(Professional elective-III)
Requirements of a sensor, Principles and Applications of the following
types of sensors- Position sensors - Piezo Electric Sensor, LVDT,
Resolvers, Optical Encoders, pneumatic Position Sensors, Range
Sensors Triangulations Principles, Structured, Lighting Approach, Time of
Flight, Range Finders, Laser Range Meters, Touch Sensors ,binary
Sensors., Analog Sensors, Wrist Sensors, Compliance Sensors, Slip
Sensors, Camera, Frame Grabber, Sensing and Digitizing Image Data-
Signal Conversion, Image Storage, Lighting Techniques, Image
Processing and Analysis-Data Reduction, Segmentation, Feature
Extraction, Object Recognition, Other Algorithms, Applications-
Inspection, Identification, Visual Serving and Navigation.
What are Sensors?
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Definition
ultrasonic sensors
touch sensors
Infra-red sensors
Gas Sensor
Accelerometer Gyro
Metal Detector
Pendulum Resistive
Tilt Sensors Piezo Bend Sensor
Radiation Sensor
Pyroelectric Detector
UV Detector
Resistive Bend Sensors
CDS Cell
Resistive Light Sensor
Digital Infrared Ranging
Pressure Switch
Miniature Polaroid Sensor
Limit Switch Touch Switch
Mechanical Tilt Sensors
Magnetic Sensor
IR Modulator
Lite-On IR Radio Shack Solar Cell
Remote Receiver Remote Receiver
Compass Compass
Piezo Ultrasonic Transducers
Proprioceptive (“sense of self ”, internal state): Measures values
internally to the system (robot), e.g. battery level, wheel position,
joint angle, etc.
Exteroceptive (external state): Observations of robot
environment, objects in it.
The LVDT alters a linear dislocation from a mechanical position into a relative
electrical signal including phase and amplitude of the information of direction and
distance. The operation of LVDT does not need an electrical bond between the
touching parts and coil, but as an alternative depends on the electromagnetic
The core is protected by the thing whose
location is being calculated, while the coil
assembly is increased to a stationary
structure. The coil assembly includes three
wire wound coils on the hollow shape. The
inside coil is the major, which is energized
by an AC source. The magnetic flux
generated by the main is attached to the
two minor coils, making an AC voltage in
every coil.
LVDT Construction
Working Principle of LVDT
The working principle of the linear variable differential transformer or LVDT
working theory is mutual induction. The dislocation is a nonelectrical
energy that is changed into an electrical energy. And, how the energy is
altered is discussed in detail in the working of an LVDT.
Working of an LVDT
The working of LVDT circuit diagram can be divided into three cases based on
the position of the iron core in the insulated former.
In Case-1: When the core of the LVDT is at the null location, then both the
minor windings flux will equal, so the induced e.m.f is similar in the windings.
So for no dislocation, the output value (eout) is zero because both the e1 & e2
are equivalent. Thus, it illustrates that no dislocation took place.
In Case-2: When the core of the LVDT is shifted to up to the null point. In
this case, the flux involving with minor winding S1 is additional as contrasted
to flux connecting with the S 2 winding. Due to this reason, e1 will be added
as that of e2. Due to this eout (output voltage) is positive.
In Case-3: When the core of the LVDT is shifted down to the null point, In
this case, the amount of e2 will be added as that of e1. Due to this eout output
voltage will be negative plus it illustrates the o/p to down on the location point.
Advantages and Disadvantages of LVDT
The measurement of the displacement range of LVDT is very high, and it ranges from
1.25 mm -250 mm.
The LVDT output is very high, and it doesn’t require any extension. It owns a high
compassion which is normally about 40V/mm.
When the core travels within a hollow former consequently there is no failure of
displacement input while frictional loss so it makes an LVDT as a very precise device.
LVDT demonstrates a small hysteresis and thus repetition is exceptional in all situations
The power consumption of the LVDT is very low which is about 1W as evaluated by
another type of transducers.
LVDT changes the linear dislocation into an electrical voltage which is simple to progress.
LVDT is responsive to move away from magnetic fields, thus it constantly needs a system
to keep them from drift magnetic fields.
It is accomplished that LVDTs are more beneficial as contrasted than any kind of
inductive transducer.
LVDT gets damaged by temperature as well as vibrations.
LVDT Applications
The applications of the LVDT transducer mainly include where
dislocations to be calculated that are ranging from a division of mm to only
some cms.
