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Concrete Technology I

Lecture 5

Dr. Zainab Hataf


 Aggregate

• Aggregates are the important constituents in concrete. Aggregates occupy 70–

80 % of the volume of concrete, their impact on various characteristics and
properties of concrete is undoubtedly considerable

• They give body to the concrete, reduce shrinkage and effect economy.

• Aggregate confers considerable technical advantages on concrete, which has a

higher volume stability and better durability than hydrated cement


• Earlier, aggregates were considered as chemically inert materials but now it has
been recognized that some of the aggregates are chemically active and also that
certain aggregates exhibit chemical bond at the interface of aggregate and paste
(interface zone).

• There are two size groups of aggregate. fine aggregate often called sand not
larger than 4.75mm and coarse aggregate greater than 4.75 mm.

• There are two types of aggregated natural and artificial. In Iraq we use river
course aggregate, crushed stone, natural silica sand


Classification of Aggregate

1. Size classification:

• Coarse aggregate, greater than 4.75 mm

• Fine aggregate, not larger than 4.75mm

• All-in aggregate, mix from coarse and fine aggregate.

• Fine Materials, consisting of silt with size( 0.06-0.002 mm) and clay less than


2. Origin classification:
• Natural: The natural sands and gravels are the product of weathering
• Artificial: from industrial by products

3. Weight classification:

• Normal weight aggregates: It is usually the natural aggregate for which the
unit weight is between (1500 to 1800) kg/m3. Concrete produced from this
type have density of 2400-2600 kg/m3

• Light weight aggregates: Manufacture or natural unit weight of it less than

1120 kg/m3. Concrete produced from this type have density less than


• Heavy weight aggregates: unit weight of it more than 1800 kg/m3.

Concrete produced from this type have density 3500-4500kg/m3. Heavy
weight concrete is used in special structure such as radiation shields.

4. Shape and Surface texture classification such as: Smooth and Rough


Properties of Aggregate:

1. Shape
• Roundness measures the relative sharpness of the edges and corners of a
particle. Roundness is controlled by the strength and abrasion resistance of the
• Classification used are; well rounded, rounded, sub rounded, sub angular, and
• The presence of elongated particles in excess of 10 to 15% of the mass of
coarse aggregate is generally considered undesirable, but no recognized limits
are laid down.


• The mass of flaky particles expressed as a percentage of the mass of the

sample is called the flakiness index

• Flakiness and the shape of coarse aggregate in general have an appreciable

effect on the workability of concrete


2. Surface Texture :- Aggregate can be divided in terms of the nature

of the surface into two:
• Smooth surface
• Rough surface
 A gravel river is smooth aggregate surface but a crushed gravel is
rough aggregate surface.


 Surface texture influence the properties of concrete when increased surface

roughness leads to:

• Increase the amount of water that need for concrete specific workability due to
increased surface area of the aggregates and this leads to a decrease strength

• Increase the percent of air void within the concrete and this leads to decrease the
strength of concrete.

• Increase the strength of the interdependence between aggregate and cement paste
due to increased surface area of the aggregate and this leads to increase the
strength of concrete.


3. Bond between aggregate and cement paste: Bond between aggregate and
cement paste is an important factor in the strength of concrete .

Bond is due to the interlocking of the aggregate and the paste owing to the
roughness of the aggregate and its depending on:

• Shape of aggregate:

• Surface texture

• Moisture content of aggregate

• Chemical properties

• Bond strength increase with age of concrete and rough results in better bond


4. Aggregate Strength

• Compressive strength of aggregate must be equal or greater than compressive

strength of concrete using in it.

• Aggregate crushing value (ACV) it is a test to measure the strength aggregate

it is a useful guide when dealing with aggregate with unknown performance.

• Hardness of aggregate is measuring by los Angeles Abrasion Test, American

specification determine the maximum lots in this test with 5%.

5. Moisture condition:

• Moisture condition of aggregate refers to the presence of water in the pores

and on the surface of aggregate.

• Aggregate should be saturated to prevent absorption of water from mixture and

reduces the water in mixture

• The percentage of water in mixture based on the aggregate saturated and dry

• Saturated surface dry(SSD) mean the pore of Aggregate are fully filled with
water and the surface is dry


There are four moisture state of aggregate:

1. Oven –dry(OD) : all moisture removed

2. Air- dry(AD): surface moisture removed, internal pores partially full

3. Saturated-surface –dry (SSD): surface moisture removed, all internal

pores partially full

4. Wet: internal pores full with surface film



6. Grading of aggregate:

• The particle size distribution of aggregate is called grading.

• Grading of coarse and fine aggregate considered very important physical

properties which effect on prophetic of concrete.

• By grading determine the paste requirement for a workable concrete.

• Grading of aggregate is determined by sieve Analysis.


7. Specific Gravity (SG):

• Is defined as the ratio of the density of a material to the density of distilled water
at a stated temperature.

• Aggregate generally contains pores, permeable and impermeable therefore, there

are several types of specific gravity.

I. Absolute Specific Gravity : It refers to the mass of volume of aggregate,

excluding all pores, permeable and impermeable, to the mass of an equal
volume of gas free distilled water, both taken at a stated temperature.

• It is not required in concrete technology work.


II. Bulk Specific Gravity

• It refers to the mass of volume of aggregate, including all pores, permeable

and impermeable, to the mass of an equal volume of gas free distilled water,
both taken at a stated temperature.

III. Apparent Specific Gravity

• it refers to the mass of volume of aggregate, including impermeable pores, to the

mass of an equal volume of gas free distilled water, both taken at a stated
temperature. It is required in concrete technology work.

• Decreases of the percentage of voids increased the density

• The Specific Gravity: range from (2.6-2.7)


8. Porosity and Absorption of


• The porosity of aggregate, its

permeability, and absorption
influence such properties of
aggregate as the bond between it
and the hydrated cement paste, the
resistance of concrete to freezing
and thawing, as well as its
chemical stability and resistance to
Thank you


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