The Lipid Droplet

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The Lipid droplet is unusual because it is bound by a membrane monolayer

Triacylglycerol (Fats)

glycerol 3xFA-CoA Triacylglycerol + 3xCoA


Cholesterol ester


lcFA sterol rings

FAs are stored primarily as triglycerides (triacylglycerols)

Can be made in the smooth ER (Prof Philpott) of all cells but professional fat cells (adipocytes)
specialise in storing lipid droplets

Efficient: 1g triglyceride = 6x energy store of 1g glycogen, and occupies less volume

Lipids (fats) are hydrolysed by lipases to release lcFAs for energy production by the Mx

Only organelle bound by a membrane monolayer Glycerol + 3xFA

1 x Glycerol + 3 x FA-CoA FA-CoA
Acyl-transferase x 3
smooth See task 6 for refresher on
Krebs cycle and oxidative

Week 3 for Prof Philpott’s

lecture on organelles

Week 8 for Dr Hannen’s

lecture on cellular energy
The hydrophobicity of the acyl chains of the membrane monolayer surrounding a lipid droplet
is satisfied by the hydrophobicity of the contents…….

LIPID Droplet
Learning outcomes
• Understand where lipids and cholesterol esters are stored in the cell
• Understand that lipid droplets are an important energy store and source
of intermediates for anabolism
• Know where and how lipid droplets are made and why they are the only
organelle bound by a membrane monolayer

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