Chapter 22 Lymphatic System Power Point

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Chapter 22: The

Lymphatic System and


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Immunity or Resistance
 Ability to ward off damage or disease through our
 2 types of immunity
 Innate or nonspecific immunity – present at birth
 No specific recognition of invaders, no memory
 1st and 2nd line of defenses
 Adaptive or specific immunity
 Specific recognition of invaders with a memory

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Lymphatic system structure and
 Consists of lymph, lymphatic vessels,
structures and organs containing lymphatic
tissue, red bone marrow
 Functions of the lymphatic system
1. Drain excess interstitial fluid
2. Transport dietary lipid
3. Carry our immune responses

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Components of the
Lymphatic System

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Lymphatic vessels and lymph
 Vessels begin as lymphatic capillaries
 Closed at one end

 Unite to form large lymphatic vessels

 Resemble veins in structure but thinner

walls and more valves

 Passes through lymph nodes
 Encapsulated organs with masses and B

and T cells

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Lymphatic capillaries

 Slightly large diameter that blood capillaries

 Unique one-way structure
 Permits interstitial fluid to flow in but not out
 Anchoring filaments pull openings wider when
interstitial fluid accumulates
 Small intestine has lacteal for dietary lipid
 Chyle is lymph with lipids

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Lymphatic Capillaries

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Lymph trunks and ducts

 Vessels unite to form lymph trunks

 Principal trunks are the lumbar, intestinal,
bronchomediastinal, subclavian and jugular
 Passes from lymph trunks into 2 main
channels (thoracic and right lymphatic ducts)
before draining into venous blood

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Routes for drainage of lymph

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Formation and flow of lymph

 More fluid filters out of blood capillaries than

returns to them by reabsorption
 Excess filtered fluid – about 3L/day – drains into
lymphatic vessels and become lymph
 Important function of lymphatic vessels to return
lost plasma proteins to blood stream
 Contain valves
 Same 2 “pumps” aiding venous return also used
 Skeletal muscle pump – milking action
 Respiratory pump – pressure changes during breathing

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Relationship of the Lymphatic
System to the Cardiovascular

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Lymphatic tissues and
 2 groups based on function
1. Primary lymphatic organs
 Sites where stem cells divide and become
 Red bone marrow and thymus
2. Secondary lymphatic organs
 Sites where most immune response occurs
 Lymph nodes, spleen, lymphatic nodules

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Thymus and Medulla

 Thymus
 Outer cortex composed of large number of T cells
 Immature T cells migrate here from red bone marrow where
they proliferate and begin to mature
 Dendritic cells derived from monocytes assist in T cell
 Specialized epithelial cells help educate T cells through positive
selection – only about 25% survive
 Macrophages clear out dead and dying cells
 Medulla
 More mature T cells migrate here from cortex
 More epithelial cells, dendritic cells and macrophages
 Thymus shrinks with age from 70g in infants to 3g in old age

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Lymph nodes

 Located along lymphatic vessels

 Scattered throughout body
 Stroma – supporting connective tissue
 Capsule, trabeculae, reticular fibers and fibroblasts

 Parenchyma – functional part

 Outer cortex – aggregates of B cells called

lymphatic nodules (follicles) – site of plasma cell

and memory B cell formation
 Inner cortex – mainly T cells and dendritic cells

 Medulla – B cells, antibody producing plasma cells

from cortex, and macrophages

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Structure of a Lymph Node

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 Lymph flows through a node in 1 direction only
 Enters through afferent lymphatic vessels
 Directs lymph inward
 Lymph enters sinuses (irregular channels)
 Into medulla
 Medullary sinuses drain into efferent lymphatic vessels
 Conveys lymph, antibodies and activated T cells out of the
 Lymph nodes function as a filter
 Foreign substances trapped
 Destroyed by macrophages or immune response of

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 Largest single mass of lymphatic tissue in the
 Stroma – capsule, trabeculae, reticular fibers,
and fibroblasts
 Parenchyma
 White pulp – lymphatic tissue (lymphocytes
and macrophages)
 B cells and T cells carry out immune
 Red pulp

