module 4
module 4
module 4
Module 4
Energy Devices
Contents…. (6 hours)
▪ Electrochemical and electrolytic cells
▪ Electrode materials with examples
• Semi-conductors
▪ Chemistry of Li ion secondary batteries
▪ Supercapacitors
▪ Fuel cells: H2-O2 and solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC)
▪ Solar cells: Photovoltaic cells (silicon based), Photoelectrochemical
cells, Dye- sensitized cells.
Electrochemical Cell
▪ A device that is used to generate electricity from a spontaneous redox reaction
or, conversely, that uses electricity to drive a non-spontaneous redox reaction.
▪ An electrochemical cell typically consists of
• Two electronic conductors (also called electrodes >> anode and cathode)
• An ionic conductor (called an electrolyte)
• the electron conductor used to link the electrodes is often a metal wire,
such as copper wiring
▪ The electrochemical cells are broadly classified into two types:
• Galvanic or voltaic cell: Converts the energy released by a spontaneous
chemical reaction to electrical energy. ΔG < 0
• Electrolytic cell: Consumes electrical energy from an external source to drive
a non-spontaneous chemical reaction. ΔG > 0
Galvanic or voltaic cell
▪ A galvanic cell uses the energy released during a spontaneous redox reaction
(ΔG < 0) to generate electricity.
▪ This type of electrochemical cell is also called a voltaic cell after its inventor, the
Italian physicist Alessandro Volta.
▪ Anode is written on the left-hand side >> oxidation occurs
▪ Cathode is written on the right-hand side >> reduction occurs
Electrode on the left Electrode on the right
Metal (or solid phase)| Electrolyte (whole Electrolyte (whole formula or ion) | Metal
formula or ion) (or solid phase)
Zn|Zn(NO3)2 (1M) Cu(NO3)2 (1M)|Cu
Oxidation: M1 → M1n+ + n e- Reduction: M2n+ + n e- → M2
Overall representation of Galvanic cell
M1 | M1n+ (C1) ║ M2n+ (C2) | M2
Cell Representation
Cell Representation
Calculate Standard EMF of Cell (Eo Cell) of following cell if standard reduction
potential of Zn and Ag are -0.76 V and + 0.80 V:
Example 1:
Example 2:
Nernst Equation:
Numerical Problems:
Numerical Problems:
To Calculate Eq. Const. K:
Problem No.1
Construction of cell
Write the half cell reaction, Construct the cell, and explain the the net reaction and cell
EMF of the following cell:
Cd|Cd2+ (0.01 M)║Cu2+ (0.5 M)|Cu
The standard reduction potentials are ̶ 0.40 V and 0.34 V respectively.
▪ The half reactions:
At anode: Cd → Cd2+ + 2 e- Standard reduction potential = ̶ 0.40 V CdSO4
H2 and O2.
▪ Due to very poor electrical conductivity of pure
water, a small amount of an ionic solute (such
as H2SO4 or Na2SO4) is added to increase its
electrical conductivity.
▪ The electrolytes are chosen such a way that the
ions that are harder to oxidize or reduce than
Anode: 2 H2O → O2(g) + 4 H+ + 4 e-
(i) To increase the resistance to corrosion and chemical
attack of the plated metal.
(ii) To obtain a polished surface
(iii) To improve hardness and wear resistance
Uses :
(i) It is often used in electronic industries for making
printed circuit boards, edge connectors,
semiconductor lead-out connection
(ii) It is also used in the manufacture of jewelry,
refrigerator, electric iron etc.
Electroplating of Cu
Electroplating is the process in which the metal to be coated is deposited on the base
metal (substrate) by passing a direct current in the presence of electrolytic solution
containing the soluble salt of the metal to be coated.
Required materials,
Electrolyte : (3-5%) H2SO4 / (15-30%) CuSO4
Anode : Pure Cu metal or Graphite (inert)
Cathode : Metal part (Object to be coated)
Additive : Boric acid or gelatin 20
Electroplating of Cu
DC battery
Cu2+ SO42-
Cu deposited
Ionization reaction of electrolyte:
H2SO4 2H+ + SO42-
CuSO4 Cu2+ + SO42- ;
Factors affecting electroplating
▪ A semiconductor is a substance, usually a solid chemical element or compound that can conduct
electricity under some conditions, making it a good medium for the control of electrical current.
