Basic Mathematics I

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Numeracy and Mathematics

Basic Mathematics I
NQF Level 5 Credits 10

Mr Dennis MH Valombola
Course description:
 This course identifies and classifies the numeracy and Mathematical concepts
and topics considered in teaching the young child. Emphasis is placed on
planning numeracy and Mathematics activities that encourage thinking,
exploring, discovering and problem solving.
 Each concept is exemplified by hands-on experiences. This course provides the
Early Childhood Education student with the knowledge and skills to develop
basic numerical and mathematical understanding when working with young
children. This course will focus on both theory and practice. Time will be
devoted to understanding concepts in numeracy as well as creating activities to
help children learn numeracy skills.
Outcomes of learning
 Upon completing this course, students should be able to:
  Describe developmental levels in mathematical acquisition in young
  Explain concept development methods for instructional delivery in
1. Numeracy

 1.1 What numeracy?

 Numeracy is the ability to understand, reason with, and to apply simple
numerical concepts. The charity National Numeracy states: "Numeracy means
understanding how mathematics is used in the real world and being able to
apply it to make the best possible decisions. It’s as much about thinking and
reasoning as about 'doing sums'".
 1.2 Introduction to numeracy and its relatedness but distinctness from
 Mathematics refers to the domain of knowledge (or discipline),
while numeracy refers to a person’s ability to apply mathematical aspects and
thinking in a range of contexts, including social and everyday life. Numeracy is
not limited to applying number knowledge and skills.
 1.3 Definitions of numeracy including how numeracy is a social activity
 Numeracy is not the same as mathematics, nor is it an alternative to
mathematics. Today's students need both mathematics and numeracy. Whereas
mathematics asks students to rise above context, quantitative literacy is
anchored in real data that reflect engagement with life's diverse contexts and
situations (Steen, 2001, p.10). we examine numeracy as a social practice
that creates social space, considering in particular its productive nature, or
how it is implicated in the construction of space that has social, historical,
1.4 The impact of beliefs upon numeracy usage and development

 The importance of beliefs for the teaching and learning of

mathematics is widely recognized among mathematics
educators. In this special issue, we explicitly address what we
call “beliefs and beyond” to indicate the larger field
surrounding beliefs in mathematics education. This is done to
broaden the discussion to related concepts (which may not
originate in mathematics education) and to consider the
interconnectedness of concepts. In particular, we present
some new developments at the conceptual level, address
different approaches to investigate beliefs, highlight the role
of student beliefs in problem-solving activities, and discuss
teacher beliefs and their significance for professional
development. One specific intention is to consider expertise
from colleagues in the fields of educational research and
psychology, side by side with perspectives provided by
researchers from mathematics education.
2. Matching
 2.1 Concepts in matching
 Match objects represent the set of conditions which must be matched for actions to take place.
This includes the object type, the match type (exact, partial, regex, prefix, or suffix), the input
representation (text or hexadecimal), and the actual content to match. Match objects were
referred to as application objects in previous releases.
 Teaching young children how to match, classify, and measure is an important part
of developing early math skills because these skills help children identify and
describe relationships between items.
 2.2 Activities to help students with matching
 Match any small objects that you can collect into a Zip-lock bag. Think about small
items that you have lying around – coins, candies, matchbox cars, Legos. Put them
into a bag for students to match.
3. Counting
 3.1 Counting with and without using concrete objects
 The goal is not to have the child play with concrete objects but to use these
objects to help the child learn abstract ideas. The goal of manipulatives is to get
rid of them by putting them in the child’s head to use as needed in thought. By
using manipulatives like counting chips, students build their number sense in
the concrete stage. Later, students will move to the use of picture
representations to complete similar tasks. This will help them work toward
fluently using abstract written numbers and symbols, like 2 + 4 = 6.
 3.2. Representing numbers
 The use of picture representations to complete similar tasks. This will help them
work toward fluently using abstract written numbers and symbols, like 2 + 4 = 6.
 3.3 Recognize, read and write numbers
 Students can use the number line to demonstrate their understanding of the
correct order of the chosen numbers.
3.4 Activities for teaching and learning counting, representing
numbers, and reading and writing numbers
 This is a great way for kids to practice writing their numbers!
 Roll a pair of dice on a table with kids and ask them to count the number of dots
on both the dice separately and cumulatively to make the child adept
at counting and adding numbers.
4. Sets and Classifying

