ISS _ PPT, Year 1 AP&AFM 2024-2025 - (1)
ISS _ PPT, Year 1 AP&AFM 2024-2025 - (1)
ISS _ PPT, Year 1 AP&AFM 2024-2025 - (1)
Some references
Teaching Materials:
•Chalk and black board, laptop and projector are needed for theory,
•Soil auger, core sylinder, oven dry stove, lab equipments, knife, hand hoe,
measuring rule etc for practical work.
Fundamental concepts
Soil: Fundamental concepts
Soil science is the study of soil as a natural resource on the
surface of the earth including
•soil formation,
•classification and mapping;
•physical, chemical, biological, and fertility properties of
soils; and
•these properties in relation to the use and management
of soils.
Soil: Fundamental concepts
Sometimes terms which refer to branches of soil science,
such as:
•Pedology (formation, chemistry, morphology and
classification of soil) and
•Edaphology (influence of soil on organisms,
(especially plants), are used as synonymous
with soil science.
•Soil occupies the pedosphere, one of Earth's spheres that
the geosciences use to organize theEarth conceptually.
Soil: Fundamental concepts
• This is the conceptual perspective of pedology and
edaphology, the two main branches of soil science.
• Pedology (From Greek word pedon, means soil or earth)
is the study of soil in its natural setting.
• Edaphology (from Greek word edaphos, means soil or
ground) is the study of soil in relation to soil-dependent
• Both branches apply a combination of soil physics, soil
chemistry and soil biology.
Soil: Fundamental concepts
Soil Science has six well defined and developed
•Soil fertility: Nutrient supplying properties of soil
•Soil chemistry: Chemical constituents, chemical
properties and the chemical reactions
• Soil physics: Involves the study of physical properties
Soil: Fundamental concepts
• Soil microbiology: Deals with micro organisms, its
population, classification, its role in transformations
• Soil conservation: Dealing with protection of soil against
physical loss by erosion or against chemical deterioration
i.e excessive loss of nutrients either natural or artificial
• Soil Pedology: Dealing with the genesis, survey and
Soil: Definition
Generally soil refers to the loose surface of the earth as
identified from the original rocks and minerals from which
it is derived through weathering process.
•Whitney (1892): Soil is a nutrient bin which supplies all
the nutrients required for plant growth
•Hilgard (1892): Soil is more or less a loose and friable
material in which plants, by means of their roots, find a
foothold for nourishment as well as for other conditions
of growth”
•Dokuchaiev (1900): Russian scientist - Father of soil
science - Soil is a natural body composed of mineral and
organic constituents, having a definite genesis and a
distinct nature of its own.
Soil: Definition
i. Igneous rocks
• Extrusive rocks (or volcanic rocks) are formed due
to the consolidation of magma on the surface of the
• The magma, when it flows on the Earth surface is
called LAVA E.g. Basalt
• Intrusive rocks (or plutonic rocks) are produced due
to solidification of magma below the surface of the
earth. E.g. Granite
• Rocks formed in vertical cracks are called dykes and
rocks formed in horizontal cracks are called sills.
ii. Sedimentary rocks
• These rocks are formed from the consolidation of
sediments (mud and sand) accumulated through wind or
water action at the surface of the earth.
• They are cemented together by chemicals or pressure
• These rocks are also called as clastic rocks.
iii. Metamorphic rocks
• These rocks are formed from igneous and sedimentary
rocks under the influence of great heat, pressure,
chemically active liquids and gases.
• Change may occur in mineral composition or texture or
• The changes due to water is called hydro metamorphosis
and due to pressure is called dynamo metamorphosis
Organic fraction
• Soil organic matter consists of plant, animal and
microbial residues in various stages of decay.
• See details on soil organic matter in Chapter 5.
a) Physical weathering:
Agents: Temperature, Water, Wind.
b) Chemical weathering:
Solution, Hydratation, Hydrolysis,
Carbonation, Oxidation and reduction.
c) Biological weathering:
Agents: Man and animal;
Roots of higher plants;
Factors of soil formation
Two groups
•Passive : i) Parent material, ii) Topography,
iii) Time
•Active : iv) Climate, v) Vegetation & organism
Parental materials
Active factors
• Parent materials: geological or organic precursors to the soil
Nature of Parental material influence soil formation by :
their rates of weathering,
nutrients they contain for plant use
particle sizes they contain
• Climate: primarily precipitation and temperature
• Biota : living organisms, especially native vegetation, microbes,
soil animals, and increasingly human beings
• Topography: Slope aspect, and landscape position
• Time: The period of time since the parent materials began to
undergo soil
Pedogenetic processes
1. Humification.
• Humification is the process of transformation of raw
organic matter into humus.
