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Context Free Grammars and Languages:

1.Context Free Grammars,

2.Parse Tree,
3. Applications of Context Free Grammar,
4. Ambiguity in Grammars and Languages.
5.Definition of Pushdown Automata,
6. The Languages of aPDA,
7. Equivalence of PDA’s and CFG’s,
1. Context Free Grammars
In formal language theory, a grammar is typically represented using a tuple,
especially when defining context-free grammars (CFGs). The standard
notation for a grammar is represented as a 4-tuple:


• V (Variables or Non-terminals): A finite set of non-terminal symbols. These symbols can be replaced or
expanded using production rules. They are also referred to as syntactic variables.
• T (Terminals): A finite set of terminal symbols, which form the actual content of the strings generated by the
grammar. Terminal symbols are the alphabet of the language and appear in the final output strings.
• P (Productions or Rules): A finite set of production rules. Each rule is of the form: A→α
A is a non-terminal symbol from V.
α is a string of symbols from (V∪T) (i.e., a combination of terminals and/or non-
• S (Start Symbol): A special non-terminal symbol from VVV that denotes the starting point for generating
strings. It is the symbol from which production begins.
Consider a simple grammar G defined as:
G=(V,T,P,S) With the following components:
•V={S,A} (Set of non-terminals)
•T={a,b} (Set of terminals)
•P={S→aA,A→b} (Set of productions)
•S (Start symbol)
This grammar generates strings starting with a and followed by b.
P- Production Rules Represented

LHS----------------------------------------> RHS
Single Non Terminal---------------- E | String of terminal & Non terminals.

A--------------- aB
A--------------- aB c
A Regular Grammar is a formal grammar that is used to generate
regular languages. It is a subset of context-free grammars and
consists of rules that have specific constraints. Regular grammars are
closely related to Regular Expressions and Finite Automata, making
them useful for defining patterns in lexical analysis, programming
languages, and text processing.

Types of Regular Grammars

There are two main types of regular grammars:

1. Right-Linear Grammar
2. Left-Linear Grammar
1. Right-Linear Grammar
In a Right-Linear Grammar, each production rule must satisfy one of
the following forms:

A → aB

• A and B are non-terminal symbols.

• a is a terminal symbol.
• ε is the empty string (used to denote termination or end of string).
2. Left-Linear Grammar
In a Left-Linear Grammar, each production rule must
satisfy one of the following forms:

A → Ba

• A and B are non-terminal symbols.

• a is a terminal symbol.
• ε is the empty string.
Derivation Tree/ parse Tree

A derivation tree, also known as a parse tree, is a tree representation of the

syntactic structure of a string derived from a grammar. It is commonly used in
the context of formal languages and automata theory, especially when parsing
languages defined by context-free grammars (CFGs). Here's a breakdown of its
components and purpose:
Rightmost derivation and leftmost derivation are two types of
derivations in context-free grammar, used to produce a string
from the start symbol by applying production rules. They differ
in the order in which non-terminal symbols are replaced during
each step of the derivation process.
1. Leftmost Derivation
In a leftmost derivation, at each step, the leftmost non-terminal is replaced
first according to the production rules. This means that if a string contains
multiple non-terminals, you always expand the one farthest to the left before
expanding any others.

/ \
a b
2. Rightmost Derivation
In a rightmost derivation, at each step, the rightmost non-terminal is
replaced first. This means that if a string contains multiple non-terminals,
you always expand the one farthest to the right before expanding any

/ \
a b
Key Points
• Leftmost derivation: Always expand the leftmost non-terminal.
• Rightmost derivation: Always expand the rightmost non-terminal.
• Both derivations will produce the same final string but differ in the
order of rule applications.
• Derivation trees can be constructed from both types of derivations
and will look the same regardless of the derivation type; only the
order of applying rules differs.
Applications of Context Free Grammar

CFGs are fundamental tools for defining and analyzing structured languages, from
programming languages to human languages and complex workflows. Their versatility
and expressive power make them essential in applications that involve parsing,
structure validation, and syntax analysis across many fields.
Context-Free Grammars (CFGs) have a wide range of applications, particularly in fields related to
computer science, linguistics, and formal language theory. Here are some of the main applications:

