5-3 Down Hill Attacking Defense
5-3 Down Hill Attacking Defense
5-3 Down Hill Attacking Defense
Why the 5-3 is our base defense
Linebacker Play in 5-3
The linebackers align them directly behind down linemen. Sam and
Will between 3 and 4 yards depth and the Mike aligns between 4 and
6 yards deepening on the situation and his ability. Just like the down
linemen they are responsible for a gap, they must fill they gap
opposite of the down linemen. For example if the nose is dealt to the
right A gap then the Mike is responsible for the left A gap. The
backers first step must be down hill in this step they will read the
offensive linemen in front of them if he run blocks the linebacker
must continue down hill and fill the gap taking on any blockers with
there shoulders square to the line of scrimmage and pad level low. If
they read a pass set by offensive lineman they must get into their
pass drop responsibilities. Will and Sam have the flats while Mike
drops straight back. The secondary will be in 3 deep behind it. If
they are to blitz they attack at the snap of the ball and do not just get
to their gap they fly through it and get the football on a pass or a run.
The middle linebacker will make a lot of tackles in this scheme and
he is usually the best tackler and pure football player on the team.
He will be running free a lot the time. 4
Defensive End Play
They will align 1 yard out side of the last man on the line of scrimmage in
a three point sprinters stance angled in pointed directly at their key, which
is the nearest to the deepest person in the backfield. (Ex. I formation Key
the eye back, split backs key the back nearest to them). They have two
expectations the first is contain every thing nothing can get outside of
them. The second is to ATTACK, ATTACK, ATTACK. They must get
pressure into the backfield on runs and passes. If they read run towards
them they must take on all blocks with there inside shoulder keeping
outside should and arm free. They must attack the blocker squeezing the
running lane down and force everything to the pursue of linebackers and
T.N.T. On a pass they are going to get the Q.B. They must get pressure.
Put your best pass rusher’s on the ends I have found that speed and
quickness is the best to have at end in this defense even if they are smaller
players that are not typical defensive ends like in other fronts.
Defensive Backs
The Corners will align 7 yards off and 1 yard outside of the widest
offensive player to their side. The safety will be at 12 yards depth
shaded slightly to the tight end or will cover twins if offense aligns in
that. The base coverage is cover 3 and nothing can get behind them.
Bend do not break in the secondary, Can also play man coverage with
Corners taking # 1’s and Free safety taking #2 if offence aligns in trips
we will automatically go man with Corner taking # 1 Free taking #2
and Linebacker to that side taking #3. If you get a steady does of
trips and spread formations this defense easily morphs into a 3-3-5
just by dropping the ends, which will allow for many different
types of coverage's.
5-3 Stack
In this defense the Outside linebackers align directly behind our
D-Ends who now align in a two point stance on the outside eye of
the last man on line of scrimmage.(Could also align on outside
eye of wing or slot depending on game plan.) The end and
linebacker now key the first step of the man lined up across from,
if first step is down the d-end will close hard taking on any blocks
could be a full back, or pulling lineman, the outside backer will go
outside and have contain responsibility. If keys first step is
outside, the D-end will stay flat on L.O.S keeping outside arm and
shoulder free have contain, the linebacker must fill the gap
immediately. If they read pass, get into pass responsibilities.
5-3 Stack
Key steps down
Tight End is the stack key.
Keys first step is to outside
Tight End is the stack key.