• Degrading or break down of the organic material by algae,
fungi, insects and worms causes humification which leaves
behind a dark, amorphous humus releases nitrogenous
compounds into the soil.
• This stage is called mineralization
• The organic changes, thus, refer to the accumulated effect
produced by these processes.
• Degrading Humificafion Mineralisation
Pedogenetic processes
2. Eluviation.
•The meaning of eluviation is washing out.
•It is the process of removal of constituents in suspension or
solution by the percolating water from the upper to lower
•In other words it refers to the down wash of clay and other
soluble material, leaving behind a deprived or eluvial horizon.
Pedogenetic processes
3. Illuviation.
•It is the reverse of eluviation.
•Illuviation is said to have occurred when accumulation or
deposition of material from the upper layers leaves behind an
enriched horizons.
•In other words the process of deposition of soil material in
the lower layer is known as illuviation.
4. Leaching.
•It is the downward movement of material-clay, bases or
organic stuff, in solution or colloidal form.
•Leaching is more pronounced in humid areas than in dry
Pedogenetic processes
5. Horizonation.
•It is the process of differentiation of soil in different horizons
along the depth of the soil body.
•The differentiation is due to the fundamental processes,
humification, eluviation and illuviation.
Soil profile
• 30 % Silt
• 40 % Sand
Textural Class:
• Clay Loam
Exercice 1
2. Percentages of fractions:
• Sand : (150/600) x 100 = 25%
•Silt : (270/600) x 100 = 45%
• Clay : (180/600) x 100 = 30%.
Soil porosity
• Soil porosity is the percentage of a soil that is pore spaces
or voids.
• The average soil has a porosity of about 50%, and the
pores are filled with air or water depending on the
moisture content.
• Sands have larger pores, but less total pore space than
• If both bulk density and particle density are known, the
total porosity can be calculated using these values.
Soil porosity
It is an index of the relative volume of the pores in soil. Its
value oscillates between 0,3 and 0,6 (or 30 – 60 %).
b) Bulk density:
Ρb= Ms/Vt = Ms/(Vs+Vw+Va)
= 600 g / (300+150+150)
= 1 g/cm³
c) Porosity:
f=Vf/Vt = (Va+Vw)/(Vs+Vw+Va)
= (150+150)ml /
Assignment 2
A soil surveyor collected an undisturbed sample of moist soil
that weighed 1500 g using a core ring 10 cm in diameter and
10 cm height. Upon drying in an oven at 105oC for 24 hours
the soil weighed 1200 g. Calculate the dry bulk density and
mass wetness.
Take π to be 3.14.
Soil Water (moisture)
/soil solution
Soil moisture
quantity of water contained in a certain quantity
of soil.
Wilting point
(water too tightly held for plant use)
Soil Water (moisture)
Field Capacity
• Following a rain or irrigation, a
portion of the water from saturated
soils will drain from the soil due to
• After two to three days the
gravitational drainage will become
• At this time the soil is said to be at
field capacity.
Entry of Water into Soil
•Infiltration refers to the downward entry or movement of
water into the soil surface
•It is a surface characteristic and hence primarily
influenced by the condition of the surface soil.
•Soil surface with vegetative cover has more infiltration
rate than bare soil
•Warm soils absorb more water than colder ones
•Coarse surface texture, granular structure and high
organic matter content in surface soil, all help to increase
•Infiltration rate is comparatively lower in wet soils than
dry soils
Entry of Water into Soil
•The movement of water through a column of soil is called
•It is important for two reasons.
i) This is the only source of recharge of ground water
which can be used through wells for irrigation
ii) Percolating waters carry plant nutrients down and often
out of reach of plant roots (leaching)
•In dry region it is negligible and under high rainfall it is
•Sandy soils have greater percolation than clayey soil
•Vegetation and high water table reduce the percolation
Entry of Water into Soil
•It indicates the relative ease of movement of water with
in the soil.
•The characteristics that determine how fast air and water
move through the soil is known as permeability.
•The term hydraulic conductivity is also used which refers
to the readiness with which a soil transmits fluids
through it
•The frequency and duration of periods when the soil is
free from saturation with water.
