1. System development concept

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Chapter 1:- System development

 System
• A system is a powerful collection of interrelated
components that work together to achieve
specific objectives.

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Fig: System
Chapter 1:- System development
 Elements/ Components of System
1. Hardware
• hardware refers to the physical layer of the information
• It includes computers, scanners, networks, digital devices
2. Software
• software refers to the logical layer of the information
system that makes hardware function properly.
• It includes system software and application software.
3. Database
• A large collection of related data that is accessed through
4. Processes
• The methods that define the use of system element that
perform by users, managers and IT staffs.
5. people
• People refer to users who interact with information system
Chapter 1:- System development
 Information System:
- Information system is the system that
arranges data, processes, information technology
and manpower of an organization so as to collect,
process, store and provide the information that
helps to sustain and support organizational
progress in the competitive world.

- It converts the raw data within the

organization into the valuable information needed
for organizational goal.
Types of Information
1. Office automation System (OAS)
• The information system that supports general work
for handling and managing documents and
facilitating communication is known as office
automation systems.
• Example: Microsoft office.
2. Transactional Processing System (TPS)
• A transaction processing system collects, stores,
modifies and retrieves the transactions of an
• It is generally used by the low level staffs who
interacts with the customers directly.
• Example: Billing system, Banking system,
Computerized attendance system etc.
Types of Information
3. Management Information System (MIS)
• MIS is an information system that aids the
management of an organization to successfully
coordinate with other members to develop broad long
term vision of an organization.

• Example: Observation of the sales and demands using

statistical analysis and control production on that basis
to meet the user demand.
System Analyst
 A system Analyst is a person who is involved in analyzing, designing,
implementing and evaluating computer-based information systems to
support the decision making activities and operations of an organization.

 System analyst analyzes the problems, plans solutions, recommends

software and systems and coordinates development.

 The system analyst should have:

1. The knowledge about modern information technology
2. The knowledge about the business application.

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System Analyst
 A good system analyst is:
(a) business knowledge
A system analyst must clearly understand the environment for
which the system is being developed.

(b) Technical skills

A system analyst must be well trained in relevant areas of
computer science such as hardware, software and programming

(c) Good communicator:

The analyst should have good communication and interpersonal
skills. The analyst will interact with people at all levels of
organization structure.

(d) Problem solving skills:

The system analyst should have a wide experience of good
problem solving skills and creativity.
Role of a system
1. Change Agent
• Analyst must carefully plan, monitor and implement the new
changes in an organization so that the user will accept the
new change.
2. Investigator and monitor
• Analyst may have to investigate the failure of an existing
system and find out problems then accordingly find the
3. Architect
• The analyst’s role as an architect is an interface between the
user’s logical design requirements and the detailed physical
system design.
4. Psychologist
• The analyst reaches people, interprets their thoughts and
draw conclusion from these interaction.
5. Motivator
• The analyst will prepare and provide training and proper
motivation to use the system.
Responsibilities of a system
1. Defining Requirements
• It is the most important and difficult duty of an analyst is to
understand the user’s requirements and analyst may use
different fact finding techniques such as interview,
questionnaire, observation etc.

2. Prioritizing Requirements
• By conducting common meeting and arriving at an agreement,
analyst can prioritize the requirements.

3. Analysis and Evaluation

• On the basis of the collected information, the system analyst
has to evaluate and find the best features of the new
information system which will fulfill the user’s requirements.
Responsibilities of a system
4. Solving problems
•System analyst is basically a problem solver. S/he must study
the problem in depth and suggest the must appropriate
solution to it.
5. Drawing up functional specification
• The main duty of the analyst is to obtain the functional
specification of the system to be designed and specification
must be non-technical so that users and managers can
6. Designing system
• One of the major duties of the analyst is to design the system
and it must be understandable to the system implementer.
7. Evaluating system
• When the information system has been implemented in the
organization, the system analyst must critically evaluate it in
order to find out its drawbacks especially for a reasonable
period of time.
Characteristics of system
1.Knowledge of people
2.Knowledge of business function
3.Knowledge of data processing
4.Ability to communicate
6.An analytical mind
7.Well educated with sharp mind
System Development Life Cycle
 (SDLC)
System development life cycle is a systematic process of
developing any software systems and describes the process of
planning, creating, testing and deploying an information system.


