L1- Atomic Structure and Isotopes

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Module 2

Title - Atomic Structure

connections - starter
 Students to recall and write down
the relative charge and mass of
the following particles
 Neutrons
 Protons
 Electrons
 How would you describe the term
Learning objectives
 To describe properties of protons,
neutrons and electrons
 The importance of these particles
 To recall the meanings of Mass
number (A) and atomic number (Z)
 To also understand the existence
of isotopes
Summary of subatomic
particle Relative Relative
charge mass
Proton + 1

Neutron 0 1

Electron - 1/1840
Structure of an atom
Information about the
 Nearly all the mass of an atom is in
its nucleus
 Atoms contains the same number of
protons as electrons
 The total positive charge from
protons is cancelled by the total
negative charge from the electrons.
 The overall charge of an atom is
Information about the
 Most atoms contains the same
number of, or slightly more
neutrons than protons.
 As the nucleus get larger, more
and more neutrons are added.
Importance of
 The positively charge protons tells us
the atomic number of an atom.
 The atomic number is the number of
 The number of positive protons is
equal to the number of negative ions
 The mass number is a combination
of the number of protons and
Reconnecting - Mass
and Atomic numbers
 Can you recall the definition of
atomic and mass numbers?

 Atomic number (Z) is the number

of protons in an atom
 Mass number (A) is the
combination of the number of
protons and neutrons
 Mass number = no of protons and
 A= mass number

 Z= number of protons

 Z = Atomic number
What is an isotope?
 Isotopes are atoms of the same
element with with different
numbers of neutrons and
different mass number.
 Isotopes have the same number
of protons.
 E.g. Silicon – atomic number 14
 28
Si 29
Si 30
 Which subatomic particle remains
the same number in an isotope?
Representing isotopes
 Isotopes can be represented in
different ways:
 or 16O or simply as

All oxygen atoms contain 8 protons, so

if the 8 is omitted you will still know
how many protons the isotope
Isotopes and chemical
 Different isotopes of the same
element have the same number of
 The number of neutrons has no effect
on the reactions of an element
 Different isotopes of an element
therefore react in the same way.
 There may be small differences in
physical properties e.g. b.p, m.p,
Atomic structure of
 What is an ion?
 What is a positive ion called?
 What is a negative ion called?
 How are ions formed?
 Write down the formulae of three
metal or non-metal ions you can
What is an ion?
 An ion is a charged atom.

 The number of electrons is

different from the number of
 Positive ions are formed when
metal atoms lose electrons and
are called cations. E.g. Na+
 Cations are atoms with fewer

electrons than protons and they

have an overall positive charge.
 But why?
 Negative ions are formed when
non metal atoms gain electrons
and are called anions. E.g. O2-
 Anions are atoms with more
electrons than protons. Anions
have an overall negative charge.
How many electrons, protons and
neurons are in the following

 56Fe

 39Ca2+
 Mass number
 Atomic number
 Isotope
Atomic masses
 Explain of the terms : Relative
isotopic mass, Relative atomic
mass (Ar), Relative molecular
mass (Mr), Relative formula mass,
Measurement of
relative masses
 Which element is used as a scale
to compare relative masses?
 Carbon-12, is the standard for
measuring atomic masses, all
atomic masses are measured
compared with carbon-12
Relative isotopic mass
 The relative isotopic mass is the same
as the mass number,
 What is the isotopic mass of oxygen,
sodium and neon?
 Definition- R.I.M is the mass of an
atom of an isotope compared with
1/12 of the mass of an atom of carbon
Relative atomic mass
 Relative atomic mass Ar is
determined by combining the %
abundance of each isotope and the
relative mass of each isotope
 Definition- R.A.M (Ar,) is the
weighted mean mass of an atom of
an element compared with 1/12 of
the mass of an atom of carbon-12
An example
 A sample of bromine contains
53.00% bromine -79, 47.00% of
 Calculate the Relative atomic
Calculating relative masses
 Mass number
 Atomic number
 Isotope
 relative isotopic mass
 Relative atomic mass
 Calculate the relative atomic mass
of Cl – 35Cl at 75% and 37Cl at 25%
Relative molecular
mass, Mr
 You can find the R.M.M by adding
together all the R.A.Ms of each
atom making up the molecule.
 Give 2 examples of molecules?
 Calculate the Mr of Cl2