•It controls the soil cum water relationship and the supply
of nutrients to the plants.
Soil colour
• The color of the soil is an indicator of
several characteristics of soil.
• The soil colours are best determined
by the comparison with the Munsell
colour chart.
Soil colour
• The Munsell soil colour notation is
divided into three parts:
• Hue - it denotes the dominant spectral colour
(red,yellow ,blue and green).
• Value - it denotes the lightness or darkness of a
colour (the amount of reflected light).
• Chroma - it represents the purity of the colour
(strength of the colour).
Soil colour
• The Munsell colour notations are
systematic numerical and letter
designations of each of these three
variables (Hue,Value and Chroma).
• For example ,the numerical notation 2.5
YR6/6 suggests a hue of 2.5 YR,value of
5 and chroma of 6.
• The equivalent or parallel soil colour
name for this Munsell notation is `red`.
Soil air
• The most important colloids of the soil are clay and humus.
• Others are hydroxides of iron, aluminium (they are
electropositive colloids) and silica (electronegative colloid).
3.0. Introduction
Proportion of colloids in soil is as follows:
•Humus : 5%
•Other colloids : 5%
3.0. Introduction
Mineral nutrients are absorbed by plants from the soil
solution as ions.
•An ion is an electrically charged particle formed by the
removal or addition of electrons from an atom or
•An ion with a positive electrical charge is called a cation.
•An ion with a negative electrical charge is called an
•Cations include sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), calcium
(Ca++), magnesium (Mg++) and aluminium (Al+++).
•Anions include chloride (Cl-), nitrate (NO3-), sulphate
(SO4--), carbonate (CO3--), phosphate (H₂PO₄-) and boric
acid (BO₃---).
3.1. Ion Exchange
Ion exchange reactions
•The process by which ions are exchanged between solid
and liquid phases and /or between solid phases if in close
contact with each other is called ion exchange.
•The common exchangeable cations are Ca2+ Mg2+ H+ ,K+,
NH4+ and Na+.
•The common anions are SO42-, Cl- , PO43- and N03-.
•The ion exchange in soil is due to the presence of
residual positive and negative charges on the soil
Ion exchange reactions
•The negative charges attract positively charged ions and
the positive charges attract negatively charged ions from
soil solutions coming in contact with colloids.
•Exchange of cation is called cation exchange and
exchange of anion is called anion exchange.
•The capacity of the soil to hold and exchange cation is
called cation exchange capacity (CEC).
•The capacity to hold and exchange anion is called Anion
exchange capacity (AEC).
•Ions adsorbed to soil surfaces can be exchanged with
ions in soil solution.
Ion exchange reactions
•Organic colloids and inorganic micelles (clays) are sites of
ion exchange
•Where do ions in soil come from?
• Release from organic matter
• Rain
• Weathering of parent material
• Applied fertilizers
Ion exchange reactions
•Exchangeable cations:
The cations that can be replaced on exchange site by
other cations are called exchangeable cations.
weakly held, in contact with soil solution, ready for quick
“outer sphere complex”
Exchangeable ions (on soil surfaces) cannot be removed by
Soluble cations (in solution) can be removed by leaching
Ion exchange reactions
•Nonexchangeable cations:
•Ions that are held very lightly with the colloid may be
traped between layers of clay micelle.
They adsorbed by strong bonds or held in inaccessible
They do not pass to the soil solution very easily
“inner sphere complex”
not part of ion exchange!
3.2. Cation exchange capacity (CEC)
•Cation exchange capacity (CEC) is the total amount
of exchangeable cations that a soil can adsorb
(retain, hold) and exchange.
Cation exchange capacity (CEC)
Base saturation
Cation exchange capacity (CEC)
Base saturation
•The basic cations are also called exchangeable bases (Ca2+,
Mg2+, K+, Na+)
•The sum of these 4 bases is Sum of exchangeable Bases
•The proportion of the basic cations, expressed as a
percentage, compared to the total of the cations on the
complex of exchange is called rate of saturation in bases
•V = S x 100 / T where T is the ECEC and S is the
exchangeable bases
Cation exchange capacity (CEC)
Base saturation
•V = S x 100 / T
•If a soil has a CEC of 16 cmol/kg and 4.2 cmol/kg of cations
Al3+ and H+, Determine the rate of saturation in bases.
