Machinery for handling Industrial disputes
Machinery for handling Industrial disputes
Machinery for handling Industrial disputes
Grievance procedure :
Grievance are symptoms of conflicts in the enterprises So they should
be handled very promptly and efficiently. Coping with grievances forms
an important part of a managers job.
Tripartite bodies:
Industrial relations in India have been shaped largely by principles and
policies evolved through tripartite consultative machinery at industry and
national levels. The aim of the consultative machinery is to bring the
parties together for mutual settlement of differences in a spirit of
cooperation and goodwill.
Indian Labour Conference (ILC) and Standing Labour Committee(SLC)
have been constituted to suggest ways and means to prevent disputes.
Machinery for Handling Industrial Disputes
(ii) He/she persuades the parties to think over the matter with a
problem-solving approach, i.e., with a give and take approach.
(iv) The conciliator may change his approach from case to case as
he/she finds fit depending on other factors.
According to the Industrial Disputes Act 1947, the conciliation machinery
in India consists of the following:
1. Conciliation Officer
2. Board of Conciliation
3. Court of Enquiry
Conciliation Officer:
The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, under its Section 4, provides for the
appropriate government to appoint such number of persons as it thinks fit to be
conciliation officers. Here, the appropriate government means one in whose
jurisdiction the disputes fall.
In case the conciliation officer fails to resolve the dispute between the
disputants, under Section 5 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, the
appropriate government can appoint a Board of Conciliation. Thus, the
Board of Conciliation is not a permanent institution like conciliation
officer. It is an adhoc body consisting of a chairman and two or four
other members nominated in equal numbers by the parties to the
The Board enjoys the powers of civil court. The Board admits disputes
only referred to it by the government. It follows the same conciliation
proceedings as is followed by the conciliation officer. The Board is
expected to give its judgment within two months of the date on which
the dispute was referred to it.
In India, appointment of the Board of Conciliation is rare for the
settlement of disputes. In practice, settling disputes through a
conciliation officer is more common and flexible.
Machinery for Handling Industrial Disputes
Arbitration is a process in which the conflicting parties agree to refer their
dispute to a neutral third party known as ‘Arbitrator’. Arbitration differs
from conciliation in the sense that in arbitration the arbitrator gives his
judgment on a dispute while in conciliation, the conciliator disputing
parties to reach at a decision.
The arbitrator does not enjoy any judicial powers. The arbitrator listens to
the view points of the conflicting parties and then gives his decision which
is binding on all the parties. The judgment on the dispute is sent to the
government. The government publishes the judgment within 30 days of
its submission and the same becomes enforceable after 30 days of its
publication. In India, there are two types of arbitration: Voluntary and
Machinery for Handling Industrial Disputes
Voluntary Arbitration:
1. Labour Court
2. Industrial Tribunal
3. National Tribunal
Labour Court:
Under Section 7 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, the appropriate
Government by notifying in the official Gazette, may constitute Labour Court
for adjudication of the industrial disputes The labour court consists of one
independent person who is the presiding officer or has been a judge of a High
Court, or has been a district judge or additional district judge for not less than
3 years, or has been a presiding officer of a labour court for not less than 5
years. The labour court deals with the matters specified in the second
schedule of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.
6. Classification by grades.
7. Rules of discipline.
8. Rationalisation.