▪ It has almost filled valence band, empty conduction band and very narrow energy gap i.e., of the order of
1 eV. Energy gap of Silicon (Si) and Germanium (Ge) are 1.0 and 0.7 eV respectively. Consequently Si and
Ge are semiconductors.
Conduction band:
Empty band
Electron energy
First empty band above the Band gap
highest filled band
Outermost band
Partially filled containing electrons
Valence band: band
Conduction band
Empty Conduction band
Almost Empty
Eg Band gap
T > 0K
Valence band Full
Some common band gaps:
Element gap (ev)
Ge 0.6
Si 1.1
GaAs 1.4
SiO2 9.0
Effect of temperature on conductivity of semiconductors:
▪ At 0 K electrons freeze at valence band and hence all semiconductors are insulators.
▪ Electrical conductivity of a semiconductor material increases with increasing temperature
as resistivity decreases.
▪ At higher temperature transition from the valence band to the conduction band gets
facilitated ⇒ higher conductivity or lower resistivity.
Types of semiconductors:
Intrinsic Semiconductors:
- +
Si lattice with p-type dopant
Energy 250 Li-polymer
Specific Energy
150 Li-ion
100 Ni-Cd
Acid Ni-MH
1850 1900 1950 2000
Year 41
Construction of Lithium-Ion (Li ion) Batteries
▪ Cathode: This is the positive electrode and
it is typically layers of lithium-metal oxide
(LiCoO2, LiNiO2, LiMn2O4, LiNiMnCoO2) and Cha
lithium metal polyanionic materials ng
e- e-
e- e-
Charging - Dis-Charging +
- +
Anode Cathode
Co Co
Li+ Li+
supercapacitors for
wearable devices
Batteries Comparison
▪ Batteries and capacitors do a similar job—
storing electricity—but in completely different Capacitors
▪ Batteries have two electrical terminals
▪ A capacitor is a device used to store electrical charge
(electrodes) separated by a chemical substance and electrical energy.
called an electrolyte. ▪ Capacitors use static electricity (electrostatics)
▪ When power is on, chemical reactions happen rather than chemical substances to store energy.
involving both the electrodes and the
▪ Inside a capacitor, there are two conducting metal
electrolyte. These reactions convert the
chemicals inside the battery into other plates with an insulating material called a dielectric
substances, releasing electrical energy as they in between them - it's a dielectric sandwich.
go. ▪ Positive and negative electrical charges build up on
▪ Once the chemicals have all been depleted, the the plates and the separation between them, which
reactions stop and the battery is flat. prevents them coming into contact, is what stores
▪ In a rechargeable battery, such as a lithium-ion the energy.
power pack used in a laptop computer or MP3
▪ The dielectric allows a capacitor of a certain size to
player, the reactions can happily run in either
direction so that it is usually charge and store more charge at the same voltage, so it makes
discharge hundreds of times before the battery the capacitor more efficient as a charge-storing
needs replacing. device.
Applications of Supercapacitors and Market
▪ A supercapacitor differs from an ordinary capacitor in two important ways:
• Its plates effectively have a much bigger area and the distance between them is much
smaller, because the separator between them works in a different way to a
conventional dielectric.
• Although the words "supercapacitor” and "ultra capacitor” are often used
interchangeably, there is a difference: they are usually built from different materials
and structured in slightly different ways, so they store different amounts of energy.
▪ Like an ordinary capacitor, a supercapacitor has two plates that are separated.
▪ The plates are made from metal coated with a porous substance such as powdery,
activated charcoal, which effectively gives them a bigger area for storing much more
▪ Unlike capacitor, in a supercapacitor, there is no dielectric as such. Instead, both plates
are soaked in an electrolyte and separated by a very thin insulator (which might be made
of carbon, paper, or plastic)
Construction of Supercapacitors (1) Electrodes: The electrodes of the supercapacitor is made
of Activated Carbon material. The electrodes
have Porous nature which helps to store more charge
carriers. if the electrodes are able to store more charge
carrier then the capacitance will be increased. There are two
electrodes one is the positive electrode and another is the
negative electrode.
(2) Current Collectors: The current collectors are used to
connect the electrodes and the terminals of the capacitor. The
- + current collectors are generally made up with foil metals.
Mostly aluminum is used. There are two current collectors
in the supercapacitor one for the positive electrode and
another is the negative electrode.
(3) Separator: The separator is used to provide insulation or
separate the electrodes to prevent the short-circuit. The
gp separator mainly made up with Kapton material. The
lyt r olle
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▪ This cell is a common type of fuel cell. Similar to a galvanic cell, fuel cell also
have two half cells.