•S = 16 – 4.2 = 11.8 cmol/kg
•V = 11.8 x 100/16 = 73.7%.
•The whole of Al3+ and H+ is called Exchangeable acidity
3.3. Soil reaction/soil pH
• The reaction of soil indicates the degree of acidity or
alkalinity of a soil, usually expressed by the pH.
• The pH is the decimal logarithm of the reverse of the
concentration of a solution in ions H+.
• pH= - log [H+]
• Where pH is the hydrogen potential,
• [H+] is the concentration in H.
Soil reaction/soil pH
Measure of soil pH
•The measurement of pH is done using an electrode pH-
•The measurement of soil pH is carried out in a suspension
of the soil sample in water (pH water) or in a solution of KCl
(pH KCl).
•The pH with water is always higher than the pH KCl. In the
acid soils, it is interesting to measure the pH KCl.
Soil reaction/soil pH
Measure of soil pH
•At the laboratory, one uses of KCl 1N.
•The K+ ions are exchanged with the H+ ions which were
not dissociated in aqueous suspension.
•The difference between pH KCl and pH water (ΔpH) gives a
good idea of potential acidity.
•ΔpH = pHKCl - pH water
•If ΔpH= 0, it is a neutral acidity
Soil reaction/soil pH
Measure of soil pH
•If ΔpH< 0, the particles of soil have negative charges.
•They then attract the cations present in the soil;
•If ΔpH> 0, the particles of soil have positive loads.
•They then attract the anions present in soil.
• Abundant in rhizosphere
• zone surrounding root
• dead root cells and exudate stimulate
microbial growth
• Bacteria
Extension of
Plant roots
• Grow as long threads (hyphae)
• Push through soil particles, roots, rocks
•Produce an array of complex organic materials (leaves, roots,
stems, bark, wood, seeds)—affect soil chemistry, water
retention, pH, organic matter, etc.
•Aid in rock weathering and soil formation
2. Animals
A. Microfauna
a. Protozoa (amoebae, ciliates, flagellates)
B. Macrofauna
a. Ants and Earthworms
Major mixers of soil
Openings allow air and water
Lunch Dinner
2. Animals
B. Macrofauna
b. Springtails, Mites, Mammals, Humans
B. Macrofauna
c. Arthropods
• ¾ of all living organisms
• Exoskeleton, jointed legs, segmented body
• Insects
• Crustaceans
• Arachnids
• Myriapoda
3. Feeding habits
Energy source:
• Phototrophs (get energy from sunlight i.e.
•Chemotrophs (get energy from chemical oxidation)
4. importance of soil organisms
1. Burrowing animals
• Earthworms improve aeration, water infiltration,
drainage, and they enhance nutrient availability
and cycling.
• Termites digest large amounts of organic
matter, some of which is later available to
plants, and also affect soil physical properties.
2. Predation and parasitism
Microscopic protozoa graze on bacteria, moving
within thin films of soil water.
4. importance of soil organisms
3. Plants
Plants have major effects in the soil environment
by the:
•cycling of water and nutrients,
•production of organic matter,
•formation of pores by root growth,
•secretion of root exudates which promote soil
aggregation, and
•production of organic acids which influence
nutrient availability.
4. importance of soil organisms
4. Fungi
•Decomposition of organic matter which releases plant
•Mycorrhizae are associations between fungi and plant
roots that can be beneficial to both the plant and the
•The fungi receive carbohydrates and exudates as
energy from the host plant root whilst nutrients such as
P, are passed back into the plant roots from the soil.
•Mushrooms are important food products; many molds,
like Penicillium, produce useful materials such as
•Fungal hyphae also play a role in the development of
soil structure.
4. importance of soil organisms
5. Bacteria.
•Heterotrophic bacteria decompose a wider
range of earth material than any other microbe
•Fixation of nitrogen from atmospheric N 2 into
organic forms is also performed by bacteria,
Autotrophs synthesize their own energy from light
or by chemical oxidation.
•They are able to oxidize or reduce many
chemical elements in the soil.
•For example, nitrogen is transformed (oxidized)
from ammonium to nitrite and nitrate by two
different species, Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter .
4. importance of soil organisms
6. Blue-green algae
Fix nitrogen especially in wet environments
such as rice paddies and wetlands.
7. Actinomycetes
•Actinomycetes also are able to
decompose resistant substances in soil.
•One type, Frankia, important in nitrogen
fixation in tree ecosystems.