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Red Pulp
 Red pulp – blood-filled venous sinuses and
splenic (Bilroth’s) cords – red blood cells,
macrophages, lymphocytes, plasma cells, and
 Macrophages remove ruptured, worn out or
defective blood cells
 Storage of up to 1/3 of body’s platelet supply
 Production of blood cells during fetal life

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Structure of the Spleen

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Lymphatic nodules

 Not surrounded by a capsule

 Scattered throughout lamina propria of
mucous membranes lining GI, urinary,
reproductive tract
 Mucosa-associated lymphatic tissue (MALT)
of respiratory tract
 Most small and solitary
 Some larger – tonsils, Peyer’s patches,

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Innate immunity
 First line of defenses: Skin and mucous
 Provide both physical and chemical barriers
 Physical barriers
 Epidermis – closely packed, keratinized cells
 Periodic shedding
 Mucous membranes
 Mucus traps microbes and foreign substances
 Nose hairs trap and filter
 Cilia of upper respiratory tract propel trapped particles
up and out

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Innate Immunity
 Fluids
 Lacrimal apparatus of eye
 Washing action of tears
 Lysozyme breaks down bacterial cell walls – also present
in saliva, perspiration, nasal secretions, and tissue fluids
 Saliva washes mouth
 Urine cleanses urinary system
 Vaginal secretions, defecation and vomiting
 Chemicals
 Sebaceous (oil) glands secrete sebum – protective film,
 Perspiration, gastric juice, vaginal secretions – all acidic

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Second line of defenses:
Internal defenses
 Antimicrobial substances
1. Interferons
 Produced by lymphocytes, macrophages, and fibroblasts
infected by viruses
 Prevents replication in neighboring uninfected cells
2. Complement
 Proteins in blood plasma and plasma membranes
 “complement” or enhance certain immune reactions
 Causes cytolysis of microbes, promotes phagocytosis,
contributes to inflammation

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Internal Defenses

3. Iron-binding proteins
 Inhibit growth of bacteria by reducing available
4. Antimicrobial proteins (AMPs)
 Short peptides that have a broad spectrum of
antimicrobial activity
 Can attract dendritic cells and mast cells that
participate in immune responses

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Internal Defenses
 Natural Killer (NK) cells
 Lymphocyte but not a B or T cell
 Ability to kill wide variety of infected body cells and
certain tumor cells
 Attack any body cell displaying abnormal or unusual
plasma membrane proteins
 Can release perforin (makes perforations) or granzymes
(induce apoptosis)
 Phagocytes
 Neutrophils and macrophages (from monocytes)
 Migrate to infected area
 5 steps in phagocytosis

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Phagocytosis of a microbe

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Lysosome 4 DIGESTION

Digested microbe
Plasma in phagolysosome
membrane Residual body
5 KILLING (indigestible

Phases of phagocytosis

 Nonspecific, defensive response of body to tissue

 4 signs and symptoms – redness, pain, heat and
 Attempt to dispose of microbes, prevent spread,
and prepare site for tissue repair
 3 basic stages
 Vasodilation and increased blood vessel permeability
 Emigration
 Tissue repair

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Vasodilation and increased
permeability of blood vessels
 Increased diameter of arterioles allows more
blood flow through area bringing supplies and
removing debris
 Increased permeability means substances
normally retained in the blood are permitted to
pass out – antibodies and clotting factors
 Histamine, kinins, prostaglandins (PGs),
leukotrienes (LTs), complement

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Emigration of phagocytes

 Depends on chemotaxis
 Neutrophils predominate in early stages but
die off quickly
 Monocytes transform into macrophages
 More potent than neutrophils

 Pus – pocket of dead phagocytes and

damaged tissue

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Adaptive immunity

 Ability of the body to defend itself against

specific invading agents
 Antigens (Ags) – substances recognized as
foreign and provoking an immune response
 Distinguished from innate immunity by
 Specificity
 Memory

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Maturation of T cells and B cells