System System
Implementation Design

System System
Testing Development

Fig: Phases of SDLC

The different phases of SDLC
 System Study
 It is the process of defining the current problem, determining
why a new system is needed and identifying the objectives of
the proposed system.
 After collecting the different information of an organization,
the system development team proposes the new system with
its benefits.
 System Analysis
 In this phase, a detailed problem analysis is undertaken to
understand the nature, scope, requirements and feasibility of
the new system.
 The following are the major issues of system analysis:
• Data collection
• Flow Chart preparation
• Analyzing the findings.
 System Design
 In this phase, the system design involves designing of a new
system or computer application that will meet the
requirements identified during system analysis.
 The types of system design are:
• Logical Design
The different phases of SDLC
 System Development
 After the design stage is complete, the final program specification
and the file design is handed over to the programmer.
 Then the programmers begin to develop the program by using a
suitable High level language.
 System Testing
 The process of performing a variety of tests on a system to explore
functionality or to finding an error.
 There are two types of testing methods:
• White Box Testing
• Black Box Testing
 System Implementation
 When the software is finally ready and after testing that software
will be delivered to the user for the use.
 Implementation includes coding, testing and installation.
 Maintenance
 Once when the users starts using the developed system then the
actual problems comes up and needs to be solved from time to time.
 Types of maintenance:
• Corrective maintenance
• Adaptive maintenance
• Perfective maintenance
• Preventive maintenance
Feasibility study
 In case the system proposal is acceptable to the management,
the next phase is to examine the feasibility of the system.
 Feasibility is the determination of whether or not a system or
project is worth doing.
 The feasibility study is basically the test of the proposed system
in the light of its workability, meeting user’s requirements,
effective use of resources and the cost effectiveness.
 Different levels of feasibility study are as follows:
1. Technical feasibility
• Technical feasibility concerns with the availability of the
hardware, software and the support equipment for the
complete development of the system.
• If all the technical requirements for the new system can
be fulfilled, then the development of new system will be

2. Economical feasibility
• Economic feasibility relates to the budget for a project and
how money will be spent.
• The main objective of economic feasibility is to calculate
different cost like equipment cost, operating cost,
Feasibility study
3. Operational feasibility
• Operational feasibility is mainly related with human
skill. The current staffs can work in the new system
after training or not.
• If the whole staffs need very long time and more cost to
be trained in the new system, then the new system will
not be feasible.
4. Behavioral feasibility
• Behavioral feasibility is concerned with the behavior of
the user, person, or the society for the new system.
• Generally, most of the traditional employees are not
easily ready to upgrade them with the new system.
5. Legal feasibility
• Legal feasibility is mainly focus to analyze any violation
of government laws or not.
• It is concerned with the legal issues such as tax,
copyright, registration and trade mark of the system.

6. Schedule feasibility
System Design
 The system design involves designing of a new system or
computer application that will meet the requirements identified
during system analysis.
 It involves designing of various things such as output design,
input design, files design processing and general program
design etc.

 The types of system design are:

• Logical Design
 Theoretically designing of the system is called logical
 The system could be designed on the basis of the
 The main idea of this part is just the creation of the logic
part of the program.
• Physical Design
 The conversion of logical design into physical specification
used designing tools and techniques is called physical
 It is more detail and complex jobs describing the solution
of the problem.
System Design Tools
 The tools which are used to design the system is known as
system design tools.
 They are used during system analysis and design phase of the
system development.

1. Algorithm:
• An algorithm is a series of instruction, which produces the
solution to a given problem.
• The instruction should be accurate and number of instruction
should be finite.
• An algorithm is expressed in Pseudo code.
• The steps of an algorithm are given below:
step 1: start
Step 2: declaring
Step 3 : input
Step 4 : process or check condition
Step 5: end
System Design Tools
2. Flowchart:
• A flowchart is a graphical representation of an algorithm.
• Flowchart are defined below:
• An algorithm is expressed in Pseudo code.
Symbol Name Function
Start/End An oval shape
represents a start
or end point.
Arrows A line is a

