miscarriage & RPL - for students
miscarriage & RPL - for students
miscarriage & RPL - for students
Soha AlBeitawi
20 % of clinically recognized
Abortion vs
1. Threatened
2. Inevitable
3. Incomplete
4. Complete
5. Missed
6. Septic
7. Recurrent
Threatened miscarriage
Bleeding from placental site which is not severe
enough to terminate pregnancy
2. Abd pain
3. Closed os
4. Normal size GS
5. + FHB (up t0 97% preg. Continues)
1. Pain
2. Pink vaginal discharge
3. Fever
4. Tachycardia
5. Tender lower uterus
Causes of septic..
1.Delay in evacuation of the uterus
2. Trauma , perforation or cervical
- Infecting organisms: anerobic streptococcus, Coliform
bacillus, Cl. Welchii, Bacteroides fragilis
Closed OS Opened OS
?? ??
?? ??
Pregnancy of unknown location
1. Expectant
2. Medical : misoprostol
3. Surgical ( E&C)
--The risk of immunization before 12 weeks' gestation is negligible when there has been no
Expectant management:
How?? & Whom??
7-14 days as the first-line management strategy for stable women
Give oral and written information about what to expect throughout the
process, advice on pain relief and where and when to get help in an emergency
Follow up ??? If ET < 15 mm : complete
Rescan in 2 weeks if still bleeding If > 15 mm consider
Urine pregnancy test 3 weeks after resolution
Medical management
Acceptable to offer provided that there are NO:
1. Signs of infection
2. Excessive bleeding
3. Pyrexia
4. Abdominal pain
Misoprostol (cytotec)
• Its use for treatment of early pregnancy failure in
women with prior uterine surgery is safe.
No loss 9%
1 loss 12%
2 20%
≥3 40%
Genetic factors:
- Fetal aneuploidy the most important cause of
1. lupus anticoagulant
2. Anticardiolipin Ab
3. Β2- glycoprotein I Ab
- Present in 15% of women with RM
- If untreated 90% risk of further loss
Early in pregnancy Later in pregnancy
1. Inhibition
of Thrombosis of the
function & vasculature
2. Activation of
complement pathways
mediated placental
Anatomical factors:
1. Congenital uterine anomalies (uterine septate &
2. Uterine fibroids, WHY???
3. Cervical weakness
Any severe infection that leads to bacteremia or
viremia can cause sporadic miscarriage
To cause RM infective agent should persist in genital tract
while asymptomatic