Chapter-5-Energy-and-Environment (1)_FINAL
Chapter-5-Energy-and-Environment (1)_FINAL
Chapter-5-Energy-and-Environment (1)_FINAL
Energy and
Energy is the foundation of our modern world. It powers our homes,
businesses, transportation, and countless other aspects.
Understanding different renewable and non-renewable energy
sources is essential for comprehending the complex relationship
between energy consumption and environmental impact.
Non-Renewable Energy Sources
Fossil Fuels Environmental Impact Dependence on Fossil
Non-renewable energy sources The extraction and combustion of
are finite resources that take fossil fuels have significant Despite their environmental
millions of years to form and environmental consequences. drawbacks, fossil fuels remain a
cannot be replenished at a rate They release greenhouse gases major source of energy globally.
comparable to their consumption. into the atmosphere, contributing Their widespread use is driven by
They are primarily derived from to climate change. Mining their relatively low cost and
fossil fuels, the remains of ancient operations can also lead to habitat established infrastructure.
organisms transformed over time destruction and pollution. However, as global energy
by heat and pressure. demand increases and
environmental concerns escalate,
the transition towards renewable
energy sources is becoming
increasingly crucial.
Formation Uses Environmental Impact
Coal is a black, combustible solid Coal is a primary fuel source for Coal combustion releases significant
formed from the remains of ancient power generation, producing amounts of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen
plants that died millions of years electricity for homes and businesses. oxides, and particulate matter into
ago. Over time, these plant It is also used in the production of the atmosphere, contributing to air
materials were buried under layers steel, cement, and other industrial pollution, acid rain, and respiratory
of sediment and subjected to products. While coal was a key health problems. Coal mining can
intense heat and pressure, source of power in the past, its use is also lead to land degradation and
transforming them into coal. decreasing due to environmental water contamination.
Oil or Crude Oil
1 Formation 2 Uses
Oil is a thick, viscous liquid formed over millions of Oil is a versatile energy source used for
years from the remains of microscopic marine transportation, heating, and the production of
organisms. These organisms were buried under plastics, fertilizers, and other industrial products. It is
layers of sediment and subjected to heat and a major component of gasoline and diesel fuel,
pressure, transforming their organic matter into oil. which power vehicles and machinery.
Environmentally Friendly
Geothermal energy is a clean and sustainable source of energy with low greenhouse gas emissions.
It is also a reliable source of energy, as geothermal reservoirs are continuously replenished.
Geographic Limitations
Geothermal energy is not available everywhere, as it requires specific geological conditions, such as
the presence of hot water or steam reservoirs. The geographical limitations of geothermal energy
make it a regional source of energy.
1 Water Power 2 Advantages of Hydropower
Hydropower harnesses the energy of moving water Hydropower is a reliable and efficient source of
to generate electricity. Dams are built to create energy, with low operating costs and a relatively
reservoirs, and the water is released through small environmental footprint. It is also a flexible
turbines to produce electricity. source of energy, providing both baseload and peak