09 Chapter 5 Distillation 1 (1)
09 Chapter 5 Distillation 1 (1)
09 Chapter 5 Distillation 1 (1)
Dr. Amir
• Yellow bp = 100oC
• Blue bp = 80oC
• How do we get to Blue liquid out of the Green mixture?
The earliest known evidence of distillation comes
from a terracotta distillation apparatus dating to
3000 BC in the Indus valley of Pakistan.
Distillation was known to be used by the
Babylonians of Mesopotamia. Initially, distillation
is believed to have been used to make perfumes.
Distillation of beverages occurred much later.
The Arab chemist Al-Kindi distilled alcohol in 9th
Distillation of alcoholic beverages appears
common in Italy and China starting in the 12 th
European came to know of the techniques of
distillation by the 6th century AD after invasion by
Arabs December 3, 2024 3
Distillation is the technique of preferential separation of the more
volatile component(s) from the less volatile ones in a feed solution by
partial vaporization of the feed followed by condensation.
Distillation is a direct separation method as it employs no external
The vapor produced is richer in the more volatile component(s). The
distribution of the components in the two phases is governed by the
vapor–liquid equilibrium relationship.
Only partial separation of the components can be achieved in this way.
In order to have a larger degree of separation, multistage contact
between the vapor and the liquid phases is arranged in a suitable
device called a ‘distillation column
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Where is distillation used?
Industrial Distillation
• petroleum refineries
The vertical cylindrical column provides, in a compact form and
with the minimum of ground requirements, a large number of
separate stages of vaporization and condensation.
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Distillation
• Advantages
1.It is an efficient method to obtain a pure substrate from a mixture of liquid.
2.This process is time efficient.
3.It is a reversible method, no permanent changes are made in the liquid
solution unless the reaction is stopped.
• Disadvantages
1.It does consume a huge amount of energy.
2.In some types of distillation it gives a slow output.
3.Higher operating costs
4.Unable to separate mixtures of close boiling points e.g Butadiene (268.4)
from butylene (268.2)
5.Not recommended for separation of heat sensitive materials
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Dalton’s Law
The partial pressure PA of component A in a mixture of vapors is
the pressure that would be exerted by component A at the
same temperature, if present in the same volumetric
concentration as in the mixture.
By Dalton’s law of partial pressures,
that is the total pressure is equal to the summation of the partial
pressures. Since in an ideal gas or vapor the partial pressure is
proportional to the mole fraction of the constituent, then:
PA = yAP
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Raoult’s Law
Raoult's Law describes the behavior of vapors above a mixture of
liquids; in an ideal scenario the partial pressure of each component
present in the mixture is equal to its pure vapor pressure multiplied by
its mole fraction in solution.
For an ideal mixture, the partial pressure is related to the concentration
in the liquid phase by Raoult’s law which may be written as:
PA = P◦AxA
where P◦A is the vapor pressure of pure A at the same temperature.
This relation is usually found to be true only for high values of xA, or
correspondingly low values of xB, although mixtures of organic isomers
and some hydrocarbons follow the law closely.
For low values of xA, a linear relation between PA and xA again exists,
although the proportionality factor is Henry’s constant H, and not the
vapor pressure P0A of the pure material.
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For a liquid solute A in a solvent liquid B, Henry’s law takes
the form: PA = HxA
If the mixture follows Raoult’s law, then the vapour pressure of
a mixture may be obtained graphically from a knowledge of
the vapour pressure of the two components.
OA represents the partial pressure
PA of A in a mixture, and PB the
partial pressure of B, with the total
pressure being shown by the line
BA. In a mixture of composition D,
the partial pressure PA is given by
DE, PB by DF, and the total pressure
P by DG Figure : Partial pressures of ideal mixtures
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Applications of Raoult’s & Dalton’s Law
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Applications of Raoult’s & Dalton’s Law
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Volatility is a measure of how easily a substance evaporates,
or how readily it changes from a liquid to a gas. A highly
volatile substance, like gasoline, evaporates quickly, while a
less volatile substance, like oil, evaporates more slowly.