Programming Language Design and Compilation

•Syntax Definition: CFGs are used to define the syntax of programming languages. Each
programming language has specific rules about how code must be structured, and these
rules can often be described using a CFG. For example, constructs like expressions,
statements, loops, and function definitions are defined by grammar rules.
•Parsing: During compilation, a parser uses the grammar to generate a parse tree for code.
This helps compilers understand the structure of code and convert it into machine
language or intermediate code.
•Error Checking: By analyzing code through CFGs, compilers can detect syntax errors and
give feedback to programmers.
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
•Syntactic Analysis: CFGs are used in NLP to analyze and understand the syntactic
structure of human languages. They help break down sentences into parts of speech
(e.g., nouns, verbs) and phrase structures (e.g., noun phrases, verb phrases).
•Parsing Sentences: CFGs can be applied to parse sentences, identifying relationships
between words to understand meaning and context, which is useful in tasks like machine
translation, speech recognition, and sentiment analysis.
•Grammatical Correctness: In language-based applications like grammar checkers, CFGs
can be used to check if sentences follow correct grammar rules.
XML and HTML Document Structure
•Validation of Document Structure: CFGs are used to define the
structure of XML and HTML documents. DTDs (Document Type
Definitions) and XML Schemas use similar concepts to ensure that
documents follow a predefined structure.
•Parsing XML and HTML: Web browsers and XML parsers use CFGs to
interpret and render structured documents correctly.
Modeling and Designing Formal Systems
•Formal Language Theory: CFGs are used to study the formal properties of
languages, including theoretical studies of automata and language
•Finite State Machines and Automata: CFGs are foundational in constructing
models for automata and other theoretical machines, which have
applications in language processing and computation theory.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
•Natural Language Understanding in AI: CFGs help AI systems process
human languages by providing a structure to interpret complex sentences,
especially in areas like chatbots and virtual assistants.
•Knowledge Representation: CFGs assist in structuring rules for knowledge
bases, such as representing hierarchical or nested information, which can be
used by reasoning engines.
•RNA and Protein Structure Prediction: In bioinformatics, CFGs
are applied to predict the structure of biological molecules.
They can represent the nested structure of RNA and protein
sequences, aiding in understanding biological patterns.
•Gene Sequence Analysis: Certain biological structures, such as
palindromic sequences in DNA, can be represented by CFGs to
help in gene identification and other analyses.
Game Development
•Procedural Content Generation: CFGs are used in games to
create procedural narratives or worlds. For instance, they help
generate dialogue trees, quest structures, or complex
branching storylines that can adapt to player choices.
•Dialogue Systems: In interactive games, CFGs help in building
dialogue systems that respond based on structured grammar
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Workflow Systems
•Defining Workflow Rules: CFGs can be used to specify rules
and sequences in workflows for automation, helping systems to
parse and execute complex workflows according to predefined
•Command Interpretation: Robots or automated systems can
interpret and act on structured commands using grammars to
understand and execute instructions.
Mathematics and Logic
•Mathematical Expression Parsing: CFGs are used to parse
mathematical expressions and equations, which is crucial in
symbolic computation, computer algebra systems, and tools for
mathematical problem-solving.
•Proof Verification: In formal logic, CFGs can help structure
proofs, allowing automated systems to verify the correctness of
logical arguments.
Ambiguity in Grammars and Languages

Ambiguity in grammars and languages is a situation where a given grammar

generates a string that can have more than one distinct parse tree or derivation. This
can lead to confusion in interpreting the structure and meaning of the string.
Ambiguity is particularly significant in programming languages, compilers, and
natural language processing, where consistent interpretation is critical.

Ambiguity in grammars leads to multiple interpretations of

the same string, which is often undesirable in computational
contexts like programming languages. By refining grammars
or limiting language constructs, ambiguity can be minimized
to ensure a consistent and clear structure.
What Is an Ambiguous Grammar?
A grammar is ambiguous if there exists at least one string in the language that has
multiple valid parse trees (or equivalently, multiple leftmost or rightmost
derivations) according to the grammar. This means that there is more than one way
to derive the same string, leading to multiple interpretations of the structure.
Removing Useless Productions

In the context of formal grammars, removing useless productions is an

essential process for simplifying a grammar. This step is crucial, especially
when dealing with ambiguous grammars, as it helps streamline the
grammar by eliminating rules that do not contribute to deriving terminal
strings. Useless productions are productions that can never be part of any
derivation of a string in the language generated by the grammar.
1.Derivability (A Variable which generate string)
2.Reachability (A Variable which is reachable from starting S)

S AB | a
Useful Symbol: {a,b,S,A}
A BC | b
B aB | C
C aC | B
Removing E (Null Production)
Steps to Remove Null Productions
To eliminate null productions while preserving the language generated by the grammar (except
possibly removing the empty string if it’s part of the language), follow these steps:

A Pushdown Automaton (PDA) is a type of computational

model used to recognize context-free languages. It is an
extension of the finite automaton with an additional
feature: a stack. The stack provides extra memory that
allows the PDA to handle a broader class of languages than
finite automata, including languages with nested or
recursive structures (like balanced parentheses).

FA + Memory/ Stack
Types of Pushdown Automata
1.Deterministic PDA (DPDA): A PDA with a unique transition
for each state and input symbol combination.
2.Non-deterministic PDA (NPDA): A PDA that may have
multiple possible transitions for a state and input symbol,
allowing it to explore different computation paths.
Construct a PDA for L(O^n 1^n) |n> 1

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