Micro ppt
Micro ppt
Micro ppt
1. Enterotoxin Food poisoning Within the GIT stimulate the release of large amount
(Superantigen) of IL-1 and IL-2 from macrophages and helper T cells
2. Toxic shock Toxic shock It stimulates the release of large amount of IL-1, IL-2
syndrome toxin and TNF results in production of cytokines.
4. Alpha toxin Skin Necrosis It cause formation of holes in the cell membrane and
Hemolysis loss of low-molecular-weight substances from
damaged cell
5. P-V leukocidin Kills cells It destroy leukocytes by creating lytic pores in them.
(pore-forming toxin) Necrotizing Pneumonia
Clinical findings:
The diseases caused by S. aureus are divided into two groups:
• Pyogenic
• Toxin mediated
Pyogenic Diseases :
Following are the pyogenic diseases caused by S. aureus:
1. Skin and soft tissue infections such as conjunctivitis ,postpartum breast infection,
cellulitis, carbuncle. These infections are community acquired.
2. Sepsis can originate from any localized lesion, especially wound infections or as a
result of intravenous drug abuse.
3. Endocarditis may occur on normal or prosthetic heart valves.
4. Osteomyelitis and arthritis may arise either by hematogenous spread from a distant
info Ted focus or be introduced at wound site.
5. Postsurgical wound infections are caused by S. aureus.
6. Pneumonia can occur in postoperative patients .
7. Conjunctivitis with burning eye pain and purulent discharge is caused by S. aureus .
It is transmitted by contaminated fingers.
8. Metastatic abscesses are caused by S. aureus.
9. Postsurgical wound infections are caused by S. aureus.
Symptoms of disease:
• Fever
• Conjunctivitis
• Lesions of lips
• Erythema
• Edema of hand and feet
o It is common in younger children.
o KD is aneurysm of coronary arteries.