Community Summary
Community Summary
Community Summary
Remember in
Community Health
Ramadan Ali Hassan
◊ A community is a collection of people live together who
interact with one another and whose common interest or
characteristics gives them a sense of unity and belonging.
◊ There are three types of communities
1. Geographic community: is defined by its geographic
boundaries e.g. community of Gaza city
2. Common interest community : A collection of people,
even if they are widely scattered geographically, can have
an interest or goal that binds the members together e.g.
diabetic community, disable community, ...
3. Community of solution: a group of people who come
together to solve a problem that affects all of them e.g.
community of solution for drug abuse in secondary schools
◊ Population: All of the people occupying an area, or to all of
those who share on e or more characteristics e.g. the
population of Palestine
◊ An aggregate is considered subpopulation e.g. Elderly
adults with diabetes
◊ A community has three features: location, population and
social system.
Health is defined as a state of physical, mental
and social wellbeing not merely the absence of
disease or infirmity
Physical health implies a mechanistic
functioning of the body.
Mental health means the ability to think clearly
and coherently and has to do with your thinking
and feeling and how you deal with your problem.
Social health refers to the ability to make and
maintain relationship with others and interact
well with people and the environment.
The wellness- illness continuum is a visual
comparison of high level wellness and
traditional medicine’s view of wellness.
Community health practice has 6 basic elements or
1.Promotion of health: includes all efforts that seek to
move people closer to optimal well-being or higher level
of wellness.
2.Prevention of health problems
3.Treatment of disorders
4.Rehabilitation: involves efforts which seek to reduce
disabilities, as much as possible, and restore functions
There are 3 levels of prevention of health problems :
1. Primary prevention:
• Prevention of health problem before it has a chance to occur.
• It concerned with healthy population
• Aims to improve the health and well-being of the population.
• E.g. immunization, use safety devices, healthy lifestyle, safe
water supply, isolation of infected person, using protective
2. Secondary prevention:
• Aims for early detection and early and prompt treatment
• Disease or impairment is already present.
• All Screening activities are secondary prevention e.g. blood
test (lipids, sugar, tumor markers), Regular mammograms
and Pap smears for early detection of possible cancers,
Teaching breast self-testicular self examination.
3. Tertiary prevention: minimize disability or complication and
restore or preserve function e.g. rehabilitation programs, post
mastectomy exercises
o Community health nursing: It is defined as the synthesis of
nursing and public health practice applied to promoting and
protecting the health of population.
o Public health: is the art and science of prolonging life,
promoting health and preventing disease through organization of
community efforts.
Characteristics of community health nursing
1. It is a specialty field of nursing
2. Its practice combines public health with nursing
3. It is population focused.
4. It emphasizes on wellness and other than disease or illness
5. It involves inter-disciplinary collaboration
6. It promotes client’s responsibility and self-care
Roles of community health nurse:
7. Advocator
8. Clinician
9. Educator
Primary health care defined as Essential health care based
on practical, scientifically sound and socially acceptable
methods and technology made universally accessible to
individuals and families in the community through their full
participation and at a cost that community and country can
afford to maintain at every stage of their development in the
spirit of self-reliance and self– determination
Essential health care provided through PHC is basic
Functions of primary health care
1. Education concerning prevailing health problems and the
methods of preventing and controlling them
2. Promotion of food supply and proper nutrition
3. An adequate supply of safe water and basic sanitation
4. Maternal and child health, including family planning
5. Immunization against major infectious diseases\
6. Prevention and control of locally endemic diseases
6. Appropriate treatment of common diseases and injuries
8. Provision of essential drugs
Epidemiology is a science concerned with the
distribution and determinants of health and
diseases, morbidity, injuries, disability, and
mortality in populations
An epidemic: refers to a disease occurrence
that clearly exceeds the normal or expected
frequency in a community or region e.g.
epidemics of cholera
Pandemic: it is an epidemic of infectious disease
that has spread through human populations
across a large region; for instance multiple
continents, or even worldwide e.g. HIV, Swine
Endemic: it is the continuing presence of a
disease or infectious agent in a given geographic
area e.g. Hepatitis B in Egypt.
Triangle of Epidemiology consist of :
1. Host 2. Environment 3. Agent
13. Haemophilus influenza type “b” causes all of the following infection
a. Epiglottitis b. Pneumonia c. Meningitis d. Gastroenteritis
14. Which of the following statements is true about poliomyelitis?
a. There are more than 5 types of polio virus
b. Is usually transmitted by vector
c. Causes destruction of the anterior horn cells of the spinal cord and the
brain stem.
d. There are many available drug therapies for the treatment of
20. Home visit has 4 stages, the nurse should perform all of following
in the pre-visit phase except:
a. Initiate contact with family and introduce yourself.
b. Determine when a visit would be convenient for the family and the
c. Plan with the family for the next visit.
d. Prepare all supplies needed for visit
21. All of the followings are indicators for MCH services except:
a. Infant mortality rate b. Crude death rate
c. Maternal mortality rate d. Peri-natal mortality rate