▪ Both half cells have porous graphite electrode with a catalyst (platinum, silver
or a metal oxide).
▪ The electrodes are placed in the aqueous solution of NaOH or KOH (alkaline
fuel cells-AFC) or H2SO4 (acidic fuel cell) which acts as an electrolyte.
▪ Hydrogen and oxygen are supplied at anode and cathode respectively at about
50 atmospheric pressure, the gases diffuse at respective electrodes.
▪ The overall chemical reaction in a hydrogen fuel electrochemical cell involves
the oxidation of hydrogen by oxygen to produce only water.
2 H 2 + O 2 → 2 H 2O
Principle of Operation
▪ A fuel cell is a device that uses hydrogen (or hydrogen-rich fuel) and oxygen to create
electricity by an electrochemical process.
▪ Hydrogen and oxygen (air) are supplied to anode and cathode, respectively.
▪ When hydrogen is led to the anode, the hydrogen molecules are split into proton and an
▪ The protons migrate through the electrolyte to the cathode, where they react with
oxygen to form water.
▪ At the same time, the electrons are forced to travel around the electrolyte to the
cathode side, because they cannot pass through the electrolyte. This movement of
electrons thus creates an electrical current.
Alkaline Fuel Cells (or) H2- O2 Fuel Cells
H2 O2
Cathode: Porous
Anode : Porous carbon with Pt
carbon with Pt catalyst
▪ Hydrogen fuel is processed at the anode where electrons are separated from
protons on the surface of a platinum-based catalyst.
▪ The protons pass through the membrane to the cathode side of the cell while
the electrons travel in an external circuit, generating the electrical output of the
▪ On the cathode side, another Pt electrode combines the protons and electrons
with oxygen to produce water.
• At anode: H2 (g) → 2 H+ + 2 e-
• At cathode: O2 (g) + 4 H+ + 4 e- → 2 H2O
• Net reaction: O2 (g) + 2 H2 (g) → 2 H2O (I)
ECell˚= 1.23 V
▪ Advantages
• The energy conversion is very high (75-82%).
• Fuel cell minimizes expensive transmission lines and transmission losses.
• It has high reliability in electricity generation and the by-products are environmentally
• Maintenance cost is low for these fuels and they save fossil fuels.
• Noise and thermal pollution are very low.
▪ Disadvantages:
• The major disadvantage of the fuel cell is the high cost and the problems of durability and
storage of large amount of hydrogen.
• The accurate life time is also not known and It cannot store electricity.
• Electrodes are expensive ad short lived.
• Storage and handling of H2 gas is dangerous because it is inflammable.
▪ Applications:
• The most important application of a fuel cell is its use in space vehicles, submarine or military
• The product H2O is valuable source of fresh water for the astronauts.
• Fuel cell batteries for automotive will be a great boon for the future.
Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC):
General features:
• Fuel : Hydrogen
• Electrolyte: Ion exchange polymer membrane (Nafion) Nafion is a
perfluorinated cation exchange polymer membrane. It is a solid state
• Electrodes: Metal based or made of porous carbon
• Catalyst : Platinum
• Operating temperature: 80 °C
• Charge carrier: H+ ions
▪ At anode (oxidation):
H2 (g) + CO (g) + 2 O2- → H2O (g) + CO2 (g) + 4e-
▪ At cathode (reduction):
O2 (g) + 4e- → 2 O2-
▪ Net reaction:
H2 (g) + CO (g) + O2 (g) → H2O (g) + CO2 (g)
▪ Advantages of SOFC:
• SOFCs have a number of advantages due to their solid materials and high
operating temperature.
• Since all the components are solid, as a result, there is no need for electrolyte
loss maintenance and electrode corrosion is eliminated.
• Also because of high-temperature operation, the SOFC has a better ability to
tolerate the presence of impurities as a result of life increasing.
• High efficiencies: Due to high-quality waste heat for cogeneration
applications and low activation losses, the efficiency for electricity
production is great.
• Low emissions. Releasing negligible pollution. It is the cleanest among all fuel
▪ Disadvantages:
• High operating temperature (500 to 1,000 °C) which results in longer start up
times and mechanical/chemical compatibility issues.
• The cost and complex fabrication are also significant problems that need to be
• Applications:
• SOFCs are being considered for a wide range of applications, such as working
as power systems for trains, ships and vehicles; supplying electrical power for
residential or industrial utility.