 Both develop from pluripotent stem cells

originating in red bone marrow
 B cells complete their development in red bone marrow
 T cells develop from pre-T cells that migrate from red
bone marrow to the thymus
 Helper T cells (CD4 T cells) and cytotoxic T cells (CD8 T
 Immunocompetence – ability to carry out adaptive
immune response
 Have antigen receptors to identify specific antigen

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Cell-mediated and antibody-
mediated immunity

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2 types of adaptive immunity

 Cell-mediated
 Cytotoxic T cells directly attack invading antigens
 Particularly effective against intracellular pathogens, some
cancer cells and foreign tissue transplants
 Antibody-mediated
 B cells transform into plasma cells making antibodies (Abs) or
 Works against extracellular pathogens in fluids outside cells
 Helper T cells aid in both types
 2 types of immunity work together

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Clonal selection

 Process by which a lymphocyte proliferates and

differentiates in response to a specific antigen
 Clone – population of identical cells all recognizing the same
antigen as original cell
 Lymphocyte undergoes clonal selection to produce
 Effector cell – active helper T cell, active cytotoxic T cell,
plasma cell, die after immune response
 Memory cell – do not participate in initial immune response,
respond to 2nd invasion by proliferating and differentiating into
more effector and memory cells, long life spans

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 Antigens have 2
 Immunogenicity – ability to
provoke immune response
 Reactivity – ability of
antigen to react specifically
with antibodies it provoked
 Entire microbes may act as
 Typically, just certain small
parts of large antigen
molecule triggers response
(epitope or antigenic

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Diversity of antigen
 Human immune system able to recognize and bind to at
least a billion different epitopes
 Result of genetic recombination – shuffling and rearranging
of a few hundred versions of several small gene segments
 Major Histocompatibility Complex Antigens
 MHC or human leukocyte antigens (HLA)
 Normal function to help T cells recognize foreign or self
 Class I MHC (MHC-I) – built into all body cells except RBCs
 Class II MHC (MHC-II) – only on antigen presenting cells

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Pathways of antigen processing

 B cells can recognize and bind to antigens

 T cells must be presented with processed
 Antigenic proteins are broken down into peptide
fragments and associated with MHC molecules
 Antigen presentation – antigen-MHC complex
inserted into plasma membrane
 Pathway depends on whether antigen is outside or
inside body cells

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Exogenous and Endogenous
 Exogenous antigens – present in fluid outside
body cells
 Antigen-presenting cells (APCs) include dendritic
cells, macrophages and B cells
 Ingest antigen, process, place next to MHC-II
molecule in plasma membrane, and present to T
 Endogenous antigens – antigens inside body
 Infected cell displays antigen next to MHC-I

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Exogenous Antigens

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5 Vesicles containing antigen Antigen
peptide fragments and peptide
1 Phagocytosis or MHC-II molecules fuse fragments
Exogenous 6 Antigen peptide
endocytosis of
antigen antigen fragments bind to MHC-II
MHC-II molecules self-antigen

or endosome
7 Vesicle undergoes
2 Digestion of exocytosis and
antigen into antigen–MHC-II
peptide fragments 4 Packaging of MHC-II complexes are inserted
presenting molecules into a vesicle into plasma membrane
cell (APC)


3 Synthesis of MHC-II molecules

APCs present exogenous antigens in association with MHC-II molecules

Endogenous Antigens

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Cell-mediated immunity
 Activation of T cells
 First signal in activation
 T-cell receptors (TCRs) recognize and bind to a specific
foreign antigen fragments that are presented in antigen-MHC
 CD4 and CD8 proteins are coreceptors
 Second signal required for activation
 Costimulation – 20 known substances (cytokines, plasma
membrane molecules)
 May prevent immune response from occurring accidentally
 Anergy – recognition without costimulation (in both B and T
cells) leads to prolonged state of inactivity

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Activation and clonal selection
of helper T cells
 Most that display CD4 develop into helper T cells (CD4 T
 Recognize exogenous antigen fragments associated with
MHC-II molecules on the surface of an APC
 After activation undergoes clonal selection
 Makes active helper T cells and memory helper T cells
 Active helper T cells secrete variety of cytokines
 Interleukin-2 (IL-2) needed for virtually all immune responses
 Memory helper T cells are not active cells – can quickly
proliferate and differentiate if the antigen appears again

