Critical Approaches to the Study of the Gospels

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Critical Approaches to

the Study of the Gospels

Daniel Nii Aboagye Aryeh, PhD
 There are many critical or analytical methods that scholars
have engaged to examine the gospels.

 There is lower criticism and higher criticism. Lower

criticism refers to methods used in the analysis or the
comparison between the gospels as canonized documents.
This is also known as textual criticism, which is a means of
comparing ancient documents.
Higher criticism refers to the use of
disciplines that seeks to explain how the
original documents of the gospels were
composed. It looks at the sources,
redaction, and circumstances that led to
the composition.
• Higher criticism is divided into two main disciples:
(i) historical criticism and (ii) literary criticism.
Historical criticism studies the pre-history behind
the text, and various historical influences of
communities on the text culminating in the
editing/redacting of the oral traditions, fragmentary
documents, proto-gospels etc. Literary criticism
shows that the relationship between Matthew, Mark,
and Luke can be studied together.
Form Criticism

Form Criticism belongs to the Higher

criticism subsection of historical criticism.
It is composed of (i) analysis of form, (ii)
sitz in Leben (cultural setting of the
text/life situation), and (iii) Transmission
of tradition.
 Key scholars in the development of Form Criticism are twentieth-
centuries German scholars: K. L. Schmidt, Martin Dibelius, and
Rudolf Bultmann. They posited that (i) the gospels can be divided
into forms: pronouncement, parables, miracles, passion
narratives, myth/legendary; (ii) assigned sitz in Leben (life
situation) to each of the “Forms”. For example, pronouncement
stories were believed to have been popular preachings, apologetic
interactions etc. Legendary stories were created to glorify Jesus
as a hero. Parables belong to storytellers etc.
 Form critics designed rules for transmission of the oral tradition. The
transmission of the oral tradition gets longer from generation to
generation. The tradition was embellished by assigning names,
contexts, etc to narratives that actors were not originally named and
contexts stated. Sometimes interpretations were given to some
narratives ex. In the parable of the Sower, some miracles were
assigned reasons why they were performed. The task of the form
critics is to do away with all the secondary layers of the text to
discover the original text. These layers were considered satellites
around the kernel.
The contributions of Form Criticism: (i)
segmentation/categorization of the gospel
materials/documents; (ii) interpretative
models for each category; (iii) identification
of sources, differences, and similarities; (iv)
uniqueness of each gospel etc.
The weaknesses of Form Criticism:
(i) analogous materials; (ii) scientific
methods; (iii) disqualification of
some gospel genres; (iv) the role of
the Spirit played down
Criticism is sometimes used
synonymously with Source Criticism

 Mark, Q, M, L their contributions and


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