L7 Conductometric Titrations (1)

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Instrumental Methods of analysis

M Sc (Applied Chemistry)
M Sc Chemistry (Org/Inorg/Phy)

Module 2: Conductometry & Potentiometry

Session 1: Conductometric titrations.
Applications of titrations for detection of end points.
Principle AIAS

Conductometric titration is the determination of end point of a titration

by a conductometric measurement.
As the number and mobility of ions changes, there is a change in the
conductivity of the solution.
At the end point there is a sharp change in the conductivity of a
solution shown by the intersection of lines in a graph of conductivity
Vs volume of titrant added.
Dilution error AIAS

Why do we get a curve and not a sharp V shape at

the end point?
Types of conductometric titrationsAIAS

Strong acid Vs Strong base Weak acid Vs strong base
Types of conductometric titrationsAIAS
Strong acid Vs Weak base Weak acid Vs Weak base
Types of conductometric titrationsAIAS
Mixture of acids (strong acid and weak acid) Vs strong base
Types of conductometric titrationsAIAS

Precipitation Redox titration

(KCl vs AgNO3) (Fe2+ Vs Cr2O72-)
Types of conductometric titrationsAIAS
Complexometric titrations:
Generally used for non-aqueous titrations

Titration of weak base vs perchloric acid in dioxan-formic acid
Titration of weak organic acid in methanol vs tetra methyl
ammonium hydroxide in methanol-benzene.
Advantages of conductometric AIAS

 Determination of specific conductivity not required
 Suitable for dilute or coloured solutions
 No indicators required
 Instrumental methods helps to get accurate results with
minimum error
 Can be used for weak acids/ bases, turbid solutions, mixture
of acids etc.
 Temperature need not be known as long as it is maintained
constant throughout the experiment.

Disadvantages of conductometric titrations

 Increased salt level may mask the conductivity
 Only specific redox titrations can be carried out
 Accuracy is low when the concentration of the
electrolyte is high.

Applications of conductometric
 Solubility of sparingly soluble salts can be detected
 Alkalinity of fresh water
 Salinity of sea water
 Check water pollution
 Detection and quantitation of antibiotics
 Microbiology- tracing micro-organisms
 Purity of distilled and de-ionized water.
 Estimation of vanillin in vanilla flavor

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