Ppt of Biomechanics

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Human Movements

and Fundamental
Movements in
Exercise and Sports
1.Defining human movements

2.Analyzing the fundamental

movements in exercise and
Human Movements

The academic study of how

human beings move around,
perform and exercise, especially
in sport.
What is Movement?
Movement involves an entity moving
from point A to point B. The movement is
carried out around a fixed axis or fulcrum
and has a direction.
Anatomical Movements
It can be defined as the act or instance of
moving the bodily structures or as the change
of position in one or more of the joints of the
body. Joint actions are described in relation to
the anatomical position which is the universal
starting position for describing movement.
• When studying the various joints of the body and
analyzing their movements it is helpful to
characterize them according to specific planes of
motion and their axes. A plane of motion may be
defined as an imaginary two-dimensional surface
through which a limb or body segment is moved. In
the human body there are three planes of motion
• (Figure 1) in which the various joint movements can
be classified. Similar to the planes of motion the axes
of rotation may be considered as a series of
imaginary lines that run through the body; there are
also three axes of rotation (Figure 2) where
movement can occur.
• (Figure 1) in which the
various joint movements
can be classified. Similar
to the planes of motion
the axes of rotation may
be considered as a series
of imaginary lines that
run through the body;
there are also three axes
of rotation (Figure 2)
where movement can
Flexion/ Extension

Flexion, or bending,
involves decreasing
the angle between
the two entities taking
part in the movement
(bones or body parts).
Anatomical structures: The tibia of
the leg moves relative to the femur of
the thigh.

Reference axes: The movement is in

the sagittal plane. The fulcrum is
provided by the elbow joint, around a
Extension of leg
frontal/coronal axis .
Anatomical structures: The humerus
of the arm moves relative to the scapula
Flexion of arm
of the shoulder blade.

Reference axes: The movement is in

the sagittal plane. The fulcrum is
provided by the shoulder, or
glenohumeral joint, around a frontal axis.

Extension of
Shoulder Flexion and Extension
Anatomical structures: The skull
and cervical vertebrae of the neck
move relative to the Flexion of neck
thoracic vertebrae and upper back.

Reference axes: The ‘fulcrum’ is

not fixed due to the anatomy and
movement of the cervical

Extension of neck
Vertebal Column
Anatomical structures: The vertebral
column moves relative to the sacrum and
hip bone. Flexion of Vertebral

Reference axes: The movement is in the

sagittal plane. You can imagine the ‘fulcrum’
as being loosely through the two hip bones
and sacrum.

Extension of
Vertebral column
Foot Flexion
Flexion of the foot is
referred to as
dorsiflexion and
plantarflexion. Both
movements happen at
the ankle joint.
Dorsiflexion means flexion of the
dorsum (top) part of the foot by Dorsiflexion
reducing the angle between it and the
anterior surface of the leg.

Plantarflexion is flexion of the plantar

(underside) part of the foot by moving
it down.

Abduction/ Adduction
The movements of abduction
and adduction are intimately
related to the median plane.
They both generally occur in the
frontal plane and are happening
around an anteroposterior axis.
Arms and Legs
Anatomical structures: The arm moves
relative to the trunk and the shoulder. The leg
moves relative to the hip.

Reference axes: The movement is in the

frontal plane. You can imagine the ‘fulcrum’ as
axes that pierce the shoulder and the hip
respectively, each one following in a forward-
backward trajectory.
Arms and Legs

Adduction of arm Adduction of arm Abduction of thigh Aduction of thigh

The digits of the hands and feet are also capable of
abduction and adduction, but in a slightly specific
way. The movements are also related to the medial
plane, but this time to the medial plane of the palm or
foot, not the body itself.
Adduction of

Anatomical structures: The digits
move relative to the third finger of the
hand or the second toe of the foot.
These two entities represent the medial
planes. Abduction of Fingers

Reference axes: The movement can

be in multiple planes, depending on the
orientation of the hand or foot.

The movements of protrusion and

retrusion take place in the sagittal
plane. Since they are also related to the
frontal/coronal axis, but instead of only
moving around it, these movements are
also taking place parallel to it.

Protrusion and retrusion of the

Protraction of
Anatomical structures: The
mandible moves relative to the

Reference axes: The movement is

primarily of a 'sliding/gliding' nature,
and occurs in the sagittal plane.
Retraction of mandible

While protrusion and retrusion

move anatomical
structures forward and
backwards, depression and
elevation move them down (
inferiorly) and up (superiorly),
Anatomical structures: The
mandible moves relative to the
viscerocranium Elevation of mandible

Reference axes: The movement is in

the frontal plane. It has a ‘fulcrum’
due to the nature of the
temporomandibular joint, which is the
transverse plane passing through the
two respective joints.
Depression of
Lateral/Medial Rotation

Rotation happens in the transverse

plane around a vertical
(longitudinal) axis that happens
relative to the median plane.
Lateral/medial rotation

Medial rotation involves

bringing the anatomical
structure closer to the
median plane,
while lateral
rotation involves moving
it further away.
Anatomical structures: The
head turns relative to the trunk.

Rotation of head
Reference axes: The movement
is in the transverse plane. The
‘fulcrum’ is the
longitudinal/vertical axis passing
up and down through the
vertebral column and the crown
of your head. Rotation of
vertebral column

Pronation and supination are

considered as two special types
of rotation. They are restricted
to the forearm and involve the
radius twisting over the ulna.

Circumduction is a special type of

movement that is actually a combination
of many other ones. The overall
movement starts with flexion, followed
by abduction, extension and
finally adduction. The result is a circular

These two movements

are restricted to
the digits of the hand.
Essentially, they
involve pinching, such
as when sprinkling salt
over food or snapping.

speaking, opposition involves
touching the pad of any one of your
fingers with the thumb of the same
hand. Reposition is the reverse,
which consists of separating them.

Inversion and eversion, like abduction

and adduction, make reference to the
midline of the body. Turning the sole
of the foot inward (towards the
midline) is inversion. Turning the
sole of the foot outward (away from
the midline) is eversion.

Inversion of foot Eversion of

Deviation is a special type of
movement that is restricted to
the wrist joint. The movement happens
in a longitudinal plane through the
wrist relative to an axis passing from
palmar to dorsal through the wrist.
Ulnar flexion of


Anatomical structures: The

carpal bones move in relation to
the radius.

Reference axes: The Radial flexion of hand

movement is in the longitudinal
plane through the wrist. The
‘fulcrum’ is the palmar to dorsal
axis passing through the
capitate bone of the wrist. The
joint allowing the movement is
the radiocarpal joint.

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