• Stationary power generation
• By product gases are channeled to turbines to generate more electricity:
cogeneration of heat and power and improves overall efficiency.
• Auxiliary power units in vehicles
Differences between Primary, Secondary and Fuel cells
Solar Energy Potential
▪ Theoretical: 1.2x105 TW solar energy potential
(1.76 x105 TW striking Earth; 0.30 Global mean albedo (The amount of energy reflected back to space)
Energy in 1 hr of sunlight ↔ 14 TW for a year
▪ Practical: ≈ 600 TW solar energy potential (50 TW - 1500 TW depending on land fraction etc.; WEA 2000)
Onshore electricity generation potential of ≈ 60 TW (10% conversion efficiency) Photosynthesis: 90 TW
Photovoltaic Cells
Photoelectrochemical cells
Dye-sensitized solar cells
Photovoltaic Cells Why Silicon?
▪ A solar cell is a device that converts the energy of Silicon is considered as the most suitable material for
sunlight directly into electricity by the solar energy conversion because:
photovoltaic effect.
▪ Second most abundant element (~ 28% by mass) after
▪ The photovoltaic effect involves creation of a oxygen
voltage (or a corresponding electric current) in a
material upon exposure to electro-magnetic ▪ Highly pure silicon can be readily synthesized from
radiation. sand or quartz by heating them at high temperature
in furnace
▪ Though the photovoltaic effect is directly related
to the photoelectric effect, the two processes are
SiO2 + C → Si + CO2
200 to 2000 nm
About 46% of the spectral energy is distributed in the visible region
About 49% in near IR,
About 3% in UV region and
Rest in far IR regions
Applications of Solar Cells
It is a Renewable energy
It Can be powered for remote locations
No pollution and environmentally friendly etc.,
Photovoltaic effect (cell)
It is a physical phenomenon in which light energy is converted to electrical energy
n-type semi conducting layer -
p-type semi conducting layer
Bottom electrode
Efficiency (%) : Pm
Pm= Power (W)
E= irradiance or electromagnetic radiation E x Ac
Ac= The surface area of the solar cell (m²)
Materials for photovoltaic cells
Oxygen 46.1%
Table 1. Natural abundance of elements in earth crust
Silicon 28.2%
Monocrystalline Si, 38% Aluminium 8.2%
Iron 5.6%
Calcium 4.2%
Sodium 2.4%
Magnesium 2.3%
Potassium 2.1%
Titanium 0.57%
CuGaSe2 Hydrogen 0.14%
ZnO Copper 0.005%
Materials for solar cell - 2006 Total 99.8%
Silicon is extracted from naturally occurring SiO2 or from its halides. It exists in two
allotropic forms
1. Amorphous – A brown powder
2. Crystalline – grey crystals
3. Single crystal silicon 83
Photovoltaic Cells using silicon: Materials such as silicon, germanium exhibit a property of semi-
conduction and are called semiconductors. These semiconductors have electrical conductivity lower than
metals and higher than insulators.
Silicon is an ideal material for PV as it is a cheap material for fabrication of photovoltaic cells.
When pure silicon is doped with an acceptor element such as boron, it becomes a positively charged (p-
type) semiconductor.
On the other hand, when it is doped with a donor element such as phosphorus, it becomes a negatively
charged (n-type) semiconductor.
Efficiency (%) :
Pm= Power (W)10
E= irradiance or electromagnetic radiation (W/m 2)
Ac= The surface area of the solar cell (m²)
0 E x Ac 85
Unique Features of solar cell
e e
sc M
sc M
2 Semiconductor/Liquid
Photosynthesis Junctions Solar cell Photovoltaic 88
Photo electrochemical Cells Types
2. Photoelectrosynthesis (PES)
Solar energy is converted into chemical
energy in the form of fuels
Photoelectrochemical Cell-LJSC Material requirements
• Band gap must be at least 1.8-
2.0 eV but small enough to
absorb most sunlight
2hν + H2O ---> H2(g) + ½ O2 (g)
• Band edges must straddle
Redox potentials
2H2O + 2e- = 2OH- +H2
• Fast charge transfer
Ehν > Eg • Stable in aqueous solution
• The simplest LJSC consists of
two electrodes (one of them a SC
1.8-2.0 eV and the other a metal) dipped in
an electrolyte containing a
1.23 eV redox couple.
e- Eg Counter
• Both the electrodes must be
inert, i.e., the electrode material
itself should not take part in the
electrochemical reactions.