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Activation and clonal selection
of a helper T cell

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Activation and clonal selection
of cytotoxic T cells
 Most that display CD8 develop into cytotoxic T
cells (CD8 T cells)
 Recognize antigens combined with MHC-I
 Maximal activation also requires presentation of
antigen with MHC-II to cause helper T cells to
produce IL-2
 Undergoes clonal selection
 Active cytotoxic T cells attack body cells
 Memory cytotoxic T cells do not attack but wait for
a antigen to appear again

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Activation and clonal selection
of a cytoxic T cell

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Elimination of invaders

 Cytotoxic T cells migrate to seek out and destroy infected

target cells
 Kill like natural killer cells
 Major difference is T cells have specific receptor for
particular microbe while NK cells destroy a wide variety of
microbe-infected cells
 2 ways to kill cells
 Granzymes cause apoptosis

 Perforin and/ or granulysin causes cytolysis

 Immunological surveillance
 Tumor antigens displayed on cancerous cells targeted by
cytotoxic T cells, macrophages and natural killer cells

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Activity of cytoxic T cells

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Antibody-mediated immunity
 Activation and clonal selection of B cells
 During activation, antigen binds to B cell receptor (BCRs)
 Can respond to unprocessed antigen
 Response much more intense when B cell processes
 Antigen taken into B cell, combined with MHC-II, moved to
plasma membrane, helper T cell binds and delivers
costimulation (interleukin-2 and other cytokines)
 B cell undergoes clonal selection
 Plasma cells secrete antibodies
 Memory B cells do not secrete antibodies but wait for
reappearance of antigen

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Activation and clonal selection
of B cells

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Antibodies (Ab)

 Can combine specifically with epitope of the antigen that

triggered its production
 Belong to group of glycoproteins called globulins
 Ab are immunoglobulins (Igs)

 4 polypeptide chains – 2 heavy (H) chains, 2 light (L)

 Hinge region – antibody can be T shape or Y shape
 Variable (V) region at tips of each H and L chain
 2 antigen-binding sites - bivalent

 Constant (C) region – remainder of H and L chain

 Same in each 5 classes – determines type of reaction

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Chemical structure of the
immunoglobin (IgG) class of

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Antibody actions
 Neutralizing antigen
 Immobilizing bacteria
 Agglutinating and precipitating antigen
 Enhancing phagocytosis
 Activating complement
 Defensive system of over 30 proteins
 Destroy microbes by causing phagocytosis, cytolysis, and
 Acts in a cascade – one reaction triggers another
 3 different pathways ass activate C3
 C3 then begins cascade that brings about phagocytosis,
cytolysis, and inflammation

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Complement activation and
results of activation

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Mic 2
ro be C3b C3a


C5b C5a

4 C6
Enhancement of phagocytosis Mast cell
by coating with C3b C8 INFLAMMATION:
Increase of blood vessel
C9 permeability and chemotactic
attraction of phagocytes

C5b C6 C7 C8 C9

Membrane attack
Microbial complex forms
plasma channel

Bursting of microbe due to
inflow of extracellular fluid
through channel formed by
membrane attack complex
Immunological memory

 Thousands of memory cells

exist after initial encounter
with an antigen
 Next time antigen appears
can proliferate and
differentiate within hours
 Antibody titer measure of
immunological memory
 Amount of Ab in serum
 Primary response
 Secondary response faster
and stronger

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Self-recognition and self-
Your T cells must have
 Self-recognition – be able to recognize your own MHC
 Self-tolerance – lack reactivity to peptide fragments from
your own proteins
 Pre-T cells in thymus develop self-recognition via
positive selection – cells that can’t recognize your
own MHC undergo apoptosis
 Self-tolerance occurs through negative selection in
which T and B cells that recognize self peptide
fragments are eliminated
 Deletion – undergo apoptosis
 Anergy – remian alive but are unresponsive

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Development of self-recognition
and self-tolerance

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End of Chapter 22
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