 35.5X2 = 71.0
Relative formula mass
 Compounds with giant structures
do not exist as simple molecules.
 The term relative formula mass is a
better term used for such
compounds, why?
 Finding the R.M.M would mean
adding thousands of atoms
together which will given an
extremely large number
Relative formula mass
 You can find the relative formula
mass by adding together the
relative atomic masses of each
atom making up a formula unit,
 E.g. CaBr2- R.F.M- (40x1) +
 Calculate the R.F.M for Na2O

 Printed textbook page

 Complete questions 2 and 3 from
the textbook page,
 Question 1 from the text book
Recap learning
 Define or state which keywords
should be in their definitions
 Relative isotopic mass
 Relative atomic mass
 What would you need to calculate
the R.M.M
Mass spectrometer
 This is an instrument that is used
to find out which isotopes of an
element is present in a sample
 It also provides information on
the proportions of each isotope in
a sample.
 This information is used to work
out relative atomic masses
Refer to page 2 of
 Five stages on how the instrument
1. Vaporising the sample
Sample is injected and then vaporised
by high temperature
2. Ionising the sample – sample is
blasted with high energy electrons,
collisions cause electrons to be
removed from atoms,positive ions
are formed
 3. focusing and accelerating the

 An electric field is used to focus

and accelerates the positive ions,
as they are charged particles.

 4. deflecting the ions
 Magnetic fields deflect the charged
ions as they pass through it
 All ions with different masses are
directed in turn into the detector
 Heavy ions (high mass) are
deflected less than light ions (low
 5. detecting and recording ions
 Ions are detected and recorded
 A mass spectra is produced as a
mass-charge ratio (m/z).
 The resulting set of lines can be
analysed and used to work out
relative atomic masses
Mass spectra
 Relative atomic masses can be
calculated from mass spectra
 Refer to page 24
Relative atomic mass
 R.A.M takes into account all the
relative proportions of each
isotope present a in a naturally
occurring sample of the element
 The definition of R.A.M must
include (12C)
Class task

 complete questions on page 14

Atomic structure

Electron arrangement
Learning objectives
 To understand electronic structures
of ions and atoms up to Z=36

 To know that energy levels or

shells are made up of sub-shells
which are represented by letters

 s, p, d, and f
 Electrons in atoms occupy fixed
energy levels or shells
 Can you remember how many
electrons can fit into the 1st and
2nd shell?
 E.g. Na – Z=11,
 Electron arrangement – 2,8,1
Energy levels and sub-
 Energy levels or shells in atoms
are also made up of sub-shells.
 s, p, d, and f
 Refer to page 11 for evidence of
 Evidence that show that atomic
spectra lines contains sub-shells
 N=1 --------------1s
 N=2----------------2s and 2p
 N=3----------------3s and 3p, overlaps
with the 4th shell regarding 4s and
3d sub-shells

N=4 – also overlaps with the 3rd shell

Writing electronic
 A sub-shell is made up of one or
more orbital.
 An orbital can hold a maximum of
2 electrons.
 Each electron has a negative
charge, so they will spin in
opposite directions, this produces
a small force of attraction
between electrons
What is an orbital?
 An orbital is a volume of space at
which an electron can be found

 Boxes are used to represent orbitals

 The arrows represents the electrons
 Diagram to insert/describe on board
 S sub-shells can hold 2 electrons only
 It has one orbital (1 pair)
 P sub-shell can hold 6 electrons only
 It has 3 orbitals (3 pairs)
 d sub-shells can hold 10 electrons
 It has 5 orbitals ( 5 pairs)
Filling sub-shells (two
rules) pg 14
 Refer to page 14- (write in
 First ten elements
 H- 1s1 insert shorthand orbital
 He – 1s2
 Li – 1s2 2s1
 Be – 1s2 2s2
 B – 1s2 2s2 2p1
Filling orbitals pg4 of
 Electrons will fill the sub-shell
with the lowest possible energy