H2O/O2 • One of the important
EV h+ requirements for the operation
of a LJSC is the presence of
H2O + 2h+ = 2H+ + 1/2O2 depletion layer at the surface of
h = hole
+ p-type the SC electrode.
Pt wire • For this, the initial Fermi level of
the SC should be above the Eredox.
Light energy is Converted to Electrical+Chemical Energy
Briefly working of Photo Electro Chemical cell (PECs)
3. With the help of a connecting wire, photogenerated majority carriers are transported via a
load to the counter electrode where these carriers electrochemically react with the
redox electrolyte.
Working Contd..(For Reading, Explanation)
1. A typical type of the photocurrent-generated device has a semiconductor in
contact with an electrolyte, and this is often referred as
photoelectrochemical cells.
2. A photoelectrochemical cell consists of a photoactive semiconductor (SC)
working electrode(either n- or p-type) and counter electrode made of metal
(M) (e.g. Pt). Both electrodes are immersed in the electrolyte containing
suitable redox couples.
3. In a metal-electrolyte junction, the potential drop occurs entirely on the
solution side, whereas in a semiconductor-electrolyte junction, the potential
drop occurs on the semiconductor site as well as the solution side.
4. The charge on the semiconductor side is distributed deep in the interior of
the semiconductor, creating a space charge region. If the junction of the
semiconductor-electrolyte is illuminated with a light having energy greater
than the bandgap of the semiconductor, photogenerated electrons/holes are
separated in the space charge region.
5. The photogenerated minority carriers (holes) arrive at the interface of the
semiconductor-electrolyte. Photogenerated majority carriers (electrons)
accumulate at the backside of the semiconductor.
6. With the help of a connecting wire, photogenerated majority carriers are
transported via a load to the counter electrode where these carriers
electrochemically react with the redox electrolyte. 92
Chemical reactions - Working -LJSC
1. Absorption of light near the surface of the semiconductor creates electron-
hole pairs.
The non-equilibrium electrons in the conduction band are produced by
illumination of light will have energy Ehv ≥Eg.
2. Holes (minority carriers) drift to the surface of the semiconductor (the
photo anode) where they react with water to produce oxygen (Oxidation)
2h+ + H2O ----> ½ O2(g) + 2H+
3. Electrons (majority carriers) are conducted to a metal electrode (typically
Pt) where they combine with H+ ions in the electrolyte solution to make H2
2e- + 2H+ ----> H2(g)
4. Transport of H+ from the anode to the cathode through the electrolyte
completes the electrochemical circuit.
The overall reaction : 2hν + H2O ----> H2(g) + ½ O2 (g)
Dye sensitized Solar Cells- Gratzel cells
Michael Grätzel and Brian O’Regan invented “Dye-sensitized solar cells”, also
called “Grätzel cells”, in 1991.
Difference between PEC and Gratzel Cell
Gratzel Cell
1. Dye adsorbed Semiconductor
2. Counter electrode
3. Electrolyte solution (Iodide)
Why?/How? - Dye sensitization of a semiconductor for solar energy conversion
Chlorophyll is a best example for a organometallic (Mg containing organic compound) dye that uses
solar energy for photosynthesis – reported by Moser 1887
Cue was taken from this and proved that dye adsorbed on semiconductor surface can enhance the
photo-electrochemical cell’s performance for solar energy conversion
In a dye molecule, the gap between the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and the lowest
unoccupied level (LUMO) is analogous to the conduction band - valence band gap in a semiconductor
Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs) are potential low-cost solar energy conversion devices
Efficiency of DSCs is 11.1% at present
The life time of DSCs exceeds 10 years based on the durability and stability towards light and
▪ Transparent and Conductive Substrate
• Substrate for the deposition of the semiconductor and catalyst, acting also as current
• Characteristics of a substrate:
More than 80% of transparency
Should have a high electrical conductivity.
• The fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO, SnO2: F) and indium-doped tin oxide (ITO, In2O3: Sn)
are usually applied as a conductive substrate in DSSCs.
• These substrates consist of soda lime glass coated with the layers of ITO and FTO.
