Solar_System_Formation (2)
Solar_System_Formation (2)
Solar_System_Formation (2)
the Solar
Origin of the Solar System
Our theory must explain the data
1. Large bodies in the Solar System have orderly
2. There are two types of planets.
– small, rocky terrestrial planets
– large, hydrogen-rich Jovian planets
3. Asteroids & comets exist in certain regions of the
Solar System
4. There are exceptions to these patterns.
The Solar Nebula
• The nebular theory states that our solar system
formed out of a nebula which collapsed under its
own gravity.
• Observational evidence
– We observe stars in the process of forming today.
– The are always found within interstellar clouds of
• solar nebula – name given to the cloud of gas from
which our own Solar System formed
Gravitational Collapse
• The solar nebula was initially somewhat spherical and a
few light years in diameter.
– very cold
– rotating slightly
• It was given a “push” by some event.
– perhaps the shock wave from a nearby supernova
• As the nebula shrank, gravity increased, causing collapse.
• As the nebula “falls” inward, gravitational potential
energy is converted to heat.
– Conservation of Energy
• As the nebula’s radius decreases, it rotates faster
– Conservation of Angular Momentum
Flattening of the Solar Nebula
• As the nebula collapses, clumps of gas collide & merge.
• Their random velocities average out into the nebula’s
direction of rotation.
• The spinning nebula assumes the shape of a disk.
Why does the cloud spin?
• It is part of a spinning galaxy, so there is a lot of
angular momentum available
• Particles closer to the center of galaxy move more
rapidly than particles farther away. The speed of
particles decreases with the distance from the center
• As a shock wave and then gravity compress the
cloud, angular momentum must be conserved, so
torque transfers some angular momentum from the
galactic disk to the interstellar cloud.
• This is similar to the formation of cyclones and
hurricanes in our atmosphere.
The Coriolis effect
• Air moves fastest at the equator due to the Earths Spin
• As temp differences causes air currents to move North
south, the result is a whirlpool of air
Orderly Motions in the Solar System
• The Sun formed in the very center of the nebula.
– temperature & density were high enough for nuclear fusion
reactions to begin
• The planets formed in the rest of the disk.
• This would explain the following:
– all planets lie along one plane (in the disk)
– all planets orbit in one direction (the spin direction of the disk)
– the Sun rotates in the same direction
– the planets would tend to rotate in this same direction
– most moons orbit in this direction
– most planetary orbits are near circular
More Support for the Nebular Theory
• We have observed disks around other stars.
• These could be new planetary systems in formation.
AB Aurigae
Building the Planets