General Seminar Neonatal Tetanus 2 1
General Seminar Neonatal Tetanus 2 1
General Seminar Neonatal Tetanus 2 1
Neonatal tetanus:
Maternal tetanus:
1. Unclean instrument to
1. unclean delivery/abortion
cut the umbilical cord
2. poor post natal hygiene 2. Umbilical stump covered
with contaminated material
–Clinical Features–
Usually symptoms begins 3-10 days after birth and
pattern is generalized.
Initial symptom is failure to suck and inability to
open the mouth known as trismus or lockjaw.
Spasm of the facial muscles immobilize the jaw
and produces a fixed sardonic grin called risus
Generalized tonic muscular convulsions occur
producing flexion & adduction of the arms,
clenching of fists & extension of the lower
extremities.Initially spasms are mild but later
become severe with spasms of the glottis &
respiratory muscles.
Abdominal muscles become rigid and spasms of the
muscles of the back may result in opisthotonus.
Spasms may be precipitated by touch, noise or bright
Baby remains conscious and allert.
• Characteristic features: -
1. Spasm of facial muscles - Trismus and Risus
2. Spasm of back muscles - Ophisthotonous
3. Generalised tonic seizures - Tetanospasms
4. Spasm of glottis - sudden death.
■ Anti-toxin
Sedation by-
Nursing care: Feeding by:
■Clean the umbilicus/wound ■NG tube
■ Daily milk requirement
is 100- 120 ml/kg/day.
■ Isolate the baby in dark
silent room
–Differential Diagnosis–
1. Sepsis
2. Meningitis
3. Neonatal seizure
4. Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy
5. Rabies: - hydrophobia, mainly clonic seizures
6. Hypocalcaemia: - no lockjaw
7. Strychnine poisoning: - no lockjaw,generalised relaxation
b/w spasms
The prognosis in neonatal tetanus is worse if