The LVDT sensor works as the main transducer, and that changes
dislocation to electrical signal straight.
This transducer can also work as a secondary transducer.
LVDT is used to measure the weight, force and also pressure
Some of these transducers are used to calculate the pressure and load
LVDT’s are mostly used in industries as well as servomechanisms.
Other applications like power turbines, hydraulics, automation, aircraft, and
A rotating electrical transformer that is used to measure degrees of
rotation is known as a resolver.
It includes digital counterparts like the rotary encoder and the digital
It is used in different velocity and position feedback applications
because of their good performance like servo motor feedback, light-duty,
heavy-duty and light industrial.
These are also called as a motor resolver.
It is an analog device & the electrical outputs of this device
are continuous during one whole mechanical rotation.
It is a rugged device compared with other feedback devices
due to its simple transformer design.
It is applicable where the consistent performance is
necessary for those vibration, radiation, high shock, high
temperature as well as contagion environments.
Generally, the selection of this mainly determined by the
size of the shaft, transformation ration, and excitation
It is a special kind of rotating transformer,
includes a stator and rotor in a cylindrical
These are designed with two sets of windings
and multi-slot laminations.
Usually, these windings are designed as well
as distributed within the slotted lamination
through a stable pitch-variable twist otherwise
changeable pitch-variable twist model.
For a single speed type, the windings will
create one whole Sine curve & Cosine curve
in one rotation whereas, for a multi-speed
type, the windings will create various Sine
curves & Cosine curves within one rotation.
Whenever a single-speed gives
complete feedback but multi-speed
doesn’t give.
The number of speeds obtainable is
imperfect with the resolver size.
The set of windings is located within
the laminations with 90o to each
other, known as Sine & Cosine
Here, the accuracy can be
enhanced once the set of windings
within the rotor is shorted internally.
The resolver works on the principle of
an electrical transformer.
These transformers use copper
windings in stator and rotor.
Based on the rotor’s angular position,
the inductive coupling of the windings
will be changed.
The resolver energizes by using an
AC signal and the output of this can
be measured to provide an electrical
Generally, it includes three windings like
one primary and two secondaries. These
are designed with the help of copper wire
on the stator. The primary winding
functions like the i/p for an AC signal
whereas each of the secondary winding is
used as output. In this, the stationary part
is designed with iron or steel.
The operation of this can be done by
different operating parameters like
accuracy, i/p excitation voltage, excitation
frequency, maximum current,
transformation ration, phase shift, and null
Advantages & Disadvantages
The advantages of resolver include the following.
Tolerant to Misalignment
The disadvantages of resolver include the following.
Requires skillful specification & implementation
Resolvers are used in the feedback of the servo motor
Surface actuators
Used in paper and steel mills for speed & position feedback
Control systems of military vehicles
Communication position systems
Fuel systems of the Jet engine
Production of gas and oil
It is used in vector resolution to split the vector into different
Vector angle & component can be determined
The amplitude of pluses and pulse resolution can be controlled
The encoder is a sensor attached to a rotating object (such as a wheel or
motor) to measure rotation.
By measuring rotation your robot can do things such as determine
displacement, velocity, acceleration, or the angle of a rotating sensor.
• Any transducer that generates a coded reading of a
measurement can be termed an encoder.
• Shaft Encoders are digital transducers that are used for
measuring angular displacements and velocities.
• Relative advantages of digital transducers over their
analog counterparts:
– High resolution (depending on the word size of the
encoder output and the number of pulses per revolution
of the encoder)
– High accuracy (particularly due to noise immunity of
digital signals and superior construction)
– Relative ease of adaptation in digital control systems
(because transducer output is digital) with associated
reduction in system cost and improvement of system
• Shaft Encoders can be classified into two categories
depending on the nature and method of interpretation of the
– Incremental Encoders
– Absolute Encoders
• Incremental Encoders
– Output is a pulse signal that is generated when the
transducer disk rotates as a result of the motion that is
being measured.
– By counting pulses or by timing the pulse width using a clock signal,
both angular displacement and angular velocity can be determined.
– Displacement, however, is obtained with respect to some
reference point on the disk, as indicated by a reference pulse
(index pulse) generated at that location on the disk. The index
pulse count determines the number of full revolutions.
• Absolute Encoders
– An absolute encoder has many pulse tracks on its transducer
– When the disk of an absolute encoder rotates, several pulse
trains equal in number to the tracks on the disk are generated
– At a given instant, the magnitude of each pulse signal will have one of
two signal levels (i.e., a binary state) as determined by a level detector.
