8602 (3)

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UNIT:3 C.C :8602 B.Ed.
Classroom assessment test and techniques are a series
of tools and practices designed to give teachers
accurate information about the quality of student
learning. Information gathered isn’t used for grading or
teacher evaluation. Instead, it’s used to facilitate
dialogue between students and teacher on the quality of
the learning process, and how to improve it. For this
purpose there are many different types and techniques
of testing that can be done during an evaluation. They
can be done by our school system or independently.
Keeping in view the learning domains or aspects
different tests such as achievement tests, aptitude tests,
attitude scale, intelligence tests, personality tests, norm
and criterion tests and assessment techniques such as
questionnaire, interview, observation, rating scale and

After studying this unit, prospective teachers

will be able to:
 1. understand and describe the different types of
tests and techniques.
 2. examine the purposes and characteristics of
tests and techniques.
 3. describe the role of tests and techniques for
improving the teaching learning process.
 4. analyze the advantages and disadvantages of
each type of test and technique.

A test is an effective device which is frequently

used in schools to measure the behavior of person
for particular purpose. It is a tool to check the
learning task of students. It is an effective device
for measuring performance of students in numerical
form. You must keep this thing in your mind that it
is not possible for teachers that he includes all
content in test items but he tries to include all
important and maximum content for preparing test.
Tests are of different types

Achievement Tests

 It is developed to measure skills and knowledge

learned in a given grade level, usually through
planned instruction.

 Achievement test scores are often used in an

educational system to determine what level of
instruction for which a student is prepared

 Advantages of Achievement Test

 Results are generalized and replicable.

 Asses individual's mastery of a domain of

knowledge or skill.

 Administered to a large group

Types of achievement tests
Standardized tests

A test that is administered and scored in a

consistent, or "standard", manner. Standardized
tests are designed in such a way that the questions,
conditions for administering, scoring procedures,
and interpretations are consistent and are
administered and scored in a predetermined,
standard manner. Any test in which the same test is
given in the same manner to all test takers is a
standardized test. Standardized tests need not be
high-stakes tests, time-limited tests, or multiple-

 Aptitude / ability Tests

 Aptitude tests determine a person's ability to learn a given
set of information.

 Assess logical reasoning or thinking performance.

 They consist of multiple choice questions

 They are strictly timed.


Value and uses of Aptitude Tests

 Excellent predictors
 Provide ways of comparing a child's performance
 Provide a profile of strengths and weaknesses
 Assess differences among individuals
 Uncovered hidden talents
 Instructional
 Administrative
 Guidance

 Attitude test

 Attitude is a posture, action or disposition of

a figure or a statue.
 A complex mental state involving beliefs and
feelings and values and dispositions to act in
certain ways
Intelligence Tests

Intelligence involves the ability to think, solve

problems, analyze situations, and understand social
values, customs, and norms. Two main forms of
intelligence are involved in most intelligence
assessments: • Verbal Intelligence is the ability to
comprehend and solve language-based problems;
and • Nonverbal Intelligence is the ability to
understand and solve visual and spatial problems.
Intelligence is sometimes referred to as intelligence
quotient (IQ), cognitive functioning, intellectual
 Intelligence test is often defined as a measure of
general mental ability.
 The goal of intelligence tests is to obtain an idea
of the person's intellectual potential.
Personality Tests

Personality “The particular pattern of behavior

and thinking that prevails across time and contexts,
and differentiates one person from another.”
A personality test is completed to yield a
description of an individual’s distinct personality
traits. In most instances, your personality will
influence relationships with your family, friends, and
classmates and contribute to your health and well
being. Teachers can administer a personality test in
class to help your children discover their strengths

A typical self report inventory presents a number

of questions or statements that may or may not
describe certain qualities or characteristics of the
test subject. Such questionnaires are often seen in
doctors’ offices, in on-line personality tests and in
market research surveys used to look at your
current behaviors, past behaviors and possible
behaviors in hypothetical situations . While In
projective tests, the participant is shown an
ambiguous image(question/stimuli) and then asked
to give the first response that comes to mind so
unconscious motivations or attitudes are revealed.