 4.1 Concepts in teaching sets and classifying objects

 Teaching sets to the children needs a lot of objects or materials because you are
going to teach groups of objects.
 This lesson about sets will train the kids to recognize the groups of objects in the
set and be able to name them as well as determine if the sets have the same
number of objects, have less or more. This will also teach the children to have an
idea about counting objects.
 4.2 Activities for learning sets and classifying objects
 When classifying objects with your child in more regimented activities, and even
in day-to-day life, try to use words to compare and contrast objects that are
based on their shape.
5. Ordering and Comparing

 5.1 Concepts for ordering numbers, objects, and sets

 Comparing and ordering are an integral part of our everyday lives. Comparing and
ordering numbers is a concept in math where we compare the numbers according
to their values and identify the smaller and bigger numbers and then order them in
ascending or descending order.
 5.2 Activities for ordering numbers, objects, and sets
 Compare the numbers according to their values and identify the smaller and bigger
numbers and then order them in ascending or descending order.
5.3 Concepts for teaching the comparing numbers, objects, and
Three or more sets of objects (for example, toy frogs, blocks):
The number of objects in each set can be between two and five to start. Keep in mind
that smaller sets (such as two to five) are easier to compare than larger sets (such as
15 to 18). One object card per object type: Create your own object cards by drawing
pictures or using photos.
5.4 Activities for learning the comparing of numbers, objects, and sets

6. Shapes
 6.1 Concepts for teaching and understanding shapes
• Provide authentic and real-life experience whenever possible.
• Identify shapes by using multiple examples.
• Encourage students to talk about math and explain their thinking, even if their
answer is wrong.
• Use mathematical language in all areas of learning. (ie: The top of a big A makes a
• Compare real life shapes.
• Allow for practice and lots of it
6.2 Activities for teaching and learning shapes.
Learning shapes is one of the earliest concepts we teach kids. There are many ways
that the concept shape and size can be implemented into practice, activities and
experiences need to be fun and enjoyable instead of presenting children with
flashcards. Teaching basic shapes for kids helps them understand their own
7. Space

 7.1 Concepts of space within numeracy

 Numeracy is the knowledge, skills, behaviours and dispositions that students need
in order to use mathematics in a wide range of situations. We work in this study to
particularize examinations of social space to numeracy activity in classroom
contexts involving youth from nondominant groups. We draw on particularly on de
Certeau and Harvey, in conceptualizing social space involving knowledge/discourse,
technologies (e.g., symbol systems, calculators, and curricula), and practice
 7.2 Shadows, directions, maps
 Encourage students to identify the maths involved in reading and
drawing maps (directions, scale, distances etc.) Challenge students to name things
about maps that are part of mathematics. Hand out some examples of maps of
Aotearoa or the local area and ask students to find features that they think
involve mathematical ideas.
 7.3 Activities to help with understanding space within numeracy
8. Parts and Wholes
 8.1 Concepts in the relationships of parts to a whole
 A part-whole relationships component skill is associated with any entity, activity, or
process which can be divided into parts.
 A part to whole analogy is defined as a comparison between a part and a whole of
one thing and how it is similar to a part and a whole of another thing.
8.2 Focus on fractions

 8.3 Activities for teaching and learning about relationships between parts and the
 Body Adult humans have 206 bones, 32 teeth, two arms, two legs well, lots of
parts that make up the whole body.
 Part-part-whole reasoning or the part-whole model is the idea that numbers can be
split into parts, which can be used in math learning
 8.4 Visual representations of fractions
8.4 Visual representations of fractions…

 Fraction on a number line is a visual mathematical representation of

fractions. It is done by plotting the given fraction (s) on the number line
where the section or the distance between two integers is divided into
equal parts which are equal to the denominator of the given fraction. It
is useful to add/subtract or to compare fractions visually.
9. Measurement
 9.1 Measuring length and its application to everyday life
 Uses seven basic units, representing length, mass, time, temperature, amount of
substance, electric current, and luminous intensity.
 9.2 Reasoning, interpreting and applying measurements
 measuring vessels measure, compare, add and subtract: lengths (m/cm/mm); mass
(kg/g); volume/capacity (l/ml) estimate, compare and calculate different measures,
including money in pounds and pence (appears also in Comparing) use all four
operations to solve problems involving measure (e.g. length, mass, volume, money)
using decimal notation
 9.3 Develop the concept and everyday application of measuring objects
 Measurement is one of the most important and widely used applications of
mathematics. Children must understand the importance of measurement and be
familiar with their use in everyday life. This helps children think about the purpose
of the ruler for showing units and not just for looking at the number where the
object ends.
10. Time
 10.1 Understanding the passage of time and use time correctly
 Elapsed time is the amount of time that passes from the start of an event to its
finish. In simplest terms, the elapsed time is how much time goes by from one
time to another.