 They will occupy empty orbitals

singly until a sub-shell is half full.
Then they start pairing up
Class task
 Write electronic structures and
shorthand electronic structures
 Elements 6-20
Learning objectives
 To be able to write electronic
structures for elements 21-36
 To draw shorthand orbitals for the
elements above
 To write electronic structures for
 Introduce ionisation energy
Half –full sub - shell
 The rules for filling sub shells are
sometimes broken for larger
 Full sub-shells of electrons are
very stable.
 There is added stability when a
sub-shell is half full
 E.g.N – 1s2, 2s2, 2p3
Filling sub-shells of
larger atoms
 The main energy levels get closer
together as you go further from
the nucleus

 Refer to page 11- Can you see

where sub-shells from different
energy levels start to overlap?
 From element- atomic number 21
–scandium, the 4s sub shell is
filled first before the 3d sub shell-

 This is because the 4s sub shell is

at a lower energy level
Class task

 Writeelectronic
structures for
elements – atomic
number 21- 36
Chromium and copper
 The arrangement of Cr and Cu do
not fit the pattern why?
 Cr -1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d5 4s1
 Cu- 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s1This
arrangement occurs because
there is an extra stability with full
(3d10) of Cu and the half full (3d5)
of Cr.
Class task
 Complete questions 1, 5 and 6 on
page 17.
Electronic structures
of ions
 Can you remember what an ion
 Ions are charged particles
 E.g. Na+ - 1s2 2s2 2p6

 Cl- - 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6

Properties of d-block
 Apart from being metals one of
the properties of d-block
elements is that they usually
have variable oxidation states
 E.g. Iron, Fe can lose two or three
electrons to form Fe2+ and Fe3+
 Remember electrons are lost from
the outer most shell
Class work
 Write electronic structures and
draw electron orbitals for the
following ions

 Fe2+ and Fe3+ - which is more

stable and why?
 Al3+, Ca2+, Sc3+, Zn2+, O2-
What is ionisation
 Ionisations energy is the energy
needed to remove one mole of
electrons from 1 mole of gaseous
 Refer to page 12
 Na(g) Na+(g) + e- 1st I.E
 Na+(g) Na2+ + e- 2nd I.E
Sodium as an example
 Na Z= 11, 2,8, 1
 1st electron is easier to remove,
but why?
 Further away from nucleus
 Shielded by two inner shells of
electrons from the attractive
force of the nucleus
 But the second electron is much
more difficult to remove because it
is from a new shell which is closer
to the nucleus.
 Look at the graph on page 12, why
is there a big jump b/w the 9 th and
10th ionisation energy
 Ionisation energy provides evidence
for main energy levels or shells
Evidence for energy
levels or shells in group
 Ionisation energy generally
decreases down a group, do you
know why?
 More shells are added to atoms, as
no of protons increases, hence it
becomes easier to remove electrons
in the outer most shells
 Page 112, refer to table with 1st and
2nd I.E of Be-Ba, predict 3rd I.E of Mg
Refer to page 463
 Why is there a big jump in the 2nd
and 3rd I.E of Be
 Why is there a big jump in the 2nd
and 3rd I.E of Mg
 Pg 119- complete ques 2a, 5a-c,
Evidence for sub-shells
in period 3 (Na-Ar) pg
 I.E generally increases going across a
period, because successive electrons
are filling the same shell.
 There is an increasing positive charge
on the nucleus until a shell is full,
then a new period begins.
 The pattern we get across each
period gives us evidence for sub-
E.g. Pattern across
period 2
 Can we explain the small peak at
Be and at N.
 Remember the stability of half
and full sub-shells.
 Be has a full 2s sub-shell – 1s2 2s2
 N has a half full 2p sub-shell-1s2
2s2 2p3
 Look at the graph on top of page 96
 And graph on pg 133 of
photocopied sheet.
 Why is there a small peak at Mg, P
and Ar.
 Use your knowledge of stability
provided by half full and full sub-
Class task
 Page 102
 complete ques 3.

 Page 82 – complete questions

 1ai and ii, bii and iii, c and d.

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