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6G Communication Technology :

A Vision on Intelligent

Presented By


Associate Professor

1. Introduction
2. Literature Survey
3. Problem Statement
4. Aim/Objectives
5. Requirements/ Technologies
6. Methodology
7. Healthcare Services Provided by 6G
8. Result
9. Conclusion
10. References
6G (sixth-generation) is the planned successor to 5G and will
likely be significantly faster.6G is Faster than 5G technology
because Operating at terahertz frequency bands, 6G will deliver
a peak data rate of 1,000 gigabits/s having air latency less than
100 microseconds.
In this vision of 6G in healthcare, we anticipate innovative
solutions that will enable real-time remote patient monitoring,
ultra-fast data transmission for medical imaging and
diagnostics, and enhanced telemedicine experiences. These
developments hold the potential to improve patient outcomes,
reduce healthcare costs, and enhance overall healthcare
accessibility, in a new era of healthcare services.

fig: Mission 6G
Literature survey

1 6g: Opening new G. Gui, M. Liu, F. IEEE,Wireless 2021 Identifying Core Services, Key Envisions 6G technology as a means
horizons for Tang, N. Kato, and Communications, Performance to integrate comfort, security, and
integration of F. Adachi pp. 1–7 Indices,Enabling intelligence in various applications.
comfort, security Technologies,Architecture, Challenges,
and intelligence and Opportunities.

2 Toward 6g M. Giordani, M. IEEE Communications 2021 5G wireless networks, which are 6G networks include
networks: Use Polese, M. Magazine, vol. 58, no. currently being deployed, offer terahertz communication,quantum
cases and Mezzavilla, S. 3, pp. 55–61, March significant advances beyond LTE, but communication, AI
technologies Rangan, and M. may be unable to meet the full integration, hyperconnectivity,
Zorzi connectivity demands of the future and sustainability, enabling faster,
digital society. secure, and efficient wireless
connectivity for an advanced digital

3 Future intelligent F. Tang, Y. Proceedings of the 2021 The growth of vehicles has made Improving efficiency, and enabling
and secure Kawamoto, N. Kato, IEEE, vol. 108, no. 2, vehicular networks complex, intelligent, secure communication.
vehicular network and J. Liu pp. 292–307, Feb challenging to meet 6G network
toward 6g: demands like ultra-low latency, high
Machine-learning reliability, security, and massive
approaches connections..

4 Ai-based joint B. Mao, Y. IEEE Internet of 2021 In IoT networks, data privacy is a Uses AI to optimize both quality of
optimization of Kawamoto, and Things Journal, significant concern due to rising service and security in 6G IoT networks
qos and security N. Kato pp. 1–1 threats. Implementing high-level powered by energy
for 6g energy security can drain energy and reduce harvesting,improving network efficiency
harvesting internet device lifespan, even when lower and device reliability.
of things security surviices.

5 A vision of 6g W. Saad, M. IEEE Network, pp. 1– 2021 5G cellular systems is continuously provides a roadmap for developing 6G
wireless systems: Bennis, and M. 9 exposing the inherent limitations of this wireless systems, emphasizing
Applications, Chen system, compared to its original innovations like ultra-high-speed data
trends, premise as an enabler for Internet of transmission, low-latency
technologies, and Everything applications. communication, and novel applications
open research such as augmented reality, smart cities,
problems and remote healthcare.

6 Low cost W. Dong, Z. Xu, IEEE Internet of 2021 IoT connects and empowers smart Development of sensor array
subarrayed sensor X. Li, and S. Xiao Things Journal, pp. functions across diverse domains. configurations that are efficient and
array design 1– 1 Designing capable information sensing affordable, thus making them suitable for
strategy for iot and devices is the initial challenge, often widespread deployment in various IoT
future 6g requiring multiple sensors for complex and 6G use cases.
applications tasks.
Problem Statement
The current healthcare system faces fundamental challenges related to
time and space constraints, which hinder its effectiveness. Achieving
ultra-low latency is crucial for real-time patient monitoring and
telemedicine applications, necessitating innovative solutions.
Ambulance services primarily function as basic patient transport,
lacking added medical value. Elderly care demands intensive attention,
but diagnostic delays and limited connectivity often obstruct the timely
exchange of critical medical data, posing risks to patients.
Furthermore, the absence of real-time accident detection
systems hinders immediate medical response. Inadequate infrastructure
complicates the control of epidemic and pandemic outbreaks.
Managing chronic diseases.

fig: 6G core network


The Aim of 6G communication in healthcare is to provide seamless, high-speed connectivity to enhance patient
care, reduce healthcare disparities, and enable innovative healthcare solutions such as real-time remote
monitoring, high-quality telemedicine, and AI-driven diagnostics.

