Construction Law
Construction Law
Construction Law
Introduction, an overview of
International and Ethiopian
Construction laws and the
Practice of CL in Ethiopia
Introduction to the Construction Industry
2. Consent
• The first requisite of a contract is an
agreement (consisting of an offer and
acceptance… negotiation)
• The offer or who makes an offer, and the
offeree who accepts the offer.
Formation of contract
• Offer can be made in writing, orally, or sign or
conduct, depending on the contract
Offer Vs Mere declaration of intention(an
invitation to treat or request for offer )
• Differently from mere declaration of intention,
offer has a binding effect.
• Auction : - in an auction, the auctioneer's call for
bids is an invitation, a request for offers.
• The bids made by person at the auction are offers.
Formation of contract
An unqualified assent to the terms of the
offer ( An acceptance of the terms of an offer
with out further qualifications)
To make a binding contract the acceptance
must exactly match the offer.
Formation of contract
In his reply to an offer, if the offeree introduces a
new terms or varies of the offer, then that reply
cannot amount to an acceptance.
Instead, the reply is treated as a “counter-offer”
which the original offeror is free to accept or reject.
Conditional acceptance:- if the offeree puts a
condition in the acceptance, then it will not binding.
Formation of contract
Communication of Acceptance:-
• Generally, acceptance can be made orally, in
writing, or by conduct
• Until and unless the acceptance is so
communicated, no contract comes to existence.
• The offeror cannot impose a contract on the
offeree against his wishes by deeming that his
silence should amount to an acceptance.
Formation of contract
Effect of Acceptance
Acceptance :- once an offer has been accepted, a
binding contract is made.
Rejection:- if the offeree rejects the offer that is
the end of it. Eg. The defendant made the
highest bid for the plaintiff’s goods at an auction
sale, but he withdrew his bid before the fall of
the auctioneer's hammer. It was held that the
defendant was not bound to purchase the goods.
Formation of contract
Defect in consent ( Art. 1696-1710)
The consent of parties must be free from
mistake ( fundamental), fraud, duress
( coercion, referential fear)
Formation of contract
2. legality: the object of contract must be lawful
and not contrary to public morals
The object shall be sufficiently defined , must
be possible
In a construction contract, matters such as the
scope of work, price and the time for
completion shall be sufficiently defined.
Formation of contract
5. Forms
• Generally there is freedom of form
• Contracts required by law to be made in writing
Contract relating to immovable
contract that made for long duration ( contract of
guarantee, contract of insurance, security contract,…
Contract with public administration
When parties decide the form of contract to be in
Subsidiary contract
Formation of contract
• Constriction industry generally involve
complex arrangements with in many
• As a result the contractual terms will
invariably all be set down in writing.
• Failure to follow formal requirement render
the contract a mere draft
Effects of Elements of contract
• The non fulfillment of the element of contracts
render the contract either void or voidable.
• Void contract does not have any legal effects
from the beginning ( void abinitio).
• Non fulfillment of object and form render the
contract void.
• Voidable contract produce effect until
invalidation ( unless the party whose consent
was vitiated or incapable invalidates)
Formation of contract
• It is caused by defect in consent or incapacity
• Its future effects also can be cured either by
party or by law
Reinstatement of party: -the party who made
payment receive such payment back
Effect of contract
• “Pacta sunt servanda” :-the parties are bound
by their agreement; becomes a law ( Art. 1971
of CC).
• It creates rights and duties between parties
• If any party breaches the conditions of
contract or refuse to carry on with works; the
other party seeks remedy.
Effect of contract
1. Forced performance
2. Cancellation
3. Damage (compensation)
Effect of contract
Notice as a pre-requisite for invoking
• The victim shall put the other party in default
by giving him a notice on due date by fixing a
period of time with in which he accepts
• Generally, no formal requirement for notice
Effect of contract
When notice is not necessary:-
The obligation is to refrain from certain acts
when an obligation to be performed only with
a fixed period
When the debtor declared in writing that he
would not perform his obligation
when it is agreed that notice shall not be
Effect of contract
1. Forced performance:-
The creditor’s special interest, and
Without affecting of the debtor’s personal
2. Cancellation
Unilateral (when it is agreed, lapse of fixed
period in the default notice, when
performance becomes impossible)
Effect of contract
3. damage(compensation)
Effects of construction contract