Chapter 1 Mkt Metric

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Starbucks Reports Q4 and Full Year Fiscal
Q4 Results 2
Consolidated Net Revenues Up 11% to a
Record $9.4 Billion
Q4 Comparable Store Sales Up 8% Globally; Up
8% in North America; Up 5% in International
Q4 Active U.S. Starbucks® Rewards Membership
Reaches 32.6 Million, Up 14% Over Prior Year
Content 3
 Chapter 1: Introduction to marketing metrics
 Chapter 2––Share of Hearts, Minds, and Markets: Customer perceptions,
share, and competitive analysis.
 Chapter 3––Margins and Profits: Revenues, cost structures, and profitability.
 Chapter 4––Product and Portfolio Management: The metrics behind product
strategy, including measures of trial, growth, cannibalization, and brand
 Chapter 5––Customer Profitability: The value of individual customers and
 Chapter 6––Sales Force and Channel Management: Sales force organization,
performance, and compensation. Distribution coverage and logistics.
 Chapter 7––Pricing Strategy: Price sensitivity and optimization, with an eye
toward setting prices to maximize profits.
Content 4
 Chapter 8––Promotion: Temporary price promotions, coupons, rebates, and
trade allowances.
 Chapter 9––Advertising Media and Web Metrics: The central measures of
advertising coverage and effectiveness, including reach, frequency, rating
points, and impressions. Models for consumer response to advertising.
Specialized metrics for Web-based campaigns.
 Chapter 10––Marketing and Finance: Financial evaluation of marketing
 Chapter 11––The Marketing Metrics X-Ray: The use of metrics as leading
indicators of opportunities, challenges, and financial performance.
 Chapter 12—System of Metrics: Decomposing marketing metrics into
component parts can improve measurement accuracy, add managerial
insight into problems, and assist marketing model building.
Text book 5
Assessment 6


1 Presentation 20%

2 Report 20%

3 Attendance assessment 10%

4 Final Examination 50%


Chapter 1
Introduction to marketing
Metric 8

A metric is a measuring
system that quantifies a trend,
dynamic, or characteristic.
Marketing metrics are a
quantifiable way to track
performance and are an
important marketing
measurement tool for gauging
a campaign’s effectiveness.

In any aspect of business

If you don’t / can’t measure it,
why do it?
The importance of metrics 10

“When you can measure what you are speaking about,

and express it in numbers, you know something about
it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot
express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meager
and unsatisfactory kind: it may be the beginning of
knowledge, but you have scarcely, in your thoughts,
advanced to the stage of science.”
––William Thomson, Lord Kelvin, Popular Lectures and
Addresses (1891–94)
The importance of marketing 11
 Help brands determine whether campaigns are successful, and
provide insights to adjust future campaigns accordingly.
 Help marketers understand how their campaigns are driving towards
their business goals, and inform decisions for optimizing their
campaigns and marketing channels.
 Serve as an early warning system if marketing campaigns aren’t
performing as expected, and can help with effective decision making
to adjust campaigns in real time.
 Are the primary way marketers can show the impact that marketing
and advertising is making for their company or organization
 Can inform annual budgets and headcount, making these insights
essential beyond ongoing measurement and campaign planning.
Examples of marketing metrics 12
 Email marketing: as email opens, email forwards, and unsubscribes
 Digital marketing: click-through rate, cost-per-action (CPA), and impressions
 Social media: follower count, impressions or reach, and engagement rate
 Website: total traffic, bounce rate, new customers, returning customers,
time spent on site and traffic sources, as well as conversions
 Content marketing: blog traffic, amount of content shared, content
 Video and streaming TV ads: impressions and total viewing time
 Sales: sales team response time, sales call volume, and sales call reviews
 Revenue: how much revenue each channel is generating
 SEO: keyword average rankings, keyword search volume, and organic
 Quality: Quality Score, Net Promoter Score, reviews, and monthly recurring
3 Key Types of Marketing Metrics 13

• Marketin • Marketing • Marketin

g Activity g
Milestone Metrics Outcome
Metrics • Speedometer Metrics
• GPS for for your • Stopwatch
your business on your
business development Sales
strategy Activities
What Are We Measuring? 14

 Must make concrete our abstract concept of

marketing term by providing an operational
definition, a precise specification in numerical
terms of what exactly we mean
Penetration is a measure of
brand or category popularity. It
is defined as the number of
people who buy a specific brand
or a category of goods at least
once in a given period, divided
by the size of the relevant
market population.
Value of Information 15

Data Informati Knowledg

on e
Marketing Metrics: Marketing at 16
the Core of the Organization

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