) in the

mitchondria of the cell to carbon-dioxide and water with the

production of large amounts of energy (ATP).

• The entire aerobic respiration reaction produces a

net yield of 36 molecules of ATP, for each molecule

of glucose. The balanced chemical equation for the

overall process is C6H12O6+6O2 6H2O


• Glycogen can be converted to glucose to produce

energy when:
• (i) the concentration of glucose in the blood

is low e.g. when one is fasting, starving or


The concentration of hormones Epinephrine

(adrenalin) is increased in stress e.g . when

one is sick or under anxiety, fear or exercise.

Uses of fermentation (Glycolysis)
i. In the brewing of alcohol.

ii. For baking or production of bread .

iii. Retting of jute.

iv. Curing of tobacco or cocoa beans.

v. Method by which bacteria and fungi

obtain their energy for growth.

ii. Bacteria are used in a few

processes in chemical industries to

produce acids.
iii. Fermentation of cassava.

iv. Commercially used as a source of

protein and vitamins.

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