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• Using coordinate geometry, it is possible to find the distance between two points, dividing lines in m:n
ratio, finding the mid-point of a line, calculating the area of a triangle in the Cartesian plane, etc.

• Coordinate Geometry Terms

• Coordinate Geometry Definition: It is one of the branches of geometry where the position of
a point is defined using coordinates.
• What are the Coordinates?
Coordinates are a set of values which helps to show the exact position of a point in the coordinate plane.

• Coordinate Plane Meaning: A coordinate plane is a 2D plane which is formed by the

intersection of two perpendicular lines known as the x-axis and y-axis.
RENÉ DESCARTES (1596-1650)

The method of describing the location of points in
this way was proposed by the French
mathematician René Descartes (1596 - 1650).
(Pronounced "day CART"). He proposed further
that curves and lines could be described by
equations using this technique, thus being the first
to link algebra and geometry. In honor of his work,
the coordinates of a point are often referred to as
its Cartesian coordinates, and the coordinate plane
as the Cartesian Coordinate Plane.
• Cartesian System: The system used to describe the
position of a point in a plane is called the Cartesian
• In a Cartesian system, there are two perpendicular lines
and a point is located by referring them. The horizontal
line XX’ is called X-axis and vertical line YY’ is called Y-
• The point where these lines intersect each other is
called origin and is denoted by ‘O’. OX and OY are called
positive directions while OX’ and OY’ are called negative
directions. These axes divide the plane into four parts. .
• The point where these lines intersect each other is
called origin and is denoted by ‘O’. OX and OY are called
positive directions while OX’ and OY’ are called negative
directions. These axes divide the plane into four parts.
• These four parts are called the
quadrants (one-fourth part)
numbered I, II, III and IV anti-
clockwise from OX. So, the plane
consists of these axes and these
quadrants are called the Cartesian
plane or the coordinate plane or the
XY-plane. These axes are called the
coordinate axes.
I) The x-coordinate of a point is its
perpendicular distance from the Y-axis
measured along the X-axis (positive along the
positive direction of the X-axis and negative
along the negative direction of the X-axis). The
x-coordinate is also called the abscissa.
(ii) The Y-coordinates of a point is its
perpendicular distance from the X-axis
measured along the Y-axis (positive along the
positive direction of the Y-axis and negative
along the negative direction of the Y-axis). The
Y-coordinate is also called the ordinate.
(iii) In stating the coordinates of a point in the
coordinate plane, the x-coordinate comes first
and then the Y-coordinate. We place the
coordinates in brackets.
• The relationship between the
Signs of the Coordinates of a
Point and the Quadrant in which
It Lies
• (I) If a point is in the 1 quadrant, then the point will be in
the form (+, +), since the 1 quadrant is enclosed by the
positive X-axis and the positive Y-axis.

• (ii) If a point is in the Il quadrant, then the point will be in

the form (-, +), since the Il quadrant is enclosed by the
negative X-axis and the positive Y-axis.

• (iii) If a point is in the Ill quadrant, then the point will be in

the form (-, -), since the Ill quadrant is enclosed by the
negative X-axis and the negative Y-axis.

• (iv) If a point is in the IV quadrant, then the point will be

in the form (+, -), since the IV quadrant is enclosed by the
positive X-axis and the negative Y-axis
Plotting on a Graph
Representation of a point on the
Cartesian plane
Using the co-ordinate axes, we can
describe any point in the plane
using an ordered pair of numbers.
A point A is represented by an
ordered pair (x, y) where x is the
abscissa and y is the ordinate of the
Plotting a point
The coordinate points will define the location in
the Cartesian plane. The first point (x) in the
coordinates represents the horizontal axis, and
the second point in the coordinates (y)
represents the vertical axis.
Consider an example, Point (3, 2) is 3 units
away from the positive y-axis and 2 units away
from the positive x-axis. Therefore, point (3, 2)
can be plotted, as shown below. Similarly, (-2,
3), (-1, -2) and (2, -3) are plotted.
Plot the points (x, y) given in the following table on the plane,
choosing suitable units of distance on the axes.

x -2 -1 0 1 3
y 8 7 -1.25 3 -1

The points to plotted on the(x,y) are:

On the graph mark X-axis and Y-axis. Mark the meeting point as

Now, Let 1 unit = 1 cm

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