• Extend healthcare services to remote to improve healthcare equity..
• Enable continuous, real-time monitoring of patient health data.
• Improve the quality of telemedicine.
• Facilitate efficient transfer of medical imaging data.
• Empower wearable health devices for continuous monitoring.
• Utilize AI for more accurate diagnostics and healthcare analytics.
• Reduce the economic burden of healthcare on both providers and patients.
Requirements/ Technologies
The following are the Requirements and Technologies used by 6G Communication on intelligent Health
care :

• Blood Sample Reader (BSR) sensor

• Intelligent Wearable Devices (IWD)
• Intelligent Radio (IR)
• Terahertz Communication
• Holographic communication
• Artificial Intelligence (AI)
• Intelligent Internet of Medical Things (IIoMT)
• Internet of Things (IoT)

Communication technology boosts up the performance

of health service and a landscape of intelligent health
service is depicted in Fig.It is expected that 6G
communication technology will revolutionize healthcare
completely and the healthcare will fully depend on
communication technology. Current state-of-the-art
healthcare system is unable to provide telesurgery due to
communication issues. Moreover, ambulance service is
to be replaced. Wearable devices need to be redefined.
The hospital is required to restructure. The health
services should be provided in real-time. Health
monitoring and elderly services need to be redefined.

Fig: A landscape of intelligent healthcare systems


fig: Intelligence in the Internet of Medical Things era

Healthcare Services Provided by 6G Communication

• Telesurgery
• Precision Medicine
• Hospital-To-Home Services
• Epidemic And Pandemic
• Holographic Communication
• Intelligent Internet Of Medical
• Security, And Privacy
It Envisions a future where healthcare is AI-driven, overcoming time and space barriers, and improving Quality
of Life (QoL) through Intelligent Wearable Devices, Intelligent Internet of Medical Things, Hospital-to-Home
services, and new business models. The role of 6G communication in shaping this future is emphasized.

Fig: 6G Virtual Reality


Intelligent healthcare, incorporating IIoMT, IWD, and H2H, aims to enhance Quality of Life (QoL) through
advanced technology. Key components include BSR sensors for improved healthcare, and IWD equipped with
sensors for automated disease diagnosis. H2H services could replace traditional ambulances, potentially saving
countless lives through intelligent vehicles. These innovations require high-quality mobile communication, AI
integration, and support from Edge and Cloud Computing, making them crucial for the future of healthcare.
• G. Gui, M. Liu, F. Tang, N. Kato, and F. Adachi, “6g: Opening new horizons for integration of comfort, security and
intelligence,” IEEE Wireless Communications, pp. 1–7, 2021.

• M. Giordani, M. Polese, M. Mezzavilla, S. Rangan, and M. Zorzi, “Toward 6g networks: Use cases and technologies,”
IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 58, no.3, pp. 55–61, March 2021.

• F. Tang, Y. Kawamoto, N. Kato, and J. Liu, “Future intelligent and secure vehicular network toward 6g: Machine-learning
approaches,” Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 108, no. 2, pp. 292–307, Feb 2021.

• B. Mao, Y. Kawamoto, and N. Kato, “Ai-based joint optimization of qos and security for 6g energy harvesting internet of
things,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, pp. 1–1, 2021.

• W. Saad, M. Bennis, and M. Chen, “A vision of 6g wireless systems:Applications, trends, technologies, and open research
problems,” IEEE Network, pp. 1–9, 2021.

• W. Dong, Z. Xu, X. Li, and S. Xiao, “Low cost subarrayed sensor array design strategy for iot and future 6g applications,”
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, pp. 1–1, 2021.
Thank You

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