Who Drives Health Promotion?

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Who Drives

Health Promotion?
The Unspoken
Perspective in

Idowu Reuben Babasola

• Introduction
• Who Are the Key Health Workers in Health Promotion?
• The unspoken perspective in Vaccination
• Roles of Key Health Workers in Health Promotion and Vaccination
• How Can Each Health Worker Ensure Health Promotion and Disease Prevention?
• Answering the Topic Question
• References

• What is vaccination?
• Objectives of the seminar
1. Nurses and Midwives
Who Are the
Key Health 2. Community Health Workers (CHWs)
Workers in
Health 3. Public Health Specialists
4. Physicians and General Practitioners
5. Pharmacists

6. Health Educators

7. Epidemiologists
Perspective in Nurses as Silent Structural and
Vaccination Leaders Resource Inequities

Cultural Sensitivity Psychological and

and Vaccine Behavioral Drivers
Roles of Key Health
Workers in Health
Promotion and Vaccination
• 1. Nurses and Midwives- Roles in Vaccination and Health promotion

• Roles in Vaccination:

• Administer vaccines, monitor for adverse reactions, and counsel hesitant


• - Roles in Health Promotion:

• Provide preventive care and health education, emphasizing vaccination as

part of a healthy lifestyle (Doherty et al., 2019).

• 2. Community Health Workers (CHWs)

• Roles in Vaccination:

• Act as trusted community members to mobilize populations, particularly in

rural or low-resource settings (French & Deshpande, 2020).

• - Roles in Health Promotion:

• Deliver culturally sensitive health education and address misconceptions.

• 3. Public Health Specialists and Epidemiologists

• 4. Pharmacists
1. Nurses and Midwives:
How Can Each
Health Worker
Ensure Health - Build trust through compassionate patient
Promotion and care.
Disease - Advocate for immunization in maternal
Prevention? and child health programs.
2. Community Health Workers

3. Public Health Specialists

4. Pharmacists

5. Physicians
Answering the
Drives Health
Promotion?” Who drives health What are the unspoken
Promotion? perspectives in
Conclusion and
 Doherty, T. M., Del Giudice, G., & Maggi, S. (2019). Adult vaccination as part of a
healthy lifestyle: moving from medical intervention to health promotion. “Annals of
Medicine” https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/07853890.2019.1588470
 2. French, J., & Deshpande, S. (2020). Key guidelines in developing a pre-emptive
COVID-19 vaccination uptake promotion strategy. “International Journal of
Environmental Research and Public Health” https://www.mdpi.com/1660-
 3. Germani, F., & Biller-Andorno, N. (2021). The anti-vaccination infodemic on social
media: A behavioral analysis. *PLoS One*. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?
 4. Joshi, A., Kaur, M., Grover, A., & Nash, D. (2021). Predictors of COVID-19 vaccine
acceptance, intention, and hesitancy: A scoping review. “Frontiers in Public Health”
 5. Lazarus, J. V., Wyka, K., White, T. M., & Picchio, C. A. (2022). Revisiting COVID-19
vaccine hesitancy around the world. *Nature Communications
 6. Razai, M. S., Chaudhry, U. A. R., Doerholt, K., & Bauld, L. (2021). Covid-19
vaccination hesitancy. British Medical Journal
 7. World Health Organization. (2023). The role of nurses and midwives in
immunization. https://www.who.int/publications/i/nursing-midwifery
Questions and
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