P.Vidyut Chandra
Game theory was developed for the purpose of
analyzing competitive situations involving
conflicting interests. In other words, game theory
is used for decision making under conflicting
situations where there are one or more
opponents (i.e., players).
For example, chess, poker, etc., are the games
which have the characteristics of a competition
and are played according to definite rules. Game
theory provides solutions to such games,
assuming that each of the players wants to
maximize his profits and minimize his losses.
Game theory models
The game theory models can be classified into
The strategy of a player is the predetermined rule by which a player
decides his course of action from the list of courses of action during
the game. A strategy may be of two types:
Saddle point
A saddle point is an element of the matrix that is both the
smallest element in its row and the largest element in its
column. Furthermore, saddle point is also regarded as
an equilibrium point in the theory of games.
The outcome of playing the game is called pay-off.
Pay-off Matrix
It is a table showing the outcomes or payoffs
of different strategies of the game.
Value of the Game
It refers to the expected outcome per play,
when players follow their optimal strategy.
It is generally denoted by V.
Saddle Point
The simplest type of game is one where the
best strategies for both players are pure
This is the case if and only if, the pay-off
matrix contains a saddle point. To
illustrate, consider the following pay-off
matrix concerning zero sum two person
(With Saddle Point )
Example 1 –Cont
We use the maximin (minimax) principle to analyze the
Example -1 cont
Select minimum from the maximum of columns.
Minimax = 1
Player A will choose II strategy, which yields the
maximum payoff of 1.
Maximin = 1
Similarly, player B will choose III strategy.
Minimax = -2
Maximin = -2
Example -2
There are two elements whose value is –2. Hence,
the solution to such a game is not unique.