 10.2 Understanding how long daily events take in real life

 The earliest natural events to be recognised were in the heavens, but during the
course of the year there were many other events that indicated significant
changes in the environment. Seasonal winds and rains, the flooding of rivers, the
flowering of trees and plants, and the breeding cycles or migration of animals and
birds, all led to natural divisions of the year, and further observation and local
customs led to the recognition of the seasons.
10.3 Activities to learn how to read a clock and tell time
10.3 Activities to learn how to read a clock and tell time
 Another important concept kids need to grasp is how the spaces between the
numbers work on an analog clock. This coloring activity is simple, but it helps drive
the point home.
11. Graphs

 11.1 How to read, interpret and understand graphs

 Identify what the graph represents. Most graphs will have a clearly labeled x-
element, spaced along the graph's horizontal axis, and a clearly labeled y-element,
spaced along the graph's vertical axis.
 11.2 How to create graphs from data
11.3 Activities to help students read graphs, interpret graphical
information, and create graphs from data
 The first step to working with picture graphs is to teach students how
to interpret, or analyze, them.
 Ms. Bell suggests that teachers should introduce a picture graph their students by
walking them through what each component of the graph represents. This includes
the following elements:
• The title of the graph
• The labels on each side of the axes
• The key to the pictures
• The pictures themselves
12. Blocks in the classroom/ what they teach

 12.1 How can blocks be used in the numeracy and mathematics classroom
Using blocks, children can understand number and quantity in many ways. Try having
the child place one block on each block you lay down. This is known as one-to-one
correspondence; the concept that each block counts as one object and can be equally
matched with another. All other math skills build upon this foundational math skill.
Using blocks of different shapes is a great way to plan for and assess early geometric
play experiences. Providing many types of triangles for example, lets children gain an
understanding that no matter the size of the triangles, they share the same basic
properties, that they all have three sides and three points.
 12.2 Activities using blocks to teach numerical and mathematical concepts
 Use blocks as a unit of measurement! For example, “How many blocks long is the fire
truck?” Introduce mathematical terms such as longer, shorter, more, less and equal.
Another way to explore measurement with blocks is to incorporate a balance scale.
Adding blocks to each side to see what happens is a way to make learning about
measurement entertaining and meaningful. It provides practice with the measurable
attributes of weight and an opportunity to assess their knowledge of and skill in
understanding mass.
12. Blocks in the classroom/ what they teach
 Lastly, use a color spinner while building with colored blocks. The children can spin
the spinner to see what color block they will add next. This is a great way to review
peer-to-peer interactions and turn-taking skills as well. All areas of mathematical
learning can be fun and meaningful with the use of blocks. From beginning skills to
more advanced learning, blocks play an integral role in the learning and
development of young children. Remember to guide children’s learning with leading
questions and think-alouds to spark their minds.
13. Symbols and Teaching Aids

 13.1 What are visual aids, mnemonic devices, and manipulatives?

Visual aids

Mnemonic devices
 Exercising unscrupulous control or influence over a person or situation. Objects
(such as blocks) that a student is instructed to use in a way that teaches or
reinforces a lesson. Which are designed to be used by learners so that they can
perceive some mathematical concepts.
 Manipulatives are physical tools of teaching. They engage students visually and
physically and include objects such as coins, blocks, puzzles, markers, etc.
 Manipulatives are physical objects that are used as teaching tools to engage
students in the hands-on learning of mathematics.
13.2 How can visual aids, mnemonic devices, and manipulative be help with
teaching numeracy and mathematics?
 Each of these visuals highlights the mathematics inside the problem and helps
students develop understanding of multiplication. Pictures help students see
mathematical ideas, which aids understanding. Visual mathematics also
facilitates higher-level thinking, enables communication and helps people see
the creativity in mathematics.
 Manipulatives really help to create a visual representation of a math concept
you’re teaching. The next step is to help students store those visual images in
their brains.
 Manipulatives really help to create a visual representation of a math concept
you’re teaching. The next step is to help students store those visual images in
their brains.
13.3 Activities using visual aids, mnemonic devices, and manipulative to teach skills
in numeracy and mathematics.
 Teach place value. “Give each student a handful of dice and have them roll.
Recommended text(s)/source(s)

 Charlesworth & Lind (2006). Math and Science for the Young Child. New York:
 Thomson Delmar Learning
 McMaster, H., & Mitchelmore, M. (2008) Working Mathematically. Activities that Teach

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