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The Contemporary World

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Direction: Using this Concept Map, think about the 5 problems of the society
and give the corresponding solutions to that problem.

• Instructions: Choose a City outside Balo-i, answer the given categories
and write the answer on the space provided.
I. Name of the chosen City:___________________________
II. Issues/Challenges in the chosen City:_________________
III. Strengths of the chosen City:_______________________
IV. Weakness of the chosen City:______________________
V. Trends in the chosen City:
VI. Reason why your chosen city qualifies as a global City:____________
VII. Ways to develop your global city to achieve global competitiveness:
At the end of lessons, the students will be able to:
 Define Globalization
 Differentiate the competing conceptions of
 Identify the underlying philosophies of the
varying definitions of Globalization
What is
 In the advent of technologies, we see the growth on transports
and communications. This means, people and countries can
exchange information and goods in an easy way, this process is
called Globalization.
Globalization represents the global integration of international
trade, investments, information technology and cultures.
Government policies designed to open economies domestically
and internationally to boost development in poorer countries
and raise standards of living for their people are what drive
In our World History, they introduce around centuries the
idea of concept of Globalization; trades explore to buy
rare commodities such as salt, spices and gold, which they
would then sell in their home countries. The 19th century
Industrial Revolution brought advances in communication
and transportation that have removed boarder and
increased cross-border trade.
World Health
• Define Globalization, the increased interconnectedness and
interdependence of people and countries, is generally
understood to include two interrelated elements. The opening
of international borders to increasingly fast flows of goods,
services, finance, people and ideas; and the changes in
institutions and policies at national and international levels
that facilitate or promote such flows. Globalization has the
potential for both positive and negative effects on
development and health.
Thomas Friedman
• Defined globalizations as the integration or markets,
transportation systems and communication systems to a
degree never witnessed before - in a way that is enabling
corporations, countries and individuals to reach around
the world farther, faster, deeper and cheaper than ever
Manfred Steger
• Provided scholarly description in his Globalization:A
globaization should be used to refer to a set of social
processes that are thought to transform our present
social condition into one of globality.
• Globalization brought many benefits to other people but to
others, it is not to everyone. It shows that, in fact, in all but a
couple of countries people believed that life was better in the
old days. If the other country produces cheaper product, other
producers will be closed down and leads to lost of thousands
jobs to others. Every step forward especially in technology it
also brings a new danger. Example, Technology improves the
lives of many people, but it also increases the number of
crimes every year.