• The ITO films have a transmittance > 80% and 18 Ω /cm2 of sheet resistance,
• FTO films show a lower transmittance of ~ 75% in the visible region and sheet
resistance of 8.5 Ω /cm2
▪ Working Electrode (WE)
• Working electrodes (WE) are prepared by depositing a thin layer of oxide
semiconducting materials such as TiO2, Nb2O5, ZnO, SnO2 (n-type), and NiO (p-type) on a
transparent conducting glass plate made of FTO or ITO
• These oxides have a wide energy band gap of 3 – 3.2 eV
• Due to its non-toxicity, and easy availability, TiO 2 is mostly used as a semiconducting
• To enhance its activity the TiO2 semiconducting layers are immersed in a mixture of a
photosensitive molecular sensitizer and a solvent
• Due to highly porous structure and the large surface area of the electrode, a high
number of dye molecules get attached on the nanocrystalline TiO 2 surface, and thus,
light absorption at the semiconductor surface increases.
▪ Photosensitizer or Dye
• Dye are responsible for the maximum absorption of light.
• These should have the following photophysical and electrochemical properties:
• Dyes should be luminescent.
• Their absorption spectra should cover UV-vis and NIR regions.
• The HOMO should be located far from the surface of the conduction band of TiO 2.
• LUMO should be placed as close to the surface of the TiO 2, and should be placed
higher than the TiO2 conduction band potential.
• The periphery of the dye should be hydrophobic to enhance the long-term stability of
• Co-absorbents like chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA) or anchoring groups like alkoxy-silyl,
phosphoric acid, and -COOH should be present to avoid the aggregation of the dye
over the TiO2 surface.
▪ Electrolyte
• An electrolyte, such as I−/I3−, Br−/Br2−, SCN−/SCN2, and Co(II)/Co(III) has five main
components, i.e., redox couple, solvent, additives, ionic liquids, and cations.
• The following properties should be present in an electrolyte:
• Redox couple should be able to regenerate the oxidized dye efficiently.
• Should have chemical, thermal, and electrochemical stability.
• Should be non-corrosive with DSSC components.
• Should be able to permit fast diffusion of charge carriers, enhance
conductivity, and create effective contact between the working and counter
At Anode Dye+ (adsorbed on TiO2) + 3/2 I- Dye (adsorbed on TiO2) + 1/2 I3-
e -
Sun e -
light Ef
e- 3I-
e- qV (obtainable I)
e- e-
e -
VB ERedox
I3- e-
e- e-
e- 3 e-
e- e- 2 e- e-
Step 1 Sunlight (photon of light) passes through the titanium dioxide layer and
strikes electrons in the adsorbed dye molecules. Electrons gain this
energy and excited to conduction band.
Step 2 The excited free electrons move through the titanium dioxide
nanoparticle from dye molecule and accumulate at the conducting glass
electrode (-ve plate TiO2-dye plate).
Step3 The free electrons from the negative electrode flows through the
external circuit to the counter electrode which produces electric current
which can be measured.
Step4 On the surface of the counter electrode (+ve) iodide ion (I - reduced
form) receive the electron and gets oxidized to I 3- ion after transferring the
electrons to dye molecule which regains its electron from the iodide electrolyte.
The dye is then regenerated for second cycle.
Step5 The free electrons at the metal/graphite (+ve) plate then reduce the tri-
iodide (I3-) molecules to I-. The dye molecules are then ready for the next
excitation. In the next cycle step1 to step 5 is followed.
Dye Sensitized solar cell - working
1. Sunlight energy (photon of light) passes through the titanium dioxide layer and strikes
electrons within the adsorbed dye molecules. Electrons gain this energy and become
excited because they have the extra energy.
2. The excited electrons escape the dye molecules and become free electrons. These free
electrons move through the titanium dioxide and accumulate at the -ve plate (dyed TiO 2
3. The free electrons then start to flow through the external circuit to produce an electric
current. This electric current powers the light bulb.
4. To complete the circuit, the dye is regenerated. The dye regains its lost electrons from
the iodide electrolyte. Iodide (I-) ions are oxidised (loss of 2 electrons) to tri-iodide (I 3-).
The free electrons on the graphite plate then reduce the tri-iodide molecules back to
their iodide state. The dye molecules are then ready for the next excitation/oxid/red
cycle. 103
Molecular engineering of dyes.
cis - isomer
Trans - isomer
0.6 N
N Ru
Very small changes to a dye
structure can have significant
influence on the optical properties.
0.0 In the present case compare the
absorption spectra of two isomers
300 400 500 600 700 of 800
dithiocyanato bis(4,4’-
Energy [nm] dicarboxylic acid-2,2’-bipyridine)
ruthenium(II) dye.
Naturally Occurring Dyes
Advantages and disadvantages of DSSC