Benefits of personality test

A personality test can
provide guidance to teachers of what teaching
strategies will be the most effective for their
Briefly personality test can benefit your students by:
• Increasing productivity • Get along better with
classmates • Help students realize their full
potential • Identify teaching strategies for students
• Help students appreciate other personality types.
Norm-referenced Tests and
Criterion-Referenced Tests
 SAT test(Scholastic Assessment Test: to measure a high school
student's readiness for college)
 GRE test(Graduate Record Examination : to assess the suitability of
applicants for graduate-level study across many different subject
 Wechsler intelligent scale( assessment instruments for determining
intellectual abilities and particular strengths)
 IQ test((Intelligence Quotient) used to determine people's cognitive
abilities as well as intellectual levels)
 NAEP test(The National Assessment of Educational Progress
measures students' knowledge , skills and ability to apply their
knowledge in problem-solving situations)
 ACT test( American College Test measures a student's skills in five
core areas: English, math, reading, science, and writing )
 SBAT (Smarter Balanced Assessment Test: measure student
performance on California's content standards in English language
arts/literacy (ELA) and mathematics and their ability to write

Technique mean particular way of doing

something. There are many different types and
techniques of testing that can be done during an
evaluation process
 Questionnaire
 Observation
 Interview
 Rating Scale

 Questionnaire
A questionnaire is an instrument consisting of a
series of questions and other prompts for the
purpose of gathering information from respondents
It contains list of written questions that can be
completed in one of two basic ways:

 Different Types of Questions in Questionnaire


 Open Format Questions(e.g. State your opinion

about the quality of teaching during workshop).
 Closed Format Questions(e.g. Which are the
elements necessary for classroom teaching? Circle
those elements: (a) Teacher (b) Library (c) Lesson
planning (d) Laptop)
 Leading Questions(e.g. How would you rate lecture
method? (i) Fair (ii) Good (iii) Excellent (iv) Superb )

 Importance Questions(the respondents are usually

asked to rate the importance of a particular issue,
e.g. Students’ involvement in classroom is:
 (i) Extremely Important (ii) Very Important (iii)
Somewhat Important (ii) Not very Important (v) Not
at all Important )
 Likert Questions(e.g. Lecture method is suitable for
all subjects (1)Strongly Agree (2) Agree (3)
Undecided (4) Disagree (5) Strongly Disagree )
 Bipolar Questions(e.g. How would you describe the
services of Allama Iqbal Open University?
Efficient…… ……. ……. ……. ……. …….. Inefficient .
Fast …….. …….. ……. …… ……. …….. Slow )

 Rating Scale Questions

the respondent is asked to rate a particular issue
on a scale that ranges from poor to good. Rating
scale questions usually have an even number of
choices, so that respondents are not given the
choice of a middle option.
(e.g. How would you rate the quality of lecture
method? Good Fair Poor Very poor )
 Buying Propensity Questions .The questions that
try to assess the future intentions of customers.
(e.g. Pakistani products have the good quality,
would you prefer to buy it? Definitely Probably Not

The visual study of something or someone in order to

gain information or learn about behaviour, trends, or
Purposes of Classroom Observation
 Description of instructional practices.
 Investigation of instructional inequities for different groups of
 Improvement of teachers' classroom instruction based on
feedback from individual classroom or school profiles

 Advantages
 Data gathered can be highly reliable.
 less expensive
 It helps to make appropriate decision
 Disadvantages
 People feel uncomfortable being watched
 The task being observed is subjected to types of
 Some task may not be in the manner in which
they are observed.

 A conversation in which one person (the

interviewer) elicits information from another
 It is carried out to Collect data – both extensively
and intensively and Exchanging the data.
 An interview gives you insight on what the person
you are interviewing thinks, or appears to be
Rating Scale

A rating scale is a tool used for assessing the

performance of tasks, skill levels, procedures,
processes, qualities, quantities, or end products.
 Rating scale used to determine the degree to
which the child exhibits a behaviour or the quality
of that behavior; each trait is rated on a
continuum, the observer decides where the child
fits on the scale overall rating scale
Types of rating scales

Numerical Rating Scales

 Graphic Rating Scales

 Graphic Rating Scales



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