ECONOMIC GLOBALIZATION- Increasing interdependence of world
economics as a result of the growing scale or cross border trade of
MILITARY GLOBALIZATION- The process which embodied the growing
extensity and intensity of military relations among political units of the
world system.
CULTURE- Cultures of the specific country can be shared or spread with
other countries. The downside of this is some cultures that are exclusive
on certain country are slowly diminishing.
ECOLOGICAL- The process of globalization has many consequences in our
ecology. ( Ecology is a relations of organisms to one another and to their
physical sorroundings).
POLITICS- Political issues such as rights of women and children, many
laws are already implemented. These aspects promote globally certain
common values such as equality, human rights, justice, democracy, and
moral values.
TECHNOLOGY- Plays a huge part, through sdvancement we can now
already communicate to the people of other countries and give feedback
on many issues all around the world.
GEOGRAPHICAL- Moving towards the trend of a borderless world, one
can explore other countries without any dangers.
I. Globalization remains a Contested Concept
- It is because there exists no scholarly consensus. Despite, there are thematic
overlaps in identifying the essential qualities of globalization.
II. Essential Qualities of Globalization
1. It involves the creation of new and multiplication of existing social networks
and activities.
2. It is reflected in the expansion and the stretching of social relations, activities
and interdependence.
3. It involves the acceleration of social changes and activities.
4. The creation, expansion of social interconnections and dependence do not
occur merely on an objective, material level.
There are subjective people as well, however their persistent experiences
of global interdependence may have impact with the way they act and
become part of the global world.
With the aforementioned essential qualities, another definition is offered:
Globalization refers to a multi-dimensional set of social processes, that
create, multiply, stretch, and intensify worldwide social interdependence
and exchanges while at the same time fostering in people a growing
awareness of depending connections between the local and the distant.
 Global competition and imports keeps a lid on prices such that inflation is
less key to economic growth;
 An open economy fast innovation with fresh ideas from abroad;
 Export jobs often pay more than other jobs;
 Unfettered capital flow keep interest low;
 Living standards go up faster;
 Productivity grows more quickly when countries produce goods and services
in which they are not comparative advantage; and
 Countries liberalize their visa rules and producers so as to permit the full flow
of people from country to country.
 Several people lose their jobs when companies import cheap labor or
materials or shift production abroad;
 Workers face cut demands from employers who often to export jobs;
 Unregulated globalization can cause serious problems to poor and the
developing countries in terms of labor force, wages, benefits, job
termination etc.;
 High foreign stake on industries where it is not neccessarily needed
could affect the economic growth of domestic enterprise; and
 Sovereignty of a country and company/institution maybe at stake.
Without any doubt, economic globalization does not constitute the whole
story of contemporary globalization, but in order to understand its meaning and
implication, the economic dimension as one of the major driving forces of the
process of globalization.
-It refers to increasing integration of worl economics particulary throught the
movement of goods and services and capital across borders.
-It also sometimes refer to movement of people (labor) and knowledge
(technology) across international borders.
Interconnected dimensions:
1. Globalization of Trade of goods and services
2. Globalization of financial and capital markets
3. Globalization of Technology and communication
4. Globalization of Production
Economic Globalization
We should note that globalization is multidimensional,
complex, and does not influence or affect nation-states in
the same way which makes it an uneven process as well.
End of Slides!
Economic Globalization
• In economic Globalization, companies seek the greatest possibility
of eficient and maximized profits that will involve many regions and
localities to “global production”. Many belives that the new
technology will allow the intense movement of information, goods,
services and people can create an environment of “new economy”.
increasing the networks in global production, free trade and
capital. The interconnection of various components of production,
where the stages in production takes place in different location
depends on the favorable conditions such as cheap labor, raw
material, skilled labor and market consumer.
Global Actors
Multinational Corporation
- The multinational cooperation is a business organization
whose activities are located in more than two countries and is
the organizational form that defines foreign direct investment.
This form consists of a country location where the firm is
incorporated and if the establishment of branches or
subsidiaries in foreign countries (A.A Lazarus, 2001 p. 10197)
North Atlantic Treaty
NATO is based on the North Atlantuc Treaty which provides the
organization a framewok. The treaty provides that an armed
attack against one or more of NATO’s member nationas shall be
considered an attack against them all. NATO is the
headquartered in Brussels, Belgium. The ogranization was
formed in 1949.
-TNCs are business organization whose activities are located to
more than two countries and is the organizational from that
defines foreign direct investment (Lazarus 2001, p.10197)
-Regarder as another important economic development that
involves the changing nature of global production.
-TNCs are believed to be main driving force of economic
globalization- for realist, TNCs are still represent national interest
and have mean through which the rich can exploit the poor.
-Funded at the Brretton Woods Conference in July 1944 alongside the
International Banks for Reconstruction and Development (Now called World
Bank) which was responsible for post war reconstruction, as two international
-The mandate of IMF was to promote international financial cooperation
and strengthen international trade.
-The IMF was expected to provide short-term financial assistance (loans) to
-Official organization for securing international monetary cooperation.
Help less-developed countries through research and giving monetary
-WTO was launched on January 1, 1995 and has become an official forum for
trade negotiations. It is a formally constituted organization with legal
-The World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund, and the
World Bank are the three institutions that underwrite the basic rules and
regulatoons of economic, monetary and trade relations between countries.

WORLD BANK- Two mandate of the institution:

1. End extreme poverty and
2. Promote shared prosperity

-Offers financial and technical assistance to developing countries.

Market Integration
• Market Integration- is the fusing of many markets into one. Global
market integration means that price differences between countries are
eliminated as all markets become one. One way to the progress of
globalizatoon is to look at trends how prices converge or become
similar across countries. Trading cost fall when new product invented
or developed becomes cheaper and also, some cost are man-made like
when they impose a barriers for trade.
• In one market a commodity has a single price such as the
price of rocie would be the same in east Pangasinan and
West Pangasinan if areas were part of the same market. if
teh price of rice in West Pangasinan was higher, sellers of
rice would move from the east to the west and prices would
• By the end of the 20th century globalization acroos most marlets
had returned to the levels seen just before World War I. Today,
markets are more integrated than ever as transportation costs
have continues to fall and most tariffs have been scrapped

• Tariffs means a tax imposed by one country on the goods and

services incorporated from another country to influence it, raise
revenues, or protect competitive advantages.
According to Smith, it was no longer a question of teaching
mankind what must be done with reference to the next world,
but rather to understand what the human being actually is
and what can be done in this world with humans as they
actually are.
Interstate System
• Most studies of war that take the interstate system as the
unit of analysis begin with assumptions from the realist
paradigm. States are seen as unitary actors, and their
actions are explained in terms of stuctural characteristics
of the system.

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