UTS ppt- goup 2
UTS ppt- goup 2
UTS ppt- goup 2
Learning Objectives At the end of this lesson, you should
be able to:
1.William James
Concept of Self
2.David Lester
Multiple versus Unified Self
3.Donald Winnicott
True versus False Self
4.Carl Rogers
Self theory
5. Sigmund Freud The Importance of Unconscious
6.Albert Bandura Self as Proactive and Argentic
7. Carl Jung Self as the Central Archetype
1.William James Concept of Self
Self have two (2) aspects:
“I” Self
Refers to the self that knows who he or she is
Thinking, acting, and feeling self Reflects the soul of
a person or what is now thought of as the mind and is
called the pure ego.
“Me” Self
The empirical self Refers to describing the persons
personal experiences and further divided into
Material self
Social self
■ Spiritual self
2.David Lester
(first 18 months of life)
(18 months to 3 years old
(3-6 years old)
(occurs between 6 and 12 years old)
begins at puberty and continues for the rest of life
Defense Mechanism
Denial- refusal to recognize or acknowledge
threatening situation.
Repression- an attempt to cope by creating an
avoidance response.
Rationalization- creating false excuses for
unacceptable feelings, thought or behavior.
Projection- an attempt to attribute to another person
one’s own thoughts or feelings.
■ Reaction Formation- is way of coping by creating
an extreme emotional response that is the opposite of
how one actually feels.
Regression- an attempt to cope by moving back to appoint in ones
development that was less threatening
Sublimation- replacing socially unacceptable impulse with socially
acceptable behavior
Displacement- redirecting unacceptable feelings from the original
source to a safer, substitute target
Identification- Incorporating personality characteristics associated
with someone else into your own personality in order to deal with
specific situation
■ Fixation- in attempt to avoid new responsibilities, a person can
avoid growing up and fixate, or stand still, in terms of development
“Self as Proactive and Argentic”
*Suggest that human have the ability to act and make things
Four (4) Argentic Perspective
1. Intentionally
✓Enables us to behave with purpose
2. Forethought
✓Allows us to anticipate outcomes.
3. Self-reactiveness
✓We can be motivated to regulate our actions.
4. Self-reflectiveness
✓ We can reflect our thought and behaviors and make
needed modification.
Four (4) steps in observational leaning and
modeling process
* Attention
* Retention
* Motor reproduction
* Motivation