Dr. Sandhya P
VIT - Chennai
React Introduction
• Open source JavaScript library for building user interfaces
• Not a framework
• Focus on UI
• React is based on component based architecture (Reusable code)
• React is declarative (React with React DOM library will build the actual
• React native can be used for developing mobile applications
React – Hello World application
• Install node.js
• Install VS Code
• To create a React project run the following in CLI:
npx create-react-app my-app
cd my-app
npm start
• Then open the browser on port 3000 to get the default app
React – Hello World application
React – Hello World application
• Open App.js and edit the <p> to Hello Kevin!!!
React – Hello World application
File Structure of React Project
package.json (Contains dependencies and scripts)
package-lock.json (Contains dependencies)
public folder (contains index.html which has <div> root, when you run
npm start, it is this file that gets rendered in the browser)
src folder contains index.js (This contains the view of the
AppComponent which is rendered in the DOM app node-in the
App.js - AppComponent
Component Types
• Stateless functional components
• Stateful class components
Stateless function components
Stateless function components
• Create a components folder in src
• Create a function in ES6 standard (arrow function)
Stateless function components
• Greet.js
Stateless function components
• App.js
Stateless function components
Stateful class component
Stateful class component
• The state is a private state where it is used to provide some
information to describe the user-interface.
Stateful class component
Stateful class component
Stateful class component
Class components
• Class components has lifecycle hooks
• They return JSX
• They have state
• Using state, lifecycle methods and this binding is cumbersome. Hence
hooks are introduced.
• JavaScript XML (JSX) – Extension to JavaScript Language Syntax
• Write XML like codes for elements and components
• JSX tags have tag name, attributes and children
• JSX is not necessary to write React applications
• JSX makes code easier
• JSX code gets transpiled to JavaScript and then runs on browser
• class – className
• for – htmlFor
• onclick – onClick
• tabindex - tabIndex
Code without JSX
Code without JSX
Code without JSX
Code with JSX
Code with JSX
Code with JSX
Props (Dynamic page)