Overview of mindset
“Success and failure begins in your mind and it starts
today.” Robert van der Wolk
A mindset is the sum of your knowledge, including beliefs
and thoughts about the world and yourself in it.
Mindset can be:
•Fixed or
•Growth oriented.
While a fixed mindset assumes your talents and abilities
are set, the growth mindset believes your talents and
abilities can be developed. It is pointed out that a mindset
can change. Much of this occurs through developing a
greater awareness of your current mindset, and taking
steps to purposely start thinking and reacting in new ways.
By; Tolessa S. (MSc.)
Entrepreneurial mindset
• An entrepreneurial mindset is a set of beliefs, thought processes,
and ways of viewing the world that drives entrepreneurial
• The mindset of successful entrepreneurs is different from mindset
of traditional workers in many ways. For example, if a traditional
worker needs to earn more money they’ll often brush up their
resume and look for a better paid job. However, someone with an
entrepreneurial mindset would look for ways to earn money by
starting or growing a business
• A positive mindset helps motivate entrepreneurs to focus on
desired activities and events and the results they hope to achieve.
The characteristics of the entrepreneurial mindset which are
common for all entrepreneurs are:
They passionately seek new opportunities
They pursue opportunities with enormous discipline
They pursue only the very best opportunities and avoid
exhausting themselves
They focus on execution specifically, adaptive execution
They engage the energies of everyone
By; Tolessa S. (MSc.) in their domain 2
The factors that help entrepreneurs to
develop a positive mindset
Are includes:
Focus on opportunities to learn from each experience.
Entrepreneurs don’t blame others for their life situation they empower themselves by
taking responsibility for improving it.
Abundant: A key part of the entrepreneurial mindset is abundance. Entrepreneurs
know they can improve a situation, make more money and create new opportunity. The
sky is always the limit.
Goal-Oriented: Entrepreneurial thinking is goal-orientated. In other words, successful
entrepreneurs don’t have wishes and dreams they have goals and plans.
Not Afraid of Failure: Entrepreneurs don’t fear failure – they appreciate it. Each
“failure” is simply a stepping stone to learn from, helping to move you closer to
Growth-Oriented: Entrepreneurs believe that they can grow as people, learn new
By; Tolessa S. (MSc.) 4
things, and develop new skills.
Feedback-Seeking: The most successful entrepreneurs aren’t
worried about looking cool they just want to succeed, and they
know that learning from feedback will help speed up the process
Learning-Oriented: Most people spend their spare time seeking
entertainment, whether it’s social media, Netflix, gaming,
reading novels, or hanging with friends. However, entrepreneurial
thinking is more concerned with learning and development. For
example: Instead of watching TV, entrepreneurs may take an
online course to help them move toward their goals.
Forward-Thinking: If you want to learn how to think like an
entrepreneur, you need to think long-term. Successful
entrepreneurs know that big goals take a long time to achieve.
So, they start with their goal and work backward, reverse-
engineering every step of the way. In other words, “If I want this,
I need to do that. But to do that, I need to do this,” and so on.
Collaborative: Great businesses require teamwork after all
Problem-Solving: Entrepreneurs look for problems and try to
find ways to solve them.
By; Tolessa S. (MSc.)
Understanding Entrepreneurial Competencies
& Environment
Identifying Personal Entrepreneurial competencies
Competencies: are defined as a body of knowledge, a set of skills and a
cluster of traits.
Knowledge: consists of a set or body of information stored, which may
be recalled at an appropriate time.
Skill: is the ability to apply knowledge.
Trait: is the total of peculiar qualities or characteristics that constitutes
personal individuality.
Entrepreneurial competencies: refer to the key characteristics that
should be possessed by successful entrepreneurs in order to perform
entrepreneurial functions effectively.
Levels of competencies required by entrepreneurs
There are three levels of competencies, which all entrepreneurs need:
1. Personal competencies: Creativity, determination, integrity,
emotional balance and self-criticism.
2. Interpersonal competencies: Communication, engagement,
delegation, respect.
3. Business competencies: Business
By; Tolessa vision, resource management,
S. (MSc.)
networking, negotiating skills. 6
Personal competencies
• Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) are
specific characteristics/ traits that can be achieved through
education, hard work, and planning.
• There are ten most common Personal Entrepreneurial
Competencies, often called the 10 PECs, required by an
which can be grouped into threeCluster
Personal Entrepreneurial Competency
clusters as
1 Opportunity seeking and initiative
2 Persistence
Entrepreneurial Motivation
Motivation is the set of forces that cause people to do
It is an inner state that energizes and directs behavior toward
goals. So, motivation is the set of intangible forces that stimulate
someone to take a desired course of action.
Thus, we can say that entrepreneurial motivation is the set of
forces that energizes, directs and encourages a person to take
initiative and carry out entrepreneurial activities.
The entrepreneurial motivation is the procedure that activates
and motivates the entrepreneur to make use of higher level of
efforts for the accomplishment of his/her entrepreneurial goals.
Motivating Factors
Most of the researchers have classified all the factors motivating
entrepreneurs into internal and external factors as follows:
1. Internal Factors
Among many internal factors motivating entrepreneurs;
Desire to do something By;
new Tolessa S. (MSc.) 12
Become independent
Achieve what one wants to have in life
Be recognized for one’s contribution
One’s educational background
One’s occupational background and experience in the
relevant field
2. External Factors:
Among many internal factors motivating entrepreneurs;
Government assistance and support
Availability of labor and raw material
Encouragement from big business houses
Promising demand for the product
Entrepreneurial Decision
As an entrepreneur, you must make different types of
decisions on the everyday basis. The decision-making
process is one of the most critical processes in your company.
Tolessa S. (MSc.)