– This signal level corresponds to a binary digit (0 or 1). Hence, the set
of pulse trains gives an encoded binary number at any instant.
– The pulse windows on the tracks can be organized into some pattern
(code) so that each of these binary numbers corresponds to the angular
position of the encoder disk at the time when the particular binary
number is detected.
– Pulse voltage can be made compatible with some form of digital logic
(e.g., TTL)
– Direct digital readout of an angular position is possible.
– Absolute encoders are commonly used to measure fractions of a
revolution. However, complete revolutions can be measured using
an additional track that generates an index pulse, as in the case
of an incremental encoder.
• Signal Generation can be accomplished using any one of four
– Optical (photosensor) method
– Sliding contact (electrical conducting) method
– Magnetic saturation (reluctance) method
– Proximity sensor method
• Method of signal interpretation and processing is the same for
all four types of signal generation.
Schematic Diagram of an
Absolute Encoder Disk Absolute Encoders must
Pattern be powered and
(a)Binary code monitored only when a
(b)Gray code reading is taken. Also, if a
reading is missed, it will
Ambiguities in bit switching can be not affect the next reading.
avoided by using gray code.
However, additional logic is needed
to covert the gray-coded number to
a corresponding binary number.
(Electrically Insulating Material)
Piezoelectric sensor
Working of a Piezoelectric Sensor
The commonly measured physical quantities by a piezoelectric sensor are
Acceleration and Pressure. Both pressure and acceleration sensors work on the
same principle of piezoelectricity but the main difference between them is the way
force is applied to their sensing element.
In the pressure sensor, a thin membrane is placed on a massive base to transfer
the applied force to the piezoelectric element. Upon application of pressure on
this thin membrane, the piezoelectric material gets loaded and starts generating
electrical voltages. The produced voltage is proportional to the amount of
pressure applied.
In accelerometers, seismic mass is attached to the crystal element to transfer
the applied force to piezoelectric materials. When motion is applied, seismic mass
load’s the piezoelectric material according to Newton’s second law of motion.
The piezoelectric material generates charge used for calibration of motion.
Piezoelectric Sensor Circuit
The resistance Ri is the internal resistance or insulator resistance. The
inductance is due to the inertia of the sensor. The capacitance Ce is
inversely proportional to the elasticity of the sensor material. For the
proper response of the sensor, the load and leakage resistance must be
large enough so that low frequencies are preserved. A sensor can be
called a pressure transducer in an electrical signal. Sensors are also
known as primary transducers.
Active piezoelectric sensors are used for thickness gauge, flow sensor.
Fluorescent tubes
Halogen and xenon lamps
LED lights are more preferred over the other types of light
sources, because of their long life and less energy
There is a large variety of different lighting types that are
available for machine vision.
The types listed here represent some of the most commonly
used techniques.
A laser is a device that emits light through a process of optical
amplification based on the stimulated emission of electromagnetic
Lasers can also have high temporal coherence, which allows them to
emit light with a very narrow spectrum, i.e., they can emit a single color
of light.
A ring light is a circular lighting tool that evenly illuminates the subject of a
close-up photograph.
Ring lights are popular in portrait photography.
The ring lights main purpose is to cast an even light onto the subject.
This reduces shadows in the face and minimizes blemishes.
Multi-Scan Camera
The Ranger C55 (MultiScan) scans three different kinds of
images. They are,
In digital electronics, synchronous circuit is a digital circuit in which
the changes in the state of memory elements are synchronized by a
clock signal.
In a sequential digital logic circuit, data is stored in memory devices
called flip-flops or latches.
Analog to Digital converter is an electronic device which converts analog
signal from our real world into a machine readable or binary or digital
For this all you need is a component which can convert physical real
world analog signals into voltage signals.
Phase correction is the process of mixing the real and imaginary
signals in the complex spectrum that is obtained after Fourier
transformation of the free induction decay.
Acquisition Time is the time that it takes for the ADC to acquire and
convert an analog signal to a digital value.
The conversion time is a sum of: (Sample Time) + (Calibration Time) +
(Charge Distribution Time) + (Synchronization Time)
A memory buffer register is the register in a computer's processor, or
central processing unit, CPU, that stores the data being transferred to and
from the immediate access storage.
It contains the copy of designated memory locations specified by the
memory address register.