•Many of our important antibiotics (all the
mycin compounds such as streptomycin)
are made from soil actinomycetes.
6. Soil environmental Factors affecting
soil organisms
1. Soil atmosphere
•Anaerobic microorganisms have the ability to
generate energy and grow in the absence of O 2.
•Aerobes must grow in the presence of oxygen.
2. Soil pH
•Soil organisms have optimal soil pH range.
•Fungi are acid tolerant (pH 4 to 6.5).
•Bacteria prefer neutral conditions (6.0 to 6.5).
6. Soil environmental Factors affecting
soil organisms
3. Soil water
•Water is essential for the activity and growth of soil
•They require water to; move in, gas exchange, exchange
of solutes, expel wastes and obtain nutrients.
•As soils become drier, the pore spaces become
progressively filled with air.
•Many microbial cells are killed by dessication and only
those with resistant propagules can survive long periods
of drought.
6. Soil environmental Factors affecting
soil organisms
4. Temperature
All microorganisms have characteristic minimum and
maximum temperature ranges.
5. Organic matter
They are source of food.
Chapter – five:
soil organic matter and plant
• Carbon, H and O are obtained from the atmosphere and
water, and are not considered mineral elements.
• The remaining essential elements for plants can be divided
into three groups based on average concentrations in
primary macronutrients,
secondary macronutrients and
Assignment 4
Outline the 13 essential nutrients, and their available
form to plants, functions and deficiency symptoms
Major or Primary or Macro
Secondary Nutrients
Micro Nutrients (Trace Elements)
Fe - Iron
Mn -Manganese
B - Boron
Mo - Molybdenum
Zn - Zinc
Cu - Copper
Cl - Chlorine
• Plants cannot absorb the organic
forms of nutrients, which must be
mineralized before they can be used
by crops and other plants.
• Fertilizers generally provide nutrients
in their inorganic, or mineral, forms
which are readily available for use by
The source of H, O and C are air and water.
The other macronutrients – they are absorbed in larger
quantities from soil and fertilizers.
They are N, P, K. They are also called major and primary
Secondary elements are Ca, Mg and S.
They are absorbed relatively in smaller quantities than
primary nutrients.
The micronutrients – absorbed in trace quantities, hence
the name micro.
They are Cl, Cu, B, Fe, Mn, Mo, and Zn.
Supplying Plant Nutrients
Nutrients that plants obtain from the soil
Macronutrients: Micronutrients:
amounts) (needed in small amounts)
• • Nitrogen
(N) • Chlorine (Cl)
• • Phosphorus
(P) • Cobalt (Co)
• • Potassium
(K) • Copper (Cu)
• • Calcium
(Ca) • Iron (Fe)
• • Magnesium
(Mg) • Manganese (Mn)
• • Sulfur
(S) • Molybdenum (Mo)
• Nickel (Ni)
• Zinc (Zn)
Nutrient demands by
• In general, nutrient needs increase as the plant grows
through the seedling stage into the reproductive stage
(silking and tasseling).
• When plants are young and small, nutrient need is
• As plants enlarge and start to grow rapidly, nutrient
needs increase dramatically.
Processes of nutrient
1. uptake
Mass flow
• Mass flow of a nutrient occurs when it is dissolved in
the soil solution and flows with water into the plant.
• This is the major process for uptake of nitrogen,
calcium and magnesium.
2. Diffusion
• Diffusion is the movement of a nutrient from an area of
high concentration to one of lower concentration.
• Typically the nutrient will move from the soil solution
(high concentration) to the root surface (low
• This is an important process for uptake of phosphorus
and potassium
Processes of nutrient
3. Root interception
•Root interception occurs when a root grows in to a
fresh area or surface of clay or organic matter
reducing the distance a nutrient must diffuse and
thus increasing absorption of the nutrient.
•Root interception is extremely important for very
immobile nutrients like P and thus having good soil
conditions for root growth is essential for good P
Where do plant
nutrients come from?
• Decaying plant litter
• Addition by humans
• Commercial fertilizer
• Manure
• Lime
• Other
• In the soil, a large portion of plant nutrients are
bound up in complex compounds that are
unavailable to plants.
• The complex compounds are gradually changed
into the simpler compounds by chemical
weathering and biological processes.
• Thus, the chemical fertility of a soil depends in
part on how easily the plants can access the
nutrients in a form they require.
• This is referred to as the availability of a nutrient.