It is defined as the ratio of partial pressure to the mole
fraction in the liquid:
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Relative volatility
Since with a binary mixture yB = 1 − yA, and xB = 1 − xA then:
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Relative volatility
Whilst α does vary somewhat with temperature, it remains
remarkably steady for many systems, and a few values to
illustrate this point are given in Table
At the end of the process the liquid which has not been vaporized is
removed as the bottom product. The analysis of this process was first
proposed by RAYLEIGH
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Modelling Differential Distillation
S = dS + (S - dS)
dS dx
S y x
1/(y – x)
• •
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Differential Distillation
= =
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Differential Distillation
= -[
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Differential Distillation
= =
= =
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Flash Distillation of Multicomponent Mixtures
Given a mixture of known overall composition zi at temperature T and pressure P, what is the fraction that is
vapour and what are the composition of the liquid and vapour phases in equilibrium?
where F is the total number of moles of the initial mixture and D and W are the moles of vapour and
liquid products in equilibrium.
The relationship between the composition of the liquid and vapour phases in equilibrium is
described by means of the vaporisation equilibrium constant
Equation 5.54 or 5.56 can be utilized in an iterative procedure to estimate T, P or the fraction
of the initial mixture that is vaporised.
5.7 Fractionation of Binary Mixtures
(Fractionating distillation/rectification/multistage
• Single stage operation such as flash distillation is not very effective for separating
components of comparable volatilities; it is useful for separating components with widely
different boiling points.
• In fractionation, the vapours evolved by boiling the liquid are condensed and part of the
condensate called 'reflux’ is brought into intimate countercurrent contact with the rising
• The vapour gets enriched in more volatile component as it moves up in contact with the
liquid reflux that is flowing down and consequently a distillate product is obtained at the
top of the column which is very rich in more volatile component than the vapour obtained
from the flash distillation
• The liquid stream flowing down the column is stripped off the more volatile component
contacting it with a vapour that is generated by the partial vaporisation of the liquid.
Concept/Principle Of Fractionation
• Last stage m-3 produce about 0.93 moles of vapor with 80 % purity
• Only very small quantities of the final products are obtained by this process
• Intermediate products - both liquid and vapour - available at different stages are not
subject to enrichment and are not utilized.
• Condensation of the vapour requires cooling by external means and vaporisation
requires heaters. This means that all the stages are to be maintained at their
operating temperatures byexternal means.
Let’s do it another way
By this scheme, distillate product which is almost pure A and bottom product which is almost B can be produced in
sufficiently large quantities from a given binary mixture of any composition. devices are required to maintain the
plates at the desired temperatures; in continuous operation, plates will attain steady state temperature
automatically and will remain at these temperatures, the operating conditions are altered.
Fractionation in plate columns
• Fractional distillation can be carried out as multi stage countercurrent operation in
plate columns
• Plates used for distillation may be the sieve, bubble-cap plates, valve plates
• The feed is admitted on the feed plate which is located generally in the middle of the
• The column is connected at the top to' condenser in which the overhead vapours are
• A portion of the condensate is recycled at top of the column which is called the reflux.
The ratio of the moles of liquid returned as reflux to that moles of distillate product
withdrawn is designated as reflux ratio.
• The liquid leaving the bottommost plate is admitted to a reboiler. The vapour produced
in the reboiler is returned to the column as vapour boil up and the liquid leaving the
reboiler is the bottom product. The ratio of the moles of vapour sent back to the
column to the mole of bottom product is designated as the boil-up ratio.
Fractionation/rectification in plate
The fractionating process
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Enrichment and stripping on an ideal plate of column
Condenser of column
• The vapour leaving the top plate is taken to a
condenser which is usually a conventional tubular
heat exchanger.
Condenser can be
(a) Total condenser
(b) Partial condensers
Internal reboilers
• They are integrated part of the column.
• They limited vapor capacity
• Cleaning requires shutdown of the unit
External reboilers
• Not integrated part of column.
• Can be arrange with spares which facilitate cleaning
(a) Kettle type reboiler
• Common in use
• Vapor and liquid are in equilibrium. Reboiler act as
theoretical plate
• Heating medium flow through the tube and liquid in
the tubes
(a) Vertical Thermosyphon reboiler with liquid withdrawn
from bottom sump
(b) Vertical Thermosyphon reboiler with liquid withdrawn
from downcomer of last plate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcptyuuGAwc