Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social
Management of Business Unit 1 – Module 1
What is Business Ethics
behavior of people. Ethics
provide guidelines for people to
avoid mistakes, while they are
thinking that they are doing the
right thing.
Benefit of Business Ethics
Governance refers to the set of rules, controls, policies, and resolutions put in place to direct
corporate behavior. A board of directors is pivotal in governance, while proxy advisors and
shareholders are important stakeholders who can affect governance.
The board of directors is the primary direct stakeholder influencing corporate governance.
Directors are elected by shareholders or appointed by other board members and charged
with representing the interests of the company's shareholders.
Sustainability in
business refers to a
Sustainable Practice
company's strategy For instance,
refers to the
and actions to reduce sustainability in
implementation of
adverse business can mean:
environmental and Using sustainable
friendly strategies by
social impacts materials in the
businesses to reduce
resulting from manufacturing
their dependence on
business operations process. Optimizing
fossil fuels, lower
in a particular market. supply chains to
carbon emissions,
An organization's reduce greenhouse
and promote the use
sustainability gas emissions.
of renewable energy
practices are typically Relying on renewable
sources like solar
analyzed against energy sources to
panels and wind
environmental, social power facilities
and governance
(ESG) standards.
Examples of
Business Practices
in Jamaica