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Unlocking the Power of AI

and Data Science

Welcome to an exploration of the dynamic world of Artificial
Intelligence (AI) and Data Science, and the profound impact they
have on our lives.
by jftfuf fjhgh
Defining Artificial Intelligence
AI Defined AI Types

AI simulates human intelligence in machines, enabling • Narrow AI: Specialized tasks

them to think, learn, and make decisions. • General AI: Human-level intelligence
• Super AI: Exceeding human intelligence
Data Science: Extracting Insights from Data
Data Collection 1
Gathering data from various sources, such as
databases, APIs, and sensors.
2 Data Preprocessing
Cleaning and transforming data into a usable format for
Identifying trends, patterns, and anomalies through
visualization and statistical techniques.
4 Modeling
Building predictive or descriptive models using algorithms.

Evaluation 5
Assessing model performance using metrics such as
accuracy and precision.
6 Deployment
Implementing the model in real-world applications.
The Synergy of AI and
Data Science
Data Science AI
Provides the tools and Leverages data to create
methodologies for collecting intelligent systems,
and processing data. enabling them to learn and
Transforming Industries with AI and Data Science

Healthcare Finance Retail Transportation

Disease diagnosis and Fraud detection and risk Recommendation systems Self-driving cars and route
personalized treatment assessment. and demand forecasting. optimization.

Content recommendation
and AI-generated content.

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