Input/output A parallelogram
represents input
or output.
Process A Rectangle
represents a
Decision A diamond
indicates a
System Design Tools
Write an algorithm to find area of
Writ an algorithm to find area of
Step1: start
Step2: declaring principle for p, time
for t, rate for r and simple
interest for S.I
Step3: Read p,t and r.
Step4: S.I = PTR/100
Step 5: simple interest is S.I
Step 6 : end
System Design Tools
Draw a flowchart to find out simple
System Design Tools
3. Data Flow Diagram (DFD)
• A Data Flow Diagram is a graphical representation of the flow of data through
an information system.
• It shows how information is input to and output from the system, the
sources and destinations of that information, and where that
information is stored.
• Information not shown in a DFD includes how long processes take,
and whether those processes operate in series or parallel.
• The main components are: process,Purpose
Symbols data store, data flow and external entities.

System Design Tools
DFD can be categorized in the following forms:
 Context Diagram/0 level DFD
• The diagram that shows the scope of the system, indicating which
elements are inside and which are outside the system is known as
context diagram.
• A single process represents the whole system in context diagram.
• It is also called zero level DFD.
System Design Tools
 1 level DFD
• Level 1 DFD breaks down the main process into sub-
processes that can then be seen on a more deep level.
• level 1 DFD contains data stores that are used by the main
System Design Tools
4. E-R Diagram
• Entity relationship diagram displays the relationships of entity set
stored in a database.
• ER diagrams help you to explain the logical structure of databases.
• The main components of ERD are:

Symbol Purpose
Entity Used to represent entity-name of
Eg: student patient etc.

Attribute Used to represent attributes or

Eg: student_id, Name etc.

Relationship Used to represent relationship

between entities.
Eg: for relationship between Doctor
and Patients; Student and Teacher
System Design Tools

Fig: ERD for Doctor and

System Design Tools
5. USE Case
• A use case is a methodology used in system analysis to identify,
clarify and organize system requirements.
• Components:
 Actor ( role play)

 Use case( Function/operation)

 Communication link

 Generalization
System Design Tools
 Boundary of
System Design Tools
 Example:
System Design Tools
6. Decision Table
• Decision table is a technique to represent logic in program
development in computer.
• When several different conditions are involved for specifying complex
policies and decision making rules, then decision table becomes very
• There are 3 parts in the decision table.

1. Condition stub:
This part of table contains the various that apply in the situation the
table is modeling.

2. Action stub
This part of table lists the actions that result for a given set of

3. Rules
This part of table specifies which actions are to be followed for a given
set of conditions.
System Design Tools
7. Decision Tree
• A decision tree is a graphic device of a decision making process.
• It is a graphical presentation of the various alternatives.
• It is also known as tree-diagram.
• Example:
A decision tree for the discount policy is shown below:
System Development model
 A system development model in software engineering is a
framework that is used to structure, plan and control the process
of developing an information system.

 The different types of system development model are as follows:

1. Waterfall model
• This model is the simplest and the most popular model of SDLC.
• This model has different phases or stages that are organized in a linear
• Waterfall model is a systematic and sequential model to develop software
that begins with requirements analysis to operation and maintenance.

• The fundamental processes of waterfall model are as follows:

System Development model
System Development model
 Requirement Gathering stage
• During this phase, detailed requirements of the software system to
be developed are gathered from client.

 System Design
• In this stage the systems design process partition the
requirements to either hardware or software systems.

 Implementation
• Once program is designed it should be tested. In this phase of
waterfall model each unit of the system is tested to ensure that
each unit meets its specification or not.
 Testing
• Each unit of the system is tested to make a full-fledge system and
tested to that complete system to confirmed that the system
satisfies all the system requirement specification or not.
 Deployment
• Once the functional and non-functional testing is done; the product
is deployed in the customer environment or released into the

 Maintenance
• When the system is delivered some errors may occur due to change
in operating system or peripheral devices. So some kind of support
System Development model
 Advantages:
• It is simple and easy to understand and use.
• It is suitable for small size project.
• It is less expensive.

 Disadvantages:
• It has no back track mechanism.
• It is not suitable for large size project.

 Waterfall model can be used when

• Requirements are not changing frequently
• Application is not complicated and big.
• Requirement is clear
• Environment is stable
• Resources are available and trained.
System Development model
2. Spiral model
• it is a software development process combining the elements of both
waterfall and prototyping model.
• Each phase in spiral model begins with a design goal and ends
with the client reviewing the progress
• It is intended for large, expensive and complicated projects.
• The diagram of spiral model is:
System Development model
System Development model

 Planning
• It includes estimating the cost, schedule and resources
for the iteration. It also involves understanding the
system requirements for continuous communication
between the system analyst and the customer.

 Risk Analysis
• Identification of potential risk is done while risk
mitigation strategy is planned and finalized.

 Engineering
• It includes testing, coding and deploying software at the
customer site.

 Evaluation
• Evaluation of software by the customer. Also, includes
identifying and monitoring risks such as schedule
slippage and cost overrun
System Development model
 Advantages:
• High amount of risk analysis hence, avoidance of Risk is
• Good for large and mission-critical projects.
• Strong approval and documentation control.
• Additional Functionality can be added at a later date.
• Software is produced early in the software life cycle.

 Disadvantages:
• Can be a costly model to use.
• Risk analysis requires highly specific expertise.
• Project’s success is highly dependent on the risk analysis
• Doesn’t work well for smaller projects.

 Spiral model can be used when

• When the costs and risk evaluation is important.
• For medium to high risk.
• When users are unsure of their needs
System Development model

3. Prototype model
• The prototyping model is a system development method in which a
prototype is built, tested and then reworked as necessary until an
acceptable prototype is finally achieved from which the complete system
or product can now be developed.
System Development model
System Development model
1. Requirements gathering and analysis
A prototyping model starts with requirement analysis. In this phase, the
requirements of the system are defined in detail. During the process, the users of the
system are interviewed to know what is their expectation from the system.

2. Quick design
The second phase is a preliminary design or a quick design. In this stage, a
simple design of the system is created. However, it is not a complete design. It gives
a brief idea of the system to the user. The quick design helps in developing the

3: Build a Prototype
In this phase, an actual prototype is designed based on the information
gathered from quick design. It is a small working model of the required system.
System Development model
4: Initial user evaluation
In this stage, the proposed system is presented to the client for an initial evaluation. It helps to
find out the strength and weakness of the working model. Comment and suggestion are collected from
the customer and provided to the developer.

5: Refining prototype
If the user is not happy with the current prototype, you need to refine the prototype according
to the user's feedback and suggestions.
This phase will not over until all the requirements specified by the user are met. Once the user is satisfied
with the developed prototype, a final system is developed based on the approved final prototype.
6: Implement Product and Maintain
Once the final system is developed based on the final prototype, it is thoroughly tested and
deployed to production. The system undergoes routine maintenance for minimizing downtime and
prevent large-scale failures.
System Development model
 Advantages:
• Users are actively involved in the development.
• The users get a better understanding of the system being developed.
• Errors can be detected much earlier in prototype model.
• Quicker user feedback is an available leading to better solutions of the
• Missing functionality can be identified easily.

 Disadvantages:
• This model leads to implementing and then repairing way of building
• This model may increase the complexity of the system as scope of the
system may expand beyond original plans.

 Prototype model can be used when

• Prototype model should be used when the desired system needs to
have a lot of interaction with the end user.
 Documentation is the process of collecting, organizing , storing and
maintaining a complete record of system and documents prepared during
the different phases of the life cycle of the system.
 Importance:
• It gives the brief knowledge and details explain about the system.
• To help corporate audits and other requirements of the organization.
• It is needed for IT infrastructure management and maintenance.
• It is needed for migration to a new software platform.
 Types of Documentation
1. Internal Documentation
• It is written by the system programmer during development
• It is written in the line of source code within program.
• It is very useful for the program modification and maintenance of
the system.
• These types of documentation is also called not visible for the
general users.

2. External Documentation
• The documentation which is used for operation module of the
system is called external documentation.
• The main objective of this documentation for the providing help
for the user of the system.
• This type of documentation is called manual for the particular
 The following are the various steps involved in the process of the
• Collection of source material
• Documentation plan
• Review of plan
• Creating of document
• Testing of document

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