Chapter Five
Chapter Five
Chapter Five
Introduction to Digital
Subscriber Line Technologies
• Since the invention of the telephone, circuit switching has been the
dominant technology for voice communications.
– The path is a connected sequence of links between network nodes. On each physical
– Data transfer
– Circuit disconnect
• The switches must know how to find the route to the destination and how to allocate
• Both ends must operate at the same rate during the entire
period of connection
• Packet switching is designed to address these problems.
A route between
stations is set up prior
to data transfer.
All the data packets
then follow the same
But there is no
dedicated resources
reserved for the
virtual circuit!
Packets need to be
Relatively high data rates
Capable of providing video, telephony, and data
Relatively low cost in comparison with cable alternatives
Disadvantages of LMDS
LMDS requires a direct line of sight between buildings
LMDS signals are